That wasn't the original title though from a couple of hours ago, I screen shot it so I'd have to look it up, it was recently changed after someone said lsc in a torch forum after this was posted.
ugg, I have to stop checking this evrytime I come in here. LOL
Okay this thread was originally labeled "how to piss off torch bearers".
Fellow Torchers, keep getting evidence day by day, do take screenshots and save files etc. so the evidence is overwhelming in our favor. Let the boy keep up his rants, it's going to catch up with him pretty soon. The only one I see as miserable, is the one sick mind of a warped spoiled boy, locked up in a gay grownup man, that has no friends, normal life, nor form of job/income.
Yes, Sheila, Administrators do have the duty and the right to change thread titles if they have vulgarity in the title (see TOS). I changed it to a more appropriate, truer theme. Administrators cannot change what's in a thread, just delete it, FYI.