Speaking to the younger generation can be baffling and well, baffling. These kids have no sense of reality. It is like they live in a great fog of un-reality. so, to one of these whipper snappers, and any others who think they have the right to tell ME. I say:
This is in response to a conversation I had with a 21 y.o. college drop out who thinks he doesn't need money to survive. Thinks he can talk to animals; thinks he is a "scientist"; Thinks he can learn all that is needed on the internet; thinks that money is evil-- as are corporations; Thinks that in 2012 when the world falls apart that he will be able to 'talk' to people and that they will listen to him; he thinks that if people would just change[the way they think]...well everything would be great. thinks that if we do away with dollars and instead have a "credit"(like tokens or points) system everything will be fair for everyone. Thinks that people will work for nothing because they want to--- without getting paid like we do now but getting credits. Thinks that everyone who wants anything will be able to just 'have' it because they exist. Thinks that social security will be gone, yet believes that saving is unnecessary because inflation will destroy the money to nothing anyway. Thinks that if all the world had one currency, things would be fair. Thinks that Americans are horrible brutes and that India and the Chinese are some eclectic do-gooders(I feel like giving this kid a year lease in the slums of Mumbai or Beijing and a plane ticket).This baffling line of thought goes farther into absurdity than I can explain here.
So in response to a conversation about banks, GM, the gov't bailouts, corporations, and a few other things.
The you here is not only him, but anyone who thinks they can control people, places or things those who think that their way is the *only* or *right* way.
So, here goes....
Who are you to tell me:
....how much I can get paid at my job?
If I go to school(or not), If I work for years(or not) and I find an employer who will give me millions in wages, and bonuses, who are *you*---persons of the world--- to tell me I can't get paid what someone is willing to pay me. Who are you to decide that the money should be 'redistributed' so that everyone is equal.
If I start my own business who are you to tell me how much I can earn and how much I have to give away to the people who won't work.
If I want to alter my mind who are you to tell me I can't.
If I want to abuse my body who are you to tell me I can't.
If I want to be a lesbian who are you to tell me its wrong, or to make a law that I can't marry who I love.
If I want to be a polygamist[with consenting adults-not LDS cult oppression) who are you to tell me we can't.
If I want to be a Christian, Jew, Atheist, Muslim, Humanist, Scientologist, Pagan etc and choose my own god(s) or none who are you to tell me I am wrong.
If I want to do what I want (as long as it doesn't infringe on anothers ability or rights to do what they want and to be free from harm, persecution or oppression), who are you to tell me I can't.
It seems to me that with NAFTA we've lost our right to produce, . With the "PATRIOT" act we've lost our right to exist free from fear of our government.
If these nuts who want the world to 'fair' for everyone take over, why should I work hard to live at the standard of my choosing.
In generations past many things were bad, and many people suffered(look what happened to pregnant girls pre-1970'). But at least people had a sense that if they put their mind to it they could become anyone or anything they chose. Now days many of these kids think that *my* or *your* work should support those with no ambition to work for their own nest egg, there own keep, their own value; they think it should be handed to everyone from the few. But, ya know what, the few that make it to the top deserve to keep the fruits of their labor. Without a lower class and upper class their would be no reason to work for anything. Why should the farmer farm if only to have his products taken from him and handed to those unwilling to earn their keep.