On April 30, 2013, the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) finally acknowledged the lawsuit that a group of citizens had filed against the Lake Winds Energy Park creators, Consumer's Energy in an article describing the lawsuit on its front page.  This is over three weeks since Mlive came out with the full suit's details and the Ludington Torch came out with the suit itself and some analysis in going- against-the-wind-mason-co-neighbors-vs-consumer-s-energy


Ironically, the COLDNews also included an insert touting some positive community effects of the wind farm with the usual suspects of economic development saying why it's such a benefit to our community.  But it also included a letter from a reader, who is one of the best spokesmen for the effect of these 57 giant wind turbines in our midst, Aldon Maleckas. 


You may recognize his name from running for County Commissioner last fall, losing in a three way race to terminal-incumbent Tom Posma.  Aldon, unlike the neighbors of the wind turbines filing suit, is out of the effects of this wind farm, so he is not looking out for his own interests in his opposition to the wind turbines, other than not wanting them to spread into his own area near Custer.  Instead, he sees wind energy as inefficient, harmful to people's health, and an economic disaster-- and relies on research, data, and reports from other communities that host similar wind 'farms'.  He has tried to infiltrate the County Government otherwise by volunteering for the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals, but the Commissioners are deadset against having someone so mentally competent in those agencies.  Here is his latest effort posted in the COLDNews



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Well written letter by Mr. Maleckas. When the McBain turbines were being implemented I went over and took some photos. I spent about 4 hrs. amongst the towering monoliths and I experienced an odd sensation. On driving home I felt as though I had just traveled for 4 hrs. on a freeway. Because of the constant spinning of the numerous blades I had that hurried and  rushed feeling coupled with anxiety. It felt like I had just driven around on Detroit's freeways for 4 hrs. I thought I was imagining it but the more I read about other peoples reactions to the turbines the more I realized there must be something to it. My heart goes out to all the people who got bent over and driven into the ground by Consumers and the Mason County Board of Commissioners and the greeny's in our State and Federal Governments.


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