Well, today kicked off the start of a 3 day forum for the local candidates to debate and bring their ideas to Ludington taxpayers/voters. Today was Les Johnson vs. John Curtis. Les Johnson deferred the debate and gave excuses he had other commitments. Les, you own your own business, AJ's party port, you can't say you can't get off work for 30 minutes to win election to the city council? John on the other hand did show up. Albeit in a clown suit, to celebrate Halloween, and was a balloon artist to boot. John did mention the bad idea of the North James St. closure, tightening the spending sprees we are still on currently, and bringing more new ideas and local ideas into the council for consideration. I think John could have also brought into focus the fact Les wants more tourist related expenditures, cancelling of lifeguards permanently, charging to park at Stearn Park to pay for a ranger in a golf cart, opening a waterfront walkway across private property owners lands w/o their permission, issuing letters of trespass against locals trying to investigate contracts at the DDA and city hall, just to name a few. And these important points John, should be addressed more seriously in the coming days to let the public know where Les stands on important local issues of the recent past and future. Tuesday's debate is Tykoski vs. Schnitker, and Wednesday's is Holman vs. Rotta, should be even more interesting, if ALL the candidates show up and mix it up. To me at least, the concentration of the newbies running should be to debate on the obvious weaknesses of the incumbents, and there certainly is enough to go around on those matters. I would even add to that, the current policy of being able to run for office and stay there for up to 12 years, well, that's not in line with prudent public service nor having new blood circulate in the government was designed for. Sounds more like a dictatorship overall, esp. when incumbents run unopposed, as we have seen time after time with the current council members. I would change that policy to have 2 term limits, that being 2-3 years too instead of the current 4 year term. That would help ensure against fixed agendas and fixed voting in the future years ahead. Ludington is going backwards imho, not forwards. And the locals are getting the crap end of the stick on prioritized spending, while the tourist related priorities remain constant for improvements and high end projects that don't warrant the high dollars being spent.

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I like the fact that John "Krusty" Curtis could blend in a costume for the holiday that is really quite appropriate for the occasion.  I have referred to the City Council as a bunch of clowns at least a couple of times before, and yet I think Mr. Curtis would be the furthest thing from a clown if he makes the cut.   He does have some ideas, and I see potential coalitions if we both make that cut.

Much of the stuff that Les "is mor" Johnson brings to the table sounds like some bizarro European clown troupe's antics-- including that walkway you mention.    Les Johnson is an illegitimately picked successor to CC Scott, and his absence here should throw a little more 'light' on how awkward his actual ideas are when exposed to the light of reasoned discussion.  Something he won't have to worry about back in the nurturing environment of the current City Council.

Looks like they said Les is making a statement at MOM Thursday 9am now, this way he doesn't have to defend his ideas against his opponent sitting next to him. Today Schnitker pretty much agreed to agree with Tykoski on ideas and that's not in her favor imho. She should have investigated the opponent and made more traction on her views for helping the locals. Since she is am implant, from Oakland County, and lived all over the place the last few decades, NYC, CHI, SF, PA, doesn't really bode her well in the minds of locals that need their voices heard. We already have too many implants as it is now, that don't know the background or history of this area. So, time will tell, too bad though, I see a better candidate than Tye that didn't come thru as she wants more tourist oriented projects too.
I'll have to see whether I can come back again on Thursday, so that Les can have someone from the Third Ward ask him some poignant questions, and debate with him.  That is, if there's anything still standing after tomorrow's blockbuster debate, LOL. 
If I were running against Tykoski , I would certainly bring up the fact that his overpaid DDA dept. head girlfriend gave him a lucrative City sign contract that appears to have been bid free.........
Tye needs to be put on the SPOT with those facts Snide, his girly fiance at the DDA has made him a wealthier 29 year old than probably anyone his age in town right now, and it's going to get a lot worse if he's elected in the future. 18 KT. Gold signage is really a luxury this town shouldn't condone nor approve, if the public knew I would suppose they would also be outraged, but they mostly don't know. Bidding contract after contract with no competitive bids over $10K is absolutely against our own city ordinances. But, as X illustrated, three of them came in at the exact same amounts of roughly $9,500, just barely making them possibly legal, but totally unethical and immoral for sure.
I think X did a good job today in the debate, illustrating and exposing alot of wrongs that his opponent would rather be aloof to and deny exists. Phony hollow excuses don't convince me, nor should it YOU! I saw no substance to her statements, just more fluff and arrogance that betrays the publics' trust. I guess if you can continue to deny the truth and lie enough about your own accomplishments, you get to win the election? If TRUE next TUESDAY, then we know why the public is apathetic and brainwashed.....sadly.....and even more sad for Ludington's locals. X, before you toss that newsprint of the LDN, I would seriously save that article, or editorial, your attorney knows the definition of "character assassination" I would assume, and hopefully act on that too now, shameful rag we have here nowadays.

I do respect the freedom of the press, but the newspaper's reportage last November, this March, four straight days recently, and now this have shown a consistent pattern of baseless attacks on my character and motives.  It may make the City Hallers smile at each insinuation, but the LDN's already unstable foundation of journalistic integrity and credibility suffers every day they print such stuff. 

Methinks MR. Jackson is either on drugs, absent of mind and body, or just stupid for letting this injustice to happen, and be published for the public to witness. But, as Evans and Benoche have said to me in the recent past, Mr. Jackson is just a figurehead in the business nowadays, staying in Florida most of 9 months a year, letting the KIDS run the business as they see fit, sad, and really inept. Anytime a so-called respectable news source breaches it's responsibilities to report accurately and without bias, is corruption in the constitutional requirements it has to the public, for a free and neutral press, and must be addressed, and dealt with in a manner that is prudent, fair, and most of all, just plain constitutionally correct. Heads or bodies may have to roll before this travesty is over. And for certain, there is definitely a bias and covert mentality to it all, suspect from the root of city hall, where the evil must be exterminated.
I listened today and DID NOT hear any reply by Les Johnson, did a NO SHOW AGAIN?  Guess he's also too aloof and above it all nowadays? Or a "shoe-in" type appointee?

Once again showing that he is a perfect fit for the current city council?!

Most employers would be less than understanding if the new employee didn't show for the first two days.  He was probably too busy feeding the cats.


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