I was out riding my bicycle on this nice October day by the residence of a lady I know.  She is beautiful, yet simple; she is the ward of a guardian, whose decisions are made for her.  She was adopted long ago with strict rules given by the parents as to how she was to be taken care of.  Recently, her guardianship has changed and the rules were mostly forgotten.


I noticed a truck that belonged to a friend of the new guardian.  Concealed by some nearby foliage, I seen him taking advantage of her.  Before I could do anything, I saw two more of the guardian's friends drive their vehicles up to her place, and they got out and joined in the assault.  I wanted to call 911, but knew the guardian was a co-worker and a very good friend of the local police chief, who would allow this to continue.  I sneaked off, disgusted, and went home to get my camera, so as to chronicle the nasty development to help her in the future.


When I got back, the vehicles had left and this poor lady was hurting.  She had multiple cuts all over her body, and they had even spray painted her all over. It looked painful and I took pictures of the hurt they had inflicted on her.  Before I could even think of doing more, they came back and brought some more friends with them.  The anguish I felt with not being to help this lady was great, but I went away while they came back at her.  Once again they assaulted her, cutting her up, damaging her beyond immediate repair.  I took more pictures of the carnage, but they paid little attention to me-- they knew I couldn't help her out, and they had weapons.


They continued this for the rest of the afternoon, cleaned up a little bit afterwards, and left.  I consoled her afterwards, but knew there was little I could do to help her before they would come back again and do worse to her.  Tomorrow the raping will continue.


Pre:  100_1081.JPG   100_1084.JPG   100_1087.JPG


During:  100_1091.JPG   100_1097.JPG   100_1100.JPG


Post:  100_1107.JPG   100_1108.JPG   100_1109.JPG

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If you haven't figured it out yet, the lady in question is Cartier Park, the guardian is the City Manager, his friends are a work crew of the Ludington DPW and the rape I witnessed was the beginning of forest clearing in an acre of Cartier Park in preparation of the second Ludington Dog Park.

I have nothing against dogs or having facilities for them to caper about at. What I do have problems with is giving away public parkland illegally, and overlooking unethical behavior by public officials in such transactions (see or re-read Hot Dogs, Sloppy Joes, and One Sweet Pickle in the forums).

This public land is protected by the Ludington Charter, and past agreements between the Cartier family and the city. For such a change in the park usage, there must be a vote on by the electors of the city of Ludington, and not just the city council of the City. The people are the one and only true guardians of Cartier Park, and their consent was never given for this in any election, even though it could have been presented to them last fall.

With all apologies to those who have actually been raped or know someone that has, this was a rape, pure and simple. No proper consent was given, and this pristine acre has been, and will be assaulted and ruined as a place to escape the urbanity and inanity of the city.

God's creatures or not, I hate pit bulls.
I don't have any pit bulls. But since you mention it have you had some personal experience with the American Pit Bull Terrier that leads you to feel this way?
Well, first I should ask if the dogs in the photo are yours. I don't mean to offend you if they are; they just look like pits and pit mixes to me, especially the one on the right. There are so many instances downstate of pits attacking innocent babes and adults that I wonder why people choose to have these dogs, aside from those who own them to participate in illegal dog fighting. I see more and more of them around lately outside of the inner city, and that scares me. I walk outdoors a lot and I'm not a big person, so if I ever encountered one, I'd be a goner. People who own them will try to convince otherwise, but the breed is unpredictable. My personal experience with dog ownership has been limited to a collie and two shelties.
You really got my attention, X. This city manager has got to go. You say second dog park? Where is the first one, and why does a town as small as Ludington need two?
There isn't a first one. There is a crummy little area of the beach on the harbor side of the breakwall downtown where dogs are allowed.

I do agree with X about the way the parks management was handled.

I personally would never take my dogs to a dog park due to the fact that most of the people you find are to busy chatting and have untrained animals who don't listen. Also a person can't know what vaccinations or diseases the strange dogs may have. It is only setting my dogs up for illness by putting them into that sort of situation.
I feel the same way.
A recurring pattern in my threads has been the almost complete lack of ethics and accountability of the current City Manager and Police Chief over the last few years. I am not making this stuff up, just following the leads, and the misuses of their offices and everyone's money. It had started before I was even involved.

This is the existing dog park (a dog beach); no fences and a chance to go out in the lake for Fido. Yet, I've been out there over 20 times this summer and only seen it being used once. I've seen a lot of dogs being walked on leashes nearby, but not allowed to run free here. Perhaps, they don't want to transport a wet dog in their vehicle. Whatever the reason, a couple of loud voices raised by influential citizens got this park instituted, but are they ever there. Never seen them.

I will guess that the reason you don't see many people there is because it is a dangerous spot. It doesn't have enough space for a game of fetch, a dog couldn't even get a good run going in that little area. It would only take seconds for a dog to get drug out into the harbor by the rip tides and undertow and to get hit by a boat. There are to many distractions for it to be a pleasant experience. so it is not safe for swimming for dogs. It is too close to the streets and traffic for people to feel safe even with the best trained in obedience dog. All it would take is two seconds if a dog took off after a seagull and it could be in the middle of a high traffic intersection [one so high in traffic that Barnett feels they need another stop sign there;) ].

Knowing that area as I do I don't want to go there mysself let alone take my dog there. Even if it had a fence around it I think myself and other dog owners get a scary feeling from that area.
Good points, all. But is there any better place for a dog beach in the city of Ludington, which would have significantly less dangers?
You are changing the topic. A dog BEACh and a dog PARK are two very different things. Although one can have the other and vice versa.

dog parks http://www.dogparkusa.com/michigan

This one looks pretty cool, if it was somewhere like MI where we have grass unlike AZ http://www.cityofprescott.net/services/parks/parks/index.php?id=13&...

We have a great dog beach at *secret place* so to many don't ruin it. hehe


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