Why was a public record recently deleted from this site?

Should certain public records be allowed to be hidden from public view and deliberately withheld from public discussion?  A well known judge recently professed on public television that most criminal convictions are public information except to protect certain innocent victims and minors.  But what about the guilty?  What GOOD is the Freedom of Information Act when certain individuals are allowed to HIDE their own illegal activity

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I agree with you that anything can be deleted at any time depending upon the mood swings of those with admin priveleges. It is a privately held forum open to the public just like a grocery store is open to the public. There is a tremendous amount of hateful animosity here over the simple posting of a governmental link. I see no laws or rules broken by posting a link to an Illinois State governmental agency. Come on right out and admit that it is a link that for personal reasons known only to the admin, he does not want to see that link posted on this forum.

Can somebody please explain what rule was violated by posting a link to a government entity?

I submit that NO rule was broken.
Go back to elementary school, behave so you don't get thrown out, learn to read, and then check out the Terms of Service in the bottom right corner. Or read what I wrote when I deleted your post, in your stint as Public Wreck. Then, Get a Life.
If there was or was not , a one time rare and not necessarily intentional, violation of TOS is not even a point here Flamed ..you can choose to stay or go jen left.. you can too. We really do not care. WE here are not stalkers.. while we solicit good input and discordance we don't except personal attacks or attacks on the site in general as an acceptable condition.
TOS are just that, terms, guidelines and general operating concepts. I still do not see where any were broken but if so what is your point? Go where you feel at home and leave those who chose to be here alone. AS I was told three times in one hour on another infamous site.. You have been warned.
There is no (legality) involved in a simple terms of service document either by the way. Unless someone who violates that is also breaking some state or federal law like stalking etc... as one on here seems close to crossing.

On your other point of giving up an anonymous persons identity. I would argue there is no such thing as true anniminity online everything you say and do up here can be tracked by a simple google search usually in seconds. Whether what google comes up with is right or wrong is covered under freedom of expression and or freedom of information laws. IE if you don't want to be pinged don't leave your fly open.
No one on your side of this discussion was worried about giving up my true name and identity on Ludington talks and thus I can say for certain no one will worry about your discourse here.


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