For any of you small business, art fair vendors, etc...who want to take credit cards this is a great program. Of the 548 reviews on itunes store the app had 4 of five stars. i never expect anything to make 100% of people happy so 4/5 is a good score to me as there will always be someone who doesn't like a thing.
Anyway, once you sign on with this you can use it once a year for all they care. And the only thing you pay is what I listed above.
I have been getting asked about 2-4 times a month if we take cards. Well, I researched card processors and they all want about $40 a months whether you run a card or not. I would not make enough to cover the processors monthly minimums to not have to pay a mandatory monthly fee as even if I did accept them I would try to discourage people from using them. I would rather have a check.
This app runs on any smart phone and ipod touch. I don't have a smart phone, I do have an ipod touch, so will take cards on that. The website is
AQ, you should check this out, it might come in handy for you too.
i help run a small business and this may be the way to go since i have lost some sales due to not taking credit cards. have to run the numbers i do before seeing whether this may be doable. can you use something other than a smart phone or itouch myself pod.
Smartphone, Iphone, or ipod touch(2nd gen and up).
Since I have no iphone or smartphone of the crackberry, windows or droid format I will be using this on the ipod touch.
I already downloaded the app, signed up on the square website and am waiting for my card reader to be sent. Even if you don't have an ipod touch it is still cheaper to buy the least expensive touch than it is pay for a regular processor for a year.
You would need to have wireless internet to use the touch( maybe you can do it pludded in to the PC but I have never tried to use the internet that way with the touch. instead of the plain non wireless router. But I have a wireless capable router (always have, can't see why not to really)anyway so no upgrade their for me.
You can read all of the reviews for it when you go to download it from the itunes app store.
BTW, the touch is so easy compared to my old windows smartphone, I wish I wasn't so cheap or I'd get an