I for one, am old enough to remember this on the radio. How about you?

Paul Harvey in 1965: ‘If I were the devil’; and liberals made it happen

By Herman Cain 

In 1965, Paul Harvey did a broadcast titled, “If I Were the Devil.” In this amazing broadcast, he spelled out what he would do if he were the devil and his goal was to bring down the United States of America. When you go back and listen to this broadcast, then consider what’s happened in the 49 years since, it’s astonishing. Here are a few examples:

  • I’d have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors in the schools. The prisons would be overflowing.
  • I’d take from those who have and give to those who want it until I’d killed the incentive of the ambitious.
  • I’d get whole states to promote gambling as a way to get rich.
  • I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashion, the swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
  • I’d have people pray, “Our father who art in Washington.”

Of course, all of this is happening. You might argue the last one hasn’t, but you’d be wrong, because the whole point of it is that people come to view the federal government as their de facto god - the source from which they seek to get all things and invest all power. That is exactly what the political left does in this country today.

From battles over displaying the Ten Commandments to the explosion in out-of-wedlock births to cities and states becoming dependent on casino revenues to survive (how is that working out, Detroit?), America has followed this blueprint to the letter.

We have killed every traditional notion of right and wrong because we don’t want to offend people who are doing wrong. They vote, after all! You can’t insist on what’s right when political power hangs in the balance! Government is our god. And we have killed the sense of self-reliance by putting everything from basic subsistence to retirement to health care in the hands of the federal government.

Producers have less incentive to produce because their rewards will be taken from them. Now workers have less incentive to work, and liberals claim this is a good thing!

Mr. Harvey saw exactly what was coming and tried to warn us. Apparently the devil felt no need to alter his strategy once Mr. Harvey exposed it, since I guess he realized much of American society would obliviously leave the warnings unheeded.

This does not mean the fight is over. I am certainly not done fighting. The future of my grandchildren is at stake. But if we don’t want to lose any more generations, we have to stop being so oblivious to what’s going on around us. We were warned 49 years ago, after all. How much more are we going to take before we start listening?

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If I knew how, I'd find that radio episode and post it. Any help?

This upload system is getting to me now, tried 6 times to post, hope it sticks now. Cheers easy.

Thanks Aqua, wonder how many will relate to the times as they are now. Never knowing some one saw this coming 49 years ago.

Paul Harvey was a fabulous orator, and a very wise man.

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel by George Orwell published in --->1949.<--- 

A ton of people saw this coming, BEFORE Harvey.  Everyone that posts here could do a new version of this.  Take the things that you see that you don't like, throw in a little religion and viola.

Here I will blow your mind. Eventually the entire earth will be ruled by 1 government.  With technology it is impossible for this not to happen.  Just don't forget to call me a prophet when it happens for predicting what is already written.  For you religious type, the earth will be ruled by 1 government, which is controlled by the devil.

We also read that novel long ago BBB, as students, and you're right, it's happening right now as we speak. Thanks for the dovetail.


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