If you traveled down Ludington Avenue yesterday and thought you saw an outdoor clinic for Trump Derangement Syndrome being held in front of the courthouse, you would be wrong. 

This was actually a planned protest that will take place (at least) on Wednesdays throughout the rest of March.  Organized by the Mason County Michigan Democrats (MCMD) this demonstration ditched their donkey for a camel and called their effort "Mad as Hell Hump Day Rallies":

This reporter enjoys a good protest so much that I have participated in several over the last couple of decades.  When Logik Roberts organized one to protest our magistrate's fatal mistake back in 2021, I was out there with him.  When our local and state officials shut down our town for the Plandemic back in 2020, I was out patrolling around town in a box saying that "Every business is essential... except government."  Back in 2011, I marched out and around city hall protesting my illegal banishment from that facility.  When injustice is unchecked, when truth is ignored, I will grab a sign and some markers and be out and about rallying for the cause, even if I'm the only one in my charge.

The cause behind this protest was not clear cut to me, it seemed like it would be more like a political venting against "lies and chaos" that were not evident to most apolitical observers.  This self-proclaimed 'anger rally' was of interest to the Ludington Torch since it's the one of the few times when one can view 'progressives' showing their actual character.  It should be noted that this was a peaceful protest without any conflicts with the courthouse or counter protesters and that as far as we know, nobody was injured, and traffic flow was left unhindered.  Let's hope this continues for the rest of the month and beyond.

With the Trump Administration coming to the close of their second month, we were interested in what the protesters had to say and whether their points were well thought out and truthful.  What we found was a lot of political messages that align with the Democrat Party in 2025 and those messages weren't deeply planted in the soil of truth.  Let's take a look at the signs written for those who pass by the courthouse on Ludington Avenue.

One of the targets were billionaires and at first glance this makes sense, as Trump and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) Chairman Elon Musk fit that group, and Trump has been painted by Democrats and their allies as favoring them more than average folks in taxation policies and otherwise.  The painting has been less than fair to Trump, for how can you explain that of 135 billionaires that expressed a preference in the last election, 83 were for Harris and only 52 were for Trump.  Why did 61.5% of billionaires, looking out for their interests, favor the vapid Democrat candidate over Trump, when less than 50% of the rest of the voters did? 

Then we had this trio and others bearing the overall message that Trump is going to do incredibly bad things to social security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Here's a fact check from the White House from the day before this protest.  "The Trump Administration will not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits. President Trump himself has said it (over and over and over again)".  This lie was said over and over and over again by Democrats of all ilks during the 2024 campaign without a shred of a foundation from Trump or any evidence of such effort in his first term.  

These two fellows support Ukraine and apparently democracy, so why ain't they up in arms about Vladimir Zelensky bypassing elections one year ago and looking more like a dictator than a democratic ideal?   These two presumably have enough money for a plane trip and military supplies, so why don't they go over to help the Ukrainian cause? 

Trump's intentions all along have been to support Ukraine and restore democracy in that nation by bringing equitable peace talks between them and Russia.  In over three years of war, the Biden Administration always bought into escalation, never peace, leading to at least $175 billion of US investment into Ukraine's defense, much of it still unaccounted for.  Sadly, congressional democrats at the SOTU address would not clap for a 13-year-old cancer survivor getting his dream job, but they would for a continuation of this war for five more years.  Haven't they told us all along that this was the party of peace? 

The one guy above seems to have asked a Trump supporter about how to spell the word "veterans", but according to the new VA Secretary Doug Collins, reforms being made are strengthening VA services for veterans, with no benefits being cut; to the contrary, there has been an extra $98 million redirected towards veteran care and services.  It is happening here.  In our efforts to find a sign with a valid political message, we finally found one that fit the bill:

Congress for too long has been derelict in doing their jobs in crafting actual budgets rather than continuing resolutions (aka CRs).  Their job could be said to reflect the mandate given to President Trump and them at the last election, where voters bucked the corporate media, Hollywood, and pundits and elected somebody who explicitly told us what he was planning to do-- and has come through admirably in his first two months.  Congressional democrats have not been helpful at all in accomplishing these objectives, 165 representatives and 35 senators, all Democrats, voted against the commonsense Laken-Riley Act, the only law passed so far in this legislative term.  The Schumer shutdown of the federal government is looking more likely to happen due to little more than intransigence rather than reason.

There was one sign out of the bunch that went beyond the political message of the troupe's tropes:  

Donald Trump, love him or hate him, has made himself a target of the deep state, corporate interests, foreign nationals, and many others so that he has been targeted with assassination attempts at least twice, not including the armed man shot just outside the White House grounds this last weekend.  Using the words:  "I am angry, 8647, FDT" (translation:  "I am angry, kill President Trump, F&%k Donald Trump" has a very real, threatening connotation that is not just silly political shilling, as the other signs looked at were.

Mason County Democrats, calling for another assassination attempt on the president is not a good look for your "Mad as Hell" campaign, which was otherwise just a silly protest without any good cause other than show the people passing by in their vehicles just who are the most deranged people in this county.  You may wish to do some vetting of your signs in the future if you want to better market your messages and appear more rational to Independents, Republicans, and if they still exist, sane Democrats who follow the truth.

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Was Trump part of the “Plandemic” as you call it? Or did he fail to stop the devious plans? If he was in competently in charge how did this happen? I get confused with the logic and explanations sometimes so just trying to make it make sense.

COVID was real enough, and nowadays popular consensus was that it was a gain-of-function virus from the Wuhan lab.  But back in 2020, Trump's belief in federalism naturally led him to allow states to devise their own response to COVID, belaying (once again) the overall idea by Democrats that Trump abused his presidential powers.  

The Plandemic I mention is what happened thereafter and rather than go into full detail about it and how the mechanisms of voting were affected, especially in purple/swing states, I invite you to review the LT's content around that time March 2020 to the end of the year.  Ever wonder why the various executive orders were always ignored when protests for social justice happened, but enforced when a church safely had services or a barber safely plied his trade or a restaurant violated arbitrary orders?    Ever wonder why proven treatments for COVID were suppressed, doctors were punished for sensibly practicing health care and infected people were thrown into nursing homes to up the numbers of deaths?  

The plandemic was to wrest power from Trump and his hands were basically tied up by so-called experts, and the aspects of mail-in ballots and Zuckerboxes allowed fraud to happen days after the election, and statistically, it's almost certain that it did happen in several purple states.

Excellent explanation, X,  both of the protest and Trump's part in the Covid debacle. These foolish Democrats just keep displaying how ignorant one group of people can be. If anybody wants to see the certified idiots of Mason County at a single point in time then Wednesdays is the time the Universe will reveal itself. It makes a body dizzy just trying to figure out the logic the Democrats come up with. The only sign  I agree with is the  Congress do your job sign. So with that I have couple of signs I want to display below.


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