In a few threads as of late, I express my major support of many types of power including solar, wind, natural gas, and especially nuclear energy when placed in a responsible manor. I am curious however of the feelings on other members of this forum. Michigan is one of hand full of states that produce more than 25% of its own needs through nuclear power. This is with only three functioning reactor sites in operation.
The State I currently reside in( PA) host 9 reactors at 4 separate locations and has the dubious distinction of have the site of Americas largest nuclear accident ( Three Mile Island) at TMI 1 and 2. Yet with this past PA is posed to build at least 4 more reactors in the next 5-10 years. PA also is a net exporter of power exporting 37% more than it uses.
The reason I point this out is the local population around my area is actually lobbying for an additional plant here with a third reactor to go with the current Susquehanna 1 and 2 reactors. In another thread I have been sparing back and forth with a member from another country one less favorable than ours to nuclear energy so I am curious just in our own little group.
1. Would you allow a nuclear plant to be built in the same farm acreage that is currently going to be used for wind turbines?
2 If not in your back yard.. can you think of any place in the U.S.A that we could place about 30 reactors ( the number which would completely replace all gas and coal plants in operation) in the continental U.S.?
3 if someone took leadership and explained to the U.S. citizens the gravity of the power situation and could produce a plan to use nuclear electricity to completely pull out of the needs for petroleum do you think a majority support could be reached in America?
Of coarse this is a small forum, and very regional in scope but I am curious as to how charged the issue would be even locally in West Michigan. Thank You
1. I would allow any other landowner to do as he pleases with his own land.
2. Mason County Michigan.
3. No.
Nuclear power concerns young people more than old people. The youth have always been concerned about the world they will inherit but they have no choice in what the old folks have done to contaminate it. Noboby knows how to effectively deal with radioactive waste for the long term. It is stupid to build something where you do not know how to dispose of highly lethal radioactive waste so that it cannot ever harm anyone even in a hundred or a thousand years. I can tell you do not care about the radioactive waste issue as much as other people. You only want cheap energy that you can afford and damn the future generations 300 years from now. And please do not come back and try to tell me you care about people 300 years from now because I can already see that you are not capable of looking ahead that far. Why don't you ask the teenagers of the United States what they think about the way you old folks have helped contaminate the earth? You should have been cleaning it up.
I provided links to my essay on nuclear. The second one refers to the fact much of the waste can be recycled. The technology for recycling spent nuc fuel is futher along than clean coal, which is a joke and would cost more to inject the CO2 as they want into under ground pockets... If you are against fracking for natural gas ( as I am) this should really piss you off more than a 6 football field area in the middle of the desert.
If you look up Yucca MTN they wanted a place large and safe enough, for not only America waste ( we already store our own on site). But to allow other countries with less secure storage to bring theirs here.
Quite frankly.. If we built 50 more plants out in no mans land ND or such. we could effectively shut down all of the other highly polluting gas and coal plants and set off to be serious about electric cars. They are getting viable just a little pricey yet.
That kind of "change we can believe in" would actually make a noticeable difference in the life of you and I as my lung's do not like all the smog we get from Chicago or Detriot's power plants.
Will there still be nuclear waste?? sure.. But not as much as the anti nuclear crew would have everyone to believe. The whole worlds waste is currently held on the individuals plants sites. If it is that small of an amount why are we even worried about it all in the 6 football fields of space it would take up.
Another thing. I think you can still drive up to big Rock point ( the shut down plant in Cheboygan area i think?? The environuts got the plant shut down.. But the fuel is still on site look at the size of that area and tell me we cant find a spot that size to put all the fuel we cant recycle? That is the space which would be needed somewhere in the world to hold all the waste the world will ever produce. Then you can have a serious discussion about electric cars trains etc... Things I really would like once they are something we could actually power. The electricity has to come from somewhere.
1. Yes, properly zoned, but only one.
2. In all areas, as evenly spaced as possible, to reduce the amount of power lost in transmission.
3. Yes, but a vocal minority might still prevent it.
I'd rather not be within 30 miles of a plant.
That in fact is the largest to problems you point out EVE !!!!
The same problem as you would have if you built all the solar and wind generators America could hold. You still have to get the power from point a to point b. And that takes a whole bunch of power lines we still need built in this country. This is the largest reasons many areas get brown outs in the summers now. You have to be able to move the power once you make it.
As for item 3. I live 4 miles from two reactors here. other than the occasional steam clouds I see in the distance the coal mines and plants down the road in the other direction are far more troubling to my health.
Thanks for the answers.
You know, I would rather live within a quarter mile of a nucular (sic) plant than being encircled by the same amount of wind turbines it would take to make the same amount of energy.
Why can't they make those twirling eyesores more charming by giving them that 'old world' look that we associate with Holland and Don Quixote?
LOL that's actually a great point Edie. Make them look less like industrial towers and more like old Holland.
It is not at all like solar or wind generation is anywhere near as efficient as the same KWH output from any other source... They may as well make them less ugly.
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I was wondering how old you were. I can now see that your quite young and inexperienced. You refer to "old folks" contaminating the World. Have you ridden in a motor vehicle lately? Turned on a light switch? Used a microwave or watched TV? Have ate any processed or packaged food lately? Ate at Mcdonalds or Burger King? Have you flushed a toilet recently or turned on the tap for a drink of water, used plastic containers? Have you ever sprayed any insects with insecticide? Guess what Heather, future generations will be commenting on how you contaminated their World.