Reverse Angle Parking Invading Southwest Michigan. Is Ludington Next?

Back in August of 2014 the City of Paw Paw, Michigan thought it would be a good idea to experiment with parking in the downtown area and together with MDOT installed reverse angle parking on the state highway going through that southwestern Michigan city.  Unfamiliar with this form of parking here is a diagrammatic representation of what is involved:

Looks simple, efficient and safe enough, except when you consider all those people that may be behind you that must stop and wait for you to go through the process.  The citizens of Paw Paw were introduced to reverse angle parking late last year, and already they wish to reverse the parking back to the way it was with a petition signed by 1000 Paw-Pawnians to do so.  The people's main complaints are that it only adds congestion and confusion, and a hearing on whether to do so after a March 11th meeting for public comment.

But progress is marching on elsewhere in Otsego, as their downtown is considering the switch over to reverse angle parking as part of a road diet that will switch their five lanes to three and introduce a lot of extra parking. 

The diagram below shows what Otsego might look at with the new system:

With Ludington leaders considering a variety of options including road diets and parking enhancements in the downtown, this style of parking may find its way to Ludington, since we have a state highway going right through it.  Be advised, by state law, forward angle parking is illegal on a state highway.  Do you think this is a good idea overall for Paw Paw, Otsego, Ludington or any other place? 

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The largest problem I see with this parking method, is the fact that especially on a busy thoroughfare. if the on coming traffic isn't scanning far enough ahead they are too close to the car trying to back up and causing a major slow down as the whole row may then have to back up enough to allow the car backing out to proceed. 


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