Ship of Fools
It continues to get more and more frustrating watching the run for the 2020 Democratic nomination. This current pool of candidates could be considered as a distinction without a difference. Which candidate is not in favor of “free college tuition”,” Medicare for all” and” taxing the rich”? It is a group of liberal Democrat’s seeing who can run the furthest left for the nomination. Look, if they want to join in this suicide circle, I’ll hand them the ammo. But, they are disenfranchising a large number of Democratic voters and handing the 2020 election to Donald Trump.

A Frustrated 50
If one is to believe survey and polls on the internet, fifty percent of Democratic voters consider themselves liberal. Seems a bit high, but let’s take their word for it. Every Democratic candidate running is vying for their piece of the liberal fifty percent. This leaves one half or fifty percent of the Democratic voters without a candidate.

Holding Their Nose
Maybe the current candidates are hoping these voters will hold their noses and vote Democratic. But, the issues that face any candidate in the 2020 election are very polarizing. There seems to be no middle ground. You are either for or against us, no compromise what so ever. Moderates may be turned off by abolishing I.C.E, no boarder security and free everything. Not every voter is in favor of the “Green New Deal”. Furthermore, a “never Trumper” will not vote for a liberal Democrat.

We Play To Win The Game
Running as a liberal candidate and winning seems to be a run up to the 2024 election. Not to mention keeping all your campaign funds and writing a book. If the Presidency is not the goal, no much too actually gain in the political sense. A onetime loser is not a good look on a resume. But, there is one candidate who can change the campaign battlefield if she would just get out of her own way.

The Pine Apple Express
Tulsi Gabbard, a once proclaimed “Democratic Rock Star” is on the outs with the liberal Democrats. Her views on foreign policy, her support for Bernie Sanders in 2016 and someone who appears to be putting self over party are just a few reasons. She has been taken to task by the mainstream media and rumored to be supported by Russia. This has not detoured Gabbard. She rebukes said rumors and sets the record straight on other issues. She expels effort to gain a foothold in the fight for her “fair share” of the liberal fifty percent. But, they do not want her and the media will see that this never happens. They will marginalize her every step of the way.

Zero to Hero
Gabbard should have seen the light at the recent Iowa caucus. Gabbard does not agree with the Green New Deal. A stand by some Iowa voters gave her a leg up on all of the other candidates. She could back off her Medicare for all and call for health insurance reform. Boarder security, she does not have to come out against the wall but be in favor of improved/enhanced security.

The Maverick
A change in platforms may bring the “flip flopper” label into play. But, no one in her party or the mainstream media gives her a chance anyway. They would just love to see Gabbard further play proof to the claim that she is in it for herself. She will be widely ignored while her popularity rises. Why should Gabbard spend all her time arguing with liberal Democrats that she is just like them when one half of the Democratic voters are looking for a candidate?

Being the Wingman
Gabbard can’t win by agreeing with the other candidates. She needs to stand with the moderates. She may further gain an advantage and win some political capitol with Democrats as well. The biggest threat to the Democrats is an independent candidate. Howard Schultz has made noise that he is interested in a run for the president. Rather than Schultz capturing the moderates, Gabbard would be there to pick up voters and canceling out an Independent candidate. For her to capture a majority of the voters, she must act now.

The Campaign Trail
So, let’s look at Gabbard as a moderate candidate. “As your candidate, I am for income tax reform, renewable energy, yes. A Green New Deal New, no. We must look to improve our health care system and make improvement where needs. As a military veteran, I fully understand foreign and domestic security and will seek opportunities to make improvements”. How does this candidate sound to you? How would this candidate sound to moderate Democrats? How would this candidate sound to “never Trumper’s”? It’s a scary thought.

Please Tulsi, shake things up and make it interesting.

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Anybody who is a Democrat fails the vomit test for me. How can anyone be a member of such an immoral and radical party. From what I have heard, the one person who could walk into the Democrat nomination and be welcomed with open arms and be difficult to defeat would be Mrs. Barrack Obama. All she would have to do is act as a moderate even though we all know she is as radical as they come. The job is hers for the taking.

I can't say I disagree with you.  The Obama's are currently in charge of the party. The decision as to who actually gets the nod will come from them. They control the purse strings.


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