Over 2000 years ago, Moses said to Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to

the Promised Land." When Welfare was introduced, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light

up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, the government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price

of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land to China! 


I thought this was sort of fitting. Anyone else see the logic?   :)

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Very fitting.  Here's a few recent signs regarding our current president that continues the joke motif:

It amazes me that some people just realized how much we owe China.

I see the point, and also read the article on Drudge

When 50% of the public is on gov't assitance of one kind or another, how in the H are those of us paying the bills stand a chance of changing the system. There are overwhelming programs of assistance of one kind or another that people have learned to abuse the system over time, AND, these people vote.

Make cuts anywhere you want, as long as it isn't't mine attitude

I was doing a mind game with myself of a campaign of running for president. It started with "I believe, I would cut etc..." only for me to conclude that the only way to win is to go for the majority vote, that majority vote being those on public assistance, there for changing the campaign to , i believe, I would increase spending...". That's a short description but I think the point is clear.
When scenarios like yours play out, Lando and easy, the end of our democratic republic will be nigh.  Such a trend will be hard to reverse without some major revolution of the system.

how about just a REVOLUTION?

Perfect example of these programs was in our local news paper last week. Electric assistance for those in need, due to extreme heat where I live.

A months electric paid or an air conditioner if you qualify. Qualifications are as such...

Being 200% over poverty level, meaning a family of  four, making 64500 a year qualifies.

I qualify as I am on SS, but refuse to take advantage of such bullshit, namely because I still have self pride and taught that you learn to take care of ones self. These types of programs are what is creating the mentality we have today

I see one comming easymoney.. I remember when I metioned something on the now defunct LT site about having to much self pride to take some of those programs I was jumped on in an evil way by Tuebor and a few others trying to (point out) I was dependent on the system because I was a retired Vet.

In my expirience the rules for most government aid now makes it an almost all or nothing proposition. It is almost as if they want folks to become dependent for built in voting cudos for the easier lifestyle provided.

The local newspaper here has over 100 jobs on most sundays and I am not talking min wage stuff either.. yet I see many many panhandlers or cash basis workers in this area. Sooner or latter those who are being threatened with getting less,or those of us who are tired of paying for them will revolt... Can you guess who might be the first to do this?

that can't be possible - maybe it was a typo
What are you saying was a typo Lisa?

Being 200% over poverty level, meaning a family of  four, making 64500 a year qualifies. The percentage 200 ???

$64,500 is nothing to sneeze at, I don't think they need assistance, it's ridiculous.




Your correct but the actual 200% poverty threshold still seems high to me. I think I was well below that most of my hard working life actually. The 200% for a family of 4 according to HHS would still be $ and I know they also make allowances for health issues in those numbers making it higher for special needs etc...44700

Are you still from Michigan Easy??


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