The moment of truth for recreational marijuana businesses in the city is coming up at the next Ludington City Council meeting (Monday, 10-28-19, 6:30 PM at city hall).  Roughly 5/9 of the state electorate voted to permit recreational marijuana (RM) use in the state and allow municipalities to opt out of allowing RM distributing businesses within their limits.   

The city council voted to opt-out shortly after the votes were counted last fall, in a unanimous decision which allowed the city to change its mind within 60 days of the state's published final set of rules regarding such businesses. 

Early this year, new Mayor Steve Miller fostered the creation of an ad hoc recreational marijuana committee, whose purpose was to study and research the effects and statistics behind the issue of permitting such businesses here.  They convened several times, looked at most aspects of the issue, and generated a report.  A well-attended meeting of the city council in September at the Ludington Area Center of the Arts allowed the public to weigh in either way.  Both sides were well represented and gave thoughtful, and sometimes even truthful, presentations.   

Monday's meeting has them considering two different resolutions that go two different ways.  The first is to continue to opt-out, acknowledging that they have followed up on their pledge to reevaluate the decision in the proper time period.

The second resolution is to signal the intention that the City will take necessary steps to make future rules and regulations necessary to opt in and establish a licensing authority.

Which of these ordinances do you think the city council will choose and why?  What would you advise your councilor to pick and why?

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That's a great point.  I will check into that.

At today's DDA meeting, Marketing Director Jen Tooman clarified that the 41 merchants that participate in the downtown trick or treating supply their own 1500 pieces of candy.


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