I recently asked the City of Wayland for the personnel records of Former Police Chief/Current Fire Deputy Chief Dan Miller. In the 260 files I received, including about ten evaluations from Wayland City Managers (and there have been a few in the last ten years); including numerous training certificates; including letters from other agencies commenting on the work performance of Dan Miller; I was struck by one thing. In all those pages there was not a negative complaint about Dan Miller.
For those who might think that Dan's brother, the Fire Chief, might have edited or not disclosed the WFD records, I would warn you that such action is a serious violation of state law. I invite anyone who has been on the WFD or in the know to dispute such claims to come forward.
Furthermore, the police personnel file on Dan Miller, which accounts for about 190 of the records, had no such fraternal help to filter out any bad records. In fact, if the City was considering keeping its course and retiring Dan Miller from the WPD, it may be well-advised to show me the dirtiest dirt on Miller. But this did not happen. In fact, they have left out any personnel record since 2008, which is odd, when you consider all the personnel decisions they have made within just the last year concerning Dan Miller.
But the City's FOIA Coordinator has given no reason for doing so, and the City's Attorney, Kurt McCamman, has not gotten back with me since a few correspondences on Wednesday concerning this apparent omission, and whether legal action would be required to make Wayland comply with the FOIA. One has to wonder why the City would delay the release of information past the statutory limit, and then give the public an incomplete data set. But then when you look through these pages, you have to wonder why they would fire such a devoted public servant who has served Wayland since the 1970s as a policeman and/or a fireman. I will cut the records down over 90% so as not to overstate the case, but you can get a full set if you send me a message.
Dan Miller- Respected by His Bosses
One thing about the performance evaluations made by the City Managers of the time, was the fact that Dan Miller almost always scored at the highest level each time. He was always ranked as above average. The one I will display here is the 2002 evaluation by CM Michael Jager, who would one year later, for reasons unstated, be calling for the Chief's resignation.
2002 Eval. p. 2 2002 Eval. p.3
The aftermath of that would lead to Jager's firing, and a shake-up at the City Council. With the incomplete data available, I believe that was probably best for the community at that time. This memorandum to the council from then interim CM Terry Hoffmeyer, the man who would fire Dan Miller again in 2012, vaguely describe the thought processes he used back then to heal the community, which the council approved. Dan Miller got his job back, but with some odd conditions:
Trying to figure out what happened in 2003 from his personnel file should have been easy, but there is no sign of any disciplinary action, no sign of any other problems. This is what was available, a separation agreement written by CM Jager in early July 2003: SA p.1 SA p.2
With a follow-up from Jager, after he had lost his job, still without any declaration of why Chief Miller should sign the agreement, or even a date: 2003 Jager Goes I sense that Jager tried to utilize the power he had over Miller because something Jager had done unethically/illegally had been caught by the Chief. Evaluations since that time show the same quality of work being performed by Dan Miller as before, continued.
Dan Miller- Respected by his Boss' Bosses
The City Council of Wayland has done up two resolutions to commemorate actions performed by Dan Miller, and the Mayor has given him his own commendation.
Back in 1977, then patrolman Dan Miller, was the subject of Wayland Resolution 77-5 for saving the life of a two year old. In 1986, the then-mayor praised the Chief for doing his job right 1986 Mayor Praise. In 1990, a resolution was passed for his efforts in investigating a suspicious death that led to an arrest 1990 Resolution.
Dan Miller- Praised by Other Agencies
Back in 1978, the Michigan State Police praised Patrolman Miller's work in resolving an issue involving a man with a gun who barricaded himself in and threatened harm to himself and others. While off-duty, he helped for hours in the efforts. In 1991, he once received special praise, and an award from the MSP 1991 Recognition. The Prosecuting Attorney for the county, one year later and on a different case, sent him glowing praise. Of course he received some praise from local schools for the extra time he devoted in bringing the police and fire trucks to local schools School Praise
Dan Miller praised by those whose lives he impacted
What makes Dan Miller a small town hero, however, is how he is viewed by those he really serves, the people of Wayland and their families. No doubt, some have grudges against him for doing his job, and for being someone who has such stature in the community. Dan Miller's best written praise comes from 1978, in a letter to Wayland Chief Ernst:
And the lack of any negative material in his personnel file, perhaps explains the following pictures that have recently been taken in Wayland around City Council meetings:
The City Council of Wayland is to meet this Monday. You will see a groundswell of support for Chief Dan Miller, and no great love for the elected officials who continue to ignore the will and drive of the people of the city of Wayland, as they remain effectively mum on the topic, while their new City Manager, taking after the interim City manager, does the dirty work they don't have the political will to do on their own.
Wayland City Council, show some backbone and explain/confess to the good people of Wayland why exactly Dan Miller is getting axed for forty years of exemplary service.
Dearest Cisco, did I mention yet why my son moved out of his mothers house,... I can add that if you, they wish. But isn't this in direct contradiction to, how do you say it, "Quit muddying the waters"
Dearest, it wasn't my advise, it was yours, sounds like your stalking me. And my boys 17, do you know what your 17 year old reads? (That was hypothetical by the way) So to answer the previos, no, i do not let him read anything I write. Or blog. I beleive what you are hyper-taking- out- of-context is the statement I made about my son saying " Lex had no Egress windows in her bedroom the over 2 years Dan Miller AKA XWPD "Me Thinks"/Deputy fire chief, Frequented their place,.. everyday.
The basement appears to have plenty of windows and followed the code; what's next, are you going to say your son told you that they only replaced the smoke detector's batteries once a year instead of twice?
Due to the childlike tantrums posted by little master Phil, I have stopped following this thread. XFLD...please let me know if there is anything worthwhile posted in this thread. Currently, it looks to me like a lawyer wanting fodder against Phil will have ammunition from Phils rants. No wonder there is a PPO against Phil.
Dearest Masonco, you must be refering to the date of the picture. With a current PPO, yes, if this was the house they live in now there would definately be a problem. Let me assure you it's not.... It's not a problem or their current house. It's their abandoned house thats up for forclosure.
This is a picture one of the egresses (if you dare call it that) from my daughters then bedroom while they lived there, which she inhabited the whole time Miller/Deputy firechief frequented their hose for at least two years prior to April 2011,only until I became aware of my daughters "sleeping arrangement"
Foddle me some more, Please. Or not. I'll decide, Just remember,they thought it wise to try and alienate my daughter from me.
If it were not the Ex police chief/deputy fire chief would it have even gone public?
Would I have had the chance to stake my claim in this situation? Of course not. Would anybody else have taken advantage of this situation to stake their claim? Maybe? Maybe not. It all has to do with where, timing, and if the opportunity arrises,..."Me thinks"
XWPD, I know its not a threat, it's your childish way of saying, it's a promise. Who ever you are today.
Will do, Masonco.
Phil, I will take you at your word that this house is abandoned and there was no legal issues for you taking this picture. But presuming this window is large enough, and you intimate that there are more such windows, where is the issue?
Having responded to a handful of involved basement fires myself, I can tell you they're not fun. You go into them blind, you generally don't know where the seat of the fire is, the basements are usually weird shaped and contain a variety of dangerous materials, and every minute the foundation of that house weakens.
But if there were at least four windows like this, there were no egress issues I know of, if the dimensions were right. And what exactly does "foddle" mean? I swear I need a special lexicon to get through your posts nowadays, Phil.
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