Back on the night of March 12th, I came very close to being shot by contracted killers hired by the City of Ludington (COL) to shoot deer in Cartier Park.  I entered the park at 5:45 PM that day, intent on spoiling bait piles and chasing out deer from the area before the cull was set to begin.  At multiple meetings, found in the minutes and recordings of those meetings, the public was told deer cullers would do their business in the middle of the night, and that the COL would make sure it was done safely.  They lied. 

I was lucky to have seen the culler's ATV in broad daylight through the trees before he saw me.  He would take 8-10 shots before I was able to clear the area, one which had me dive for cover.  I was fortunate enough to be 'rescued' from fatal harm by the Ludington Police Department, only to be treated not as a near-victim of gun violence by their hired killers, but as a common criminal guilty of being in a public park where guns are not allowed but gunfire was happening all around me.  I was given a letter of trespass that stated I could not set foot in Cartier Park for a month.

As concluded in my account of what happened that night:  "The letter of trespass says that I disturbed the peace, but the only peace that was disturbed that night was my own, by the city's contracted killers acting well before darkness, threatening my life by acting against what the city told us all.  I was enjoying a city park in broad daylight, entering the park through a location where there was no barriers or signs alerting me to any danger.  I then had my ID taken from me and was considered guilty of a crime and given punishment without any due process.  That punishment was to keep me out of a public park that my taxes are used to pay for maintenance, upkeep, and this year, bloody murder of cute animals and near murder of a lesser-cute me." 

In the six months since, I have railed against the COL's negligence in this forum and at meetings, carelessness that nearly cost me my life.  No apologies and no admissions that they could and should have done a better job of securing the area and minimizing the probability of a human casualty.  As noted, I saw another person in the middle of Cartier Park scant minutes before I saw their ATV.  The COL have been quiet-- until now.  I received this from the local district court this morning:

For those who don't believe that lawfare ( the use of legal systems to damage or delegitimize an opponent) has been used against Trump and many of his supporters, please understand that the state or the city can come after you if you stand in their way, just like they are trying to do here.  They are charging and trying to prosecute this citizen for two misdemeanors that do not seriously apply.

First off, they are charging me with operating a vehicle with a revoked or suspended license in the vicinity of Bryant Road.  The night of March 12th, my vehicle was nowhere close to Bryant, parked at my business, but beyond that I have never had my license suspended or revoked before or since.  Had the LPD (or the Mason County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) who made the report) checked in with the Secretary of State's office, they would have found this out, but alas, facts don't matter when you're making lawfare.  

Second, the letter of trespass for a public park issued by LPD's Captain Haveman was given without any form of due process and without any recognized authority for doing so.  The ACLU explains more in detail, but the whimsy of a police captain to draw up a "letter of trespass" on the spot for a public park and give it to a victim of the COL's negligence is a preposterous abuse of civil rights.

Incredibly, they have so much wrong on just one piece of paper.  The range in the dates this occurred are off, I was at the park the night of March 12th, walked the park on the next day, talked with Mitch Foster who said I could continue looking for indications that any deer died in Cartier Park that night (I found no sign of gore or deer-moving with a very thorough search the morning after, inconsistent with cullers who claim to have bagged around 20 in the 76 acres of Cartier Park that night).  The summons says the event(s) took place the week after, they sent it to an old address. 

Foster, city manager at the time, allowed me leeway to look around that morning after the cull, despite the illegitimate no-trespass order.  Although neither him nor Haveman have any authority to take away due process for a near-victim of their recklessness, it makes any sort of claim to a trespass the day after more specious.

I sent the MCSO a FOIA request today to receive a report on this particular incident, which will, of course, be one-sided since I was never contacted in any way by the MCSO, despite seeing the sheriff regularly at meetings, and talking with him twice for one hour each in regard to my public extortion complaint.  This topic, however, never came up.  This spiteful bit of lawfare indicates all cogs of our local justice system is more system than justice.

Speaking of which, should this arraignment be passed up to the circuit court, will Judge Susan Sniegowski properly recuse herself from the case since her husband, Tom, is one of the witnesses?  If her recent corrupt actions are any indication, she won't.

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Crazy wow! Now comes time for the real shoot out.  I hope you get an attorney that willl set the record straight as well as recompense you for ptsd and anything else relevant to being shot at when the city illegally allowed shooting in a public park, out of the timeframe they announced they would ... but did not properly rope off or Notice.  (Where was the Signage Lady ... lost opportunity there.  This is scary
... you are absolutely right about lawfare.

I am actually being arraigned at 9:30 AM on October 3rd, for a couple of bogus misdemeanors, while LPD Thief Jones and Attorney Ross Sewage got a pass for actions that fit every single one of the elements of public extortion.  These people have no shame or humility, but I have faith in stronger powers, while all of them swear oaths to the evil caprices of Mayor Mark "of-the-beast" Barnett. 

But the Lord is with me as a mighty, fearsome one; therefore, my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail. They shall be greatly ashamed, for they shall not prosper; their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten."  Jeremiah 20:11.

Coincidentally enough, 2011 was the year the COL first waged lawfare on me countersuing on a FOIA lawsuit and using their undisclosed (for half a year) connection with Judge Cooper (his son was a partner in the law firm) to commit a variety of professional misconduct actions against me and my co-plaintiff.  The Coopers, John Shay and Richard Wilson were greatly shamed by these and other actions, and their sins will be forever available to view on the Ludington Torch (or at least as long as I keep paying the platform's yearly charge).

So what's up with the suspended license charge? How could they even think of a charge like that if you walked to the park? I mean I don't know details here but this sure looks like buffoonery. And why wait so long to file charges? Is that even.proper procedure? Also wondering if Mitch Foster will testify honestly (that he gave you permission the next day?)

Here's what I suspect is the basis of that first charge.  Before he would take me out of the line of fire, Officer Noah "Ig" Noble ordered me to give him ID, I asked for a lawful reason to ID me at that point (being that my identity was already established when Terry Grams contacted him at the end of Rath Road) and when he wouldn't give me one, I detected from his bad training that he would likely escalate the situation.  I surrendered my license rather than be further assaulted that night and to remove us both from a dangerous area.

My records show that I renewed my driver's license on March 28th; I had no issue with the SOS folks in doing so, and as stated, never had my license revoked or suspended.  I can only guess that either Noble/Haveman lied in their own report, or their report to the MCSO about my license status, or that Newbie Noble thought that prior license had expired and erroneously thought expiration equated to revocation or suspension, when it clearly doesn't.  

Also, just wondering what "postings" and "barricades" were present when you entered Cartier Park on March 12 around 5:45 p.m.? Was the parking lot closed?

I can only report on what I seen earlier in the day when they were freshly placed.  They then had notices covering park entrances on Rath and the lot on the corner of Rath and Bryant, maybe a bicycle entrance on Bryant up the street.  The western entrances abutting the cemetery and campground were completely void of postings and barricades at 5:45 PM, when I went in, and afterwards that night according to two eyewitnesses I may employ in my defense at any future jury trial that Beth "Losing" Hand may call for.  No posting ever indicated that shooting would take place in the park, which both of us know is illegal, with the lone exception of a police officer in the course of his duties.  The signs also inferred that the city manager was exerting authority he never had.

I reread your link which had a picture of a sign ... a very lengthy and confusing sign, imo. Here are some exerpts: (confusing points to me emphasized by me in CAPITAL letters)

1. "... the city manager hereby establishes the following DIFFERENT closing hours for Cartier Park and its associated trails: ..." (What are DIFFERENT hours--no DIFFERENT hours are posted on that sign that I see).

2.  "... Beginning March 1, 2024 and through March 31, 2024, Cartier Park shall be subject to closure, WHEN posted, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. for the purpose of wildlife damage management ..." (If the western entrance where you entered wasn't posted AND barricaded, I see huge public endangerment liability issues on the part of Tom Sniegowski, DPW manager, and the City of Ludington). Further, someone should have been responsible to do an all clear-check (of people who may have entered the park at 5:45 p.m. or before 6 p.m., even if the Park was completely barricaded).

Wow. It is hard to believe the City was so apparently negligent, and then has the audacity to sue you six months later. Unreal lawfare.

Wondering how the COL makes decision to sue an individual taxpayer (like you, X, in this case)?

Does a resolution go thru a vote at city council? Is the public made aware of how much the city will spend on attorneys to pursue a shaky action, seemingly without merit like this?

This isn't some civil suit, they're going after me for crimes I have never committed, looking for me to get jail time or hefty fines for bogus charges that reflect more poorly on them with any serious analysis.  Such is the nature of lawfare.

Guess what I got by the end of the day?  An answer to my FOIA request for the sheriff's report indicated on the summons that served as the basis for Beth "Losing" Hand filing criminal charges.  Guess what I got?  A letter denying such report exists:

Sorry missed this aspect. Can u explain please? What does this mean and is there a connection?

What it looks like is that the COL filed a criminal complaint against me for the two misdemeanors on the summons, which maximally could have me not only pay $750, but serve four months jail time.  They appear to have gone through the MCSO, much like I did when I sought 'public extortion' charges against Ross Sewage and/or Thief Jones.  That report was then sent to the prosecutor, Losing Hand, who apparently read through it and found enough elements to charge the two misdemeanors against me.  I have zero idea what's on this report, and now I don't even know if such a report actually exists.

But now that I've found out there was no report by the MCSO corresponding to the one mentioned on the summons (towards the upper left) it's bewildering and confusing.  As Losing Hand is directly contracted by the COL, maybe they fudged this go-between document to make it look as if the COL itself wasn't pressing charges directly.  Such an action should enrage any sensible Ludington citizen interested in justice, but then again, I'm biased since I'm the one being railroaded.

It is enraging and appears very corrupt between governmental departments.


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