I am really starting to be concerned about the massive amounts of Chaos in world affairs right now. Obama has weakened world opinion of the U.S. so badly, even I had to laugh when hearing that our government demanded the dictator in Libya, stop killing the protestors in his dictatorship as though he really cares. The last time the world was this chaotic was in fact during the Carter Administration.

I am sure however, in our age of revisionist history, no one will remember the facts during his era we had the most recent gas lines and even food shortages almost to the level of our other great depressions.

Of coarse I am not blaming President Obama for the current series of events. That could have happened under anyone's watch. But I most certainly believe if it were a strong president with good leadership would not be laughed at on the world stage as this one is.

I believe he does not know his job is foreign affairs, and leave the State budget issues to the states to decide. Otherwise, America does not need to hold state elections. Every day that goes on, he involves himself in local issues ( not his job) and further shreds his office and power with the rest of the world.( Is his job)


Prediction 1.   I will not be able to afford to drive my car to work by the end of the summer. ( just crossed 3.12 a gallon here expected to be well over 4 and this was before the Libya deal


Prediction 2.  The Jeans I currently wear I will have to mend as even Walmart will have 4-5 times the cost for those items.

Prediction 3. I already am going to stores here in the east and seeing large gaps in the frozen vegetable isles because now that we let a little fish in California dictate farmers water rights we are experiencing shortages of winter crops.


Prediction 4. I will become a tired cranky person in the mornings because the coffee that I survive on is already expected to more than double in price of the next year partly due to the weak American dollar and partially due to crop damage from the cold weather in South America.


But at least we will all have bad healthcare if we can afford to live to get to a clinic. And if We have not been swallowed by the earth.


Any other predictions?

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Well said.


But when the taxable income of citizens decline, how will they pay for these things? My taxable income last year was $5000. At least this year we got the other benefits like EIC, work incentive, heat credit but those will disappear as seniors have less to spend.


Wonder how the foreign investors will continue to maintain their hotels when American's can not afford the travel? Foreign investors own most of the large hotels in this country. Wonder how they will be able to afford to supplement the major rental buildings if American's can not afford to live in them? Just thinking out loud here. If people can not afford health care like rehab, there are many foreign "rehab" companies own by foreign investors one is even local. Will they continue to invest in our country?


On the other hand...do we need them to continue to "invest" and provide slipshop quality?


Sorry I'm TRYING to look on the bright side of this mess.

Quite frankly foreign interests can out wait us because of the low value of the American dollar. You know you are screwed when the socialist countries holding your debt tell you your over extended.

Exactly...I keep wondering when China will demand their $$ from us then when we cannot pay our debt people suddenly realize China owns us.


Of course SOMEHOW that will be Bush's fault right? The over spending in the past year is his fault somehow.


(Just voicing for the liberals before they do). Then again we are to believe that the cold and snow is a result of global warming or excess heat. So we might as we humor them right and put their view out here.


It 's the accumulation of both party's over the years. We wonder why so many citizens think it's alright to charge themselves into massive debt, they have learned from our government.
Good point Lisa, both party's are really responsible, just one gets more over the top than the other. I've said it many times when going to the ballot booth, why bother, just voting for the lesser of two evils anyhow. That's why I proposed a more centralized third party, whether Independent or Libertarian, either has better ideas and programs that are not so party driven and are more agreeable to the entire country, without all the fanfare and partisan politics that drives us further into debt and mismanaged funding/budgets. The Tea Party has the basic grass roots foundation to make such a third party viable and real in the future, for now they beg the R's to pull in the reigns of waste. When they don't later, a new party should be seen as the only alternative to what we have now, a two party system gone totally awry.

I said that before as well. One party or the other are to blame but the finger pointing goes on.


I think the tea partiers need to get more vocal and out scream the Democrats yelling in Lansing. I heard another state had their Dem's run  away and hide cause they don't want to vote. What a bunch of babies.

True Masonco, the finger pointing and denial of it continues into infinity, and meanwhile the poor taxpayer has to sit and listen to this constant immature bickering, in both Lansing and DC, while the nations unfinished business get's ignored and postponed into more excuses and delay. Time to flush the baby antics away and start anew. This country and it's citizens deserve better, and certainly overpay taxes to elect better. Question is, when will the masses wake up to make this reality? The Tea Party advocates and members will continue to be vocal, without rioting and violence, that is their right and way of passage during these dangerous times.
Like I have always said Jimmy and Obama is just alike .  Both real nice men but poor pres.   I am so happy to be back to the Clinton years when I had to pay into the income taxes every year.   Under Bush I got a return.   Just had my taxes done and have to pay in again something with SS.  Who Lied Obama or news media or what slick trick he pulled.  Got back under Bush 4-500.  have been under a fixed income for 14 years. 


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