Keithy further proves what a dope he is by naming Bristol Palin The Worst Person In The World because of her work with groups that help young mothers. As if Keith is Mr Virtue. By all accounts Bristol Palin is paying her own way in being a parent.. she doesn't get to go out and do everything she wants... special opportunities like her Dancing With The Stars appearance are not the norm. She's not perfect and if she is willing to share her experiences with young women to try and help then by all means let her.

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Has Keith gotten a reprieve and back at MSLSD again? Oh, nice to see you back Dave, wondered if you were ok? Thanks.
I loved her response to Keith Olberman:
"Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy. I have never claimed to be perfect. If that makes me the "worst person in the world" to Mr. Olbermann, then I must apologize for not being absolutely faultless like he undoubtedly must be. To Mr. Olbermann let me say this: you can attack me all you want. But you will not stop me from getting my message out about teen pregnancy prevention. And one day, if you ever have a daughter, you may change your mind about me."
Personally I don't feel preaching about abstinence is going to solve the problem with teen pregnancy - I'm more in line with teaching them about birth control methods and the use of condoms to prevent disease. But her response to Keith shows she has more manners he.
Very clever statement by young Bristol, and very true. Was this an off the cuff rebuff or a prepared statement? If the former, she may have a bright future in the game of politics.
When I hear liberals like Olberman it only reinforces my feeling of this great divide between conservative and liberal ideals.
Yeah, there's another empty fake imitator over yonder on the back-door forum that's about as senseless and pure as Keithy too, Scotty, with the private page, and all-knowing in the Torch members' personal backgrounds and shortcomings vs. the perfect Soupers, so he declares. Looks like Guido has him on the run now much fun, eh? You get a checkmate on that last post Guido, but, I'm sure he'll be back for more. Ha!
One thing to remember about those who throw stones at others or exaggerate (condemn) others who do not agree with them. They lack thability to remove their own BOULDERS out of the way so they can use common sense.

Another thing...they would fall apart if they were forced to take 10 steps in the shoes of the ones they attack let alone walk a mile in their shoes. The ones who "been there done that" are often called street smart which is more desirable than those who live in their fantasy world.
correct me if I am wrong, but I think what he was saying has more to do with her trumpeting her work with teenage mothers and crowing about it. I have no problem with her doing the work that she does, but she has a holier-than-thou attitude about it that reminds me of some of the preachers in the "pop-up" churches that are around town. Considering the fact the ONLY reason she has had her 14:59 of fame is because of her mother, I find her very pompous.

....but, Olberman even devoting 2 seconds of air time to her just doesn't let her go away...which I hope her AND her mother will do...someday.
I guess I feel as though the Palin's have every right to (rehab) their images against those who are less concerned with the message than the messengers however. If the result seems too much like a religious experience to some, then so be it. The people the Palin's right a bell for do tend to be religious.

You are correct Pete, in that as long as the Media left or right covers them, they will not get any smaller however.

I still tend to root for them as I feel they are less important as candidates and more important rallying the masses they relate too.


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