Tomorrow the young ladies and gentlemen of Ludington High School (LHS) will join many other schools across the nation participating in an organized student walkout protesting gun violence.  The local newspaper reported last Wednesday, that 15 year old LHS student Graham Rivet admitted he organized the event.  

Rivet noted the national walkouts are being planned by Women's March Youth Empower (WMYE), which has called for all students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other allies to participate in the Enough! National School Walkout at 10:00 AM on March 14, a month after the Parkdale, Florida school shooting, and sustain it for 17 minutes, a minute for each student that died.  

Rivet added that "It's meant to draw attention to gun control, particularly after the shooting in Florida.  It's more about advocating for more gun regulation to stop school shootings in the future."

And, differently stated, this is what the WMYE, a subchapter of the Women's March on Washington (WMOW) notes in its FAQs concerning this protest.  They answer the question "Why are we doing this?" thusly:

"We are living in an age where young people like us do not feel safe in our schools. This issue is personal for all of us, especially for those of us who are survivors of gun violence. We are walking out for ALL people who have experienced gun violence, including systemic forms of gun violence that disproportionately impact teens in Black and Brown communities. It is important that when we refer to gun violence, we do not overlook the impact of police brutality and militarized policing, or see police in schools as a solution. We also recognize the United States has exported gun violence through imperialist foreign policy to destabilize other nations. We raise our voices for action against all these forms of gun violence."

I italicized the six times they used the phrase 'gun violence' in their rationale for the march.  All of the other safeguards us adults created that failed the students in the Parkland shooting are not being addressed overtly in the protest, but gun violence is.  It's an agenda-driven movement, which hides their ultimate goal by using the unpopular phrase 'gun violence' rather than what they believe the solution to be, the similarly unpopular 'gun control'.  

Graham Rivet condensed that focus on gun violence, when he admitted the protest was for gun control and gun regulation to make school shootings less prevalent.  That is totally consistent with the WMOW extreme liberal values which is expanded in their rationale to be inclusive of the Black Lives Matter and open borders crowds when they talk also of police brutality and exporting violence to justify their event.  

When a student protest is effectively being led by an extreme group on any side of the spectrum it is a cause to be concerned, and yet this protest is just the first of three planned with these organizers associated with fringe figures of the far left.  In the near future is  “March for Our Lives", a national march on Washington, D.C. for all interested groups, set for March 24 and another National School Walkout Day is scheduled for April 20, the 19th anniversary of the shooting at Columbine High School.  Would our media, local and national, be so supportive of student walkouts orchestrated by the extreme right as they seem to be here?

The big event doesn't seem to merit a spot on the LHS website, nor a warning sent home to the parents of high school age children.  Considering the controversial sponsors and the controversial, locally-unpopular position on the issue, one might expect some form of notification (other than a mostly unread newspaper story) to the parents of those to be involved.

It is a misuse of your First Amendment rights to rally against everybody else's inalienable Second Amendment rights; students should be taught this lesson.  Instead they are being led by their peers who have been indoctrinated by this radical group to carry out a protest against more gun violence and for more gun control.  The end result is not pretty; when citizens forfeit their rights to protect themselves and their families, the State and other lawless bullies find it much easier to take control of their lives.  This is what has happened throughout history, is what's happening in Chicago.  Gun control is loss of control for good individuals.

Encourage your student at LHS who may feel the peer pressure to conform to the gun control mob to resist.  Guns are not the enemy, those who would take away our inalienable rights are.  Fortunately, there are some counter-protests taking shape at the last minute with nobler goals of celebrating the lives that were lost:

You could make a statement by taking your LHS student to the gun range tomorrow morning, and practice their shooting, since there won't likely be anything worthwhile happening at school until the circus atmosphere clears. 

Have them tell their friends afterwards how empowering it is to know that-- outside of the dangerous school environment-- they will be able to defend themselves and others from the bad people who would cause them harm because of the right to bear arms guaranteed by the Constitution.  While they in their enlightened wisdom, wait all those long minutes for the police to arrive in order to use gun violence to save them.  It's not that complicated of an issue when you think about it, students.

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A late note from the superintendent has just went up at the LASD website regarding the walkout tomorrow, they must have got the hint about notification:

This National protest does absolutely nothing to protect kids at school, it's simply another media hype for publicity. What the kids should be doing is something concrete and united to make sure the school is in high security mode. That would include getting a metal detector system installed, or at least purchased right now. Another would be to start interviewing security guards to be hired asap. As it stands right now, it's a 17 minute waste of time, and why so short if it's so important?

Excellent coverage of this situation X.The schools should have sent a notice out that walking out of school in any kind of protest will be cause for disciplinary action. Whomever created and approved this memo should be fired. Parents had better get off their keesters because the lefties are doing more than taking over the curriculum, they are politically mind bending the kids. Any teacher, principal or school employee who politicizes the education of kids in Ludington needs to go. Take heed parents, the indoctrination of your kids into the twisted world of the left is accelerating at a rapid pace.

Well said Willy, and nice pic. too.

Thanks Aquaman. This is very disturbing. Parents have to start keeping track of the radical left agenda in schools. This is one of the reasons free speech on college campuses is in peril. Children are being indoctrinated from grade school to high school to college by leftists teachers. The leftist movement is actually a modern version of Marxism. the video below traces the origin of leftist political correctness which is being taught in modern day schools. Marxism was promoted in the Frankfurt School  and was brought to the U.S. This video may seem extreme to those who have not been paying attention but this is exactly what is going on today and why we are in political chaos. Obama was an admitted Marxist and Hillary Clinton was a follower of Marxist ideology.

This video is a bit long but reveals much about what is taking place today and how it came to be.

I believe the student who is leading the walk out is the son of a teacher at Ludington's Foster School.

That would be Foster School's, Hjordis Rivet, for those who may be concerned that their kid is getting indoctrinated in LASD in a way they disapprove of.

While LHS and other schools have a walkout, we here at the Ludington Torch salute the 17 souls taken from this plane of existence by a crazy youth who fell through the cracks of society.  We encourage real solutions to the problem which may involve additional security measures and arming school personnel.  The USA Today recently had an article that spotlighted a school district in Missouri that adopted the policy of having some teachers armed.  No school shootings have happened at this and the many other districts who have adopted such policies.  We can make our schools look like prisons or we can take sensible precautions.  Rallying against gun violence is not part of the solution.

X, i agree. Well said

Your 2nd amendments rights, the right to bear arms. Everyone should be able to own and defend them selves with their flint lock and blunder bust guns, weapons of 1789 ,not military weapons made only for one thing, killing people. It's pretty sad state when people think that the safety of our children in schools doesn't matter. These rally"s by students against gun violence should send a message that at least they care not to die, even if you don't care.

Are you being sarcastic stump? I don't know anyone who doesn't care about students being killed in schools. The problem with all of this protesting is not the protest, it's who is really behind this protest movement that should concern parents. It certainly isn't the students. They are the pawns.

Graham Rivet, student leader, made a video on LDN local news for this event earlier today. Watch it! He wants to change the age to 21, ban all semi-auto weapons, and get more strict application rules. It's a 2 minute video on youtube.


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