Why do some foolish boaters keep running into the breakwater with the green lantern in the lighthouse and GPS. I took this photo this morning 9-2



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It makes you wonder doesn't it? I haven't been boating in years (although I wouldn't mind doing it sometime) but I would think I could see a big white thing sticking out of the water and put 2+2 together to know that there is going to be something attaching that to the shoreline.
Well obviously the city/county/state/federal government hasn't properly marked the area. It should be painted with a waterproof glo in the dark color. Have VMS signs lining the structure (in every language) warning boaters of the hazard and also an audio warning system (in every language) fo those that are blind or illiterate. It should also be attached to a generator that has at least 30 days of uptime and have 24hr maintenance contract for all systems. In the event that one system fails the coast guard should use all it's resources to form a barricade around the area until it can be repaired. We live in a society that common sense does not come into play, nothing is ever our fault there must be someone else to blame. LOL
Umm Lisa....It's Bush's fault isn't it?
goes without saying!

"Why do some foolish boaters keep running into the breakwater with the green lantern in the lighthouse...?"


Even with that power ring of his, he does have to sleep sometimes.  We need to split shifts with him and Batman.

As Ron White would say "you can't fix stupid". I hate to be that way but with 50 years of boating experience I have seen plenty. The Coastguard had a GPS theory on the news but GPS instruction manuals clearly state they should be used in conjunction with conventional navigation skills. Which in my opinion, should include, watching where the hell you are going. Geeze Lisa. Should Gramp's get the chair?
If it's his first offense no - I'll be happy with him never being allowed to navigate/ steer any motorized vehicle. If it's not his first offense power up the chair. Thank god he didn't run over a swimmer - cause if he couldn't see the breakwall there's no chance he could see a head bobbing up and down in the water.
Swimming allowed in the channel? That sounds safe. Quiz...not in the paper but what time did this occur?

Robert, today's paper on page 11 said it was phoned in at 9:52 PM Thursday night.  You won't find this in the E-edition. 

Arrived in town earlier today, and found my new internet-connection toy works.  Love this place, don't love the local governments. 


Love The Ludington Torch. 


Long may it reign as the voice of freedom here! 

Lucky you - my IPhone died on tuesday, I drove up to Ludington on friday night and just drove back down state today - I spent 6 days with no internet connection I found it amazing how much I rely on the internet. All that aside you are right, isn't Ludington just Beautiful. I long for the day I can move there.


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