....individuals over at a certain forum would feel it humorous to poke fun at this site when they are so weak in their individual beliefs that they can't even deal with any one that doesn't agree with them.

Probably wouldn't be so sad except for the fact that they can't even live up to what it says right on their main page, that 'everyone' is welcome.... everyone that agrees with them anyway. Its like you have freedom of speech there as long as you don't rock the boat.

Oh well, its their loss if they wish to stay there instead of visiting other forums where you can actually speak your mind :-)

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"You want the truth? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"
Oh Casey, you so funny... lol.

Yeah, Meijer treats their employees sooooooooooo much better..... NOT! lol Stop believing all the BS ya hear. None of the big box stores treat their people any different from one store to another. I've worked both of the big box stores in town so I do in fact know what i'm talking about. I suggest maybe shopping a local store instead of Meijer or WalMart if you have issues with employee abuse.

Tell Behr and Zan I said hi will ya Case?
Confusius say: KC put sunshine in Koolaid, make mixture too strong, go wrong too.
Yeah as far as Behr ..before he decided I was Satan and banned me.. he was talking to me about ways to cool a home without AC his thoughts were interesting but his engineering was showing how little he knew about how much cooling a home really needed ( he wanted to do it with a tank of water instead of a whole ground water system). He is like many other environuts who don't really have a clue on their own of how unrealistic it is to do everything solar or wind at this point in time. I am sure at some point we will be able to but we are not there yet.
Brother Guido, I have no problem cooling my home right now, thank you very much. I'm still appreciating them Global Warming dividends. Maybe us (wo)man-made GW naysayers need to lose a hundred or so IQ points and accept the theory w/o question-- that way when it becomes cold we can blame it on GW and feel warm as our extremities get frostbite.
LOL Edie yeah trust me I haven't bought off on the GW theory. I operate under the pretense the less I have to spend for things that are free to me the better. :)
Ya gotta love the Souper's. Some of them are so much like some of their democratic congressional members (and some republican congressional members of course... don't want to leave them out), they refuse to have any sense of bipartisan feelings. Its pretty obvious why we have the problems that we do in Washington, its for exactly the type of attitude that is displayed with post like this:

Well looks like we've got a bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic new senator from Massachusetts on our hands

and this:

They are republicans. That's what they do. Maintain the status quo and keep the wealth at the top in the hands of their friends. Pitiful, isn't it?

If anyone thinks for a second that the democrats are doing anything less then what they suggest the republicans are doing, they are in some pretty serious denial. With the promises of Hope and Change by our current president during his campaign, there were hopes that things would change. Unfortunately, Washington is just as corrupt now as it was before... special interest still getting the good deals, back room dealings, no bi-partisanship.

While I hate to keep using this following comment cause its a oldie, I don't know if there is any other one that says what it says in such a clear way..... How's the Kool-Aid?
Yeah.. They are probebly the least tolerent individuals on the face of the earth. And it is becomming very apearant to me the reason our kids are growning up the way they are with no sence of respect or tolerance is they are being raised by hippy terrorist school teachers proud to say lieing about your agenda is the way to get it passed. Problem is?? This means they also have to acknowlage the old guard can and does read there crap and knows how to defend against it. The reason non of the plans are being Televised is because they know they are too left wing for even many self called democrates. Why I believe the tea party movinment may take back the republican party, the Dems had better realise they are in bed with facists. And not to many are drinking that coolaid.


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