Neighbors in Fear Following Killing of Well-Liked Arizona Rancher

Neighbors in Fear Following Killing of Well-Liked Arizona Rancher

This is from the first paragraph of the article, which is what I am addressing here for the most part.

"A neighbor in the area where an illegal immigrant is believed to have killed a well-liked Arizona rancher says she intends to carry weapons to protect herself -- and not from rattlesnakes or wounded steer."

Does anyone see the dual meaning here?

Here in the southwest, a lot of people carry guns, especially when venturing into the open desert.  In my circle of acquaintances I know of no one who does not.  It is just plain smart.  So, what is she really saying?

Personally, I think everyone should take responsibility for their own safety.  In fact, the police (government) have no legal obligation to protect you.  But is this taking it too far?

What do y'all think?

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Heck no she isn't taking it to far. If I lived in an area where such a thing happened I would definitely be carrying.

What I care most about is myself and my family not being dead. I want to wake up to my family a lot more mornings in my life. If someone is going to try hurt one of us they better be ready for what comes back at them. If hubby is along I am not so worrisome, but my kid and I alone could appear easy targets because of our petiteness(I am barely five foot tall. she hasn't outgrown me yet.)

Criminals have no problem carrying illegal weapons. I would have no problem carrying a legal one.

But, unless a person knows how to use that weapon and is willing to use it without hesitation to protect themselves or their family's life they would be better off without it.

Tools have no value if you are you don't know how to use them.
I agree with you Sheila on all of your points. That is what I was trying to say -- although poorly -- that we should take responsibility for our own safety.

My main point that I was alluding to was also made poorly, I suspect. There was a statement by the neighbor of the murdered rancher (and others) saying "...she intends to carry weapons to protect herself -- and not from rattlesnakes or wounded steer." Most already do. You would probably have to understand the western mentality, especially of those who have been here for generations. Remember the Lincoln County war took place here, which was a race war by the way, at least in New Mexico. What I think she, not necessary she, but certainly some here -- is to take care of the problem before it becomes a problem. I have heard this sentiment.

I am afraid that some will "take care of the problem" as they are crossing the border.
I think this is one of the most pertinent examples of why our personal rights to firearms should be upheld, and possibly expanded on.Not suppressed by laws that only protect the criminals that carry.. not the law abiding citizen.
I think just the fact Texas has not turned into the wild west in the Major cities as suggested by the anti guns crowd. Shows it has a positive effect when the criminal does not know whether a person he is attacking can and if trained properly will retaliate against the criminal. I say this because most people who teach firearm use and safety will tell you don't point the thing unless (A). you are being actually threatened by one you believe can really harm you, And (B) You pull the trigger intending on killing the offender. The first is a matter of law and what you testify to in court. The second is, if it turns into a he said she said and he is dead it then becomes If you killed him and had no motive it is up to the law to prove you did not feel threatened ( this is a legal argument you can easily win if the other party is dead).
My Grand dad always used to tell my mother if you shoot the guy and he is in the window make sure he falls inside as you then win the probable cause for deadly force argument lol.
The words that needs to be used is ; I FEARED FOR MY LIFE! don't say anything else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this the same guy from the earlier thread of a 22,000 acre ranch named Mr. Barnett? If so, his family better get a good attorney real quick. Where's the link on this Max? Thanks.
What are American's supposed to do, train our gophers to protect us?
"What are American's supposed to do, train our gophers to protect us?"

That's funny Aqua!
The link was the title at the top of the original post. I will post it again:

Link to story

"Is this the same guy from the earlier thread of a 22,000 acre ranch named Mr. Barnett?"

No, this is a different guy, but in the same area.
"I think this is one of the most pertinent examples of why our personal rights to firearms should be upheld, and possibly expanded on.Not suppressed by laws that only protect the criminals that carry.. not the law abiding citizen."

I agree with you Guido, but would take it farther. The laws most definitely need to be expanded on. Actually, laws restricting gun ownership should be repealed.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Very simple and easy to understand. Yet, there have been thousands of laws passed that infringe on that right.

The Supreme Court heard a case in March, McDonald VS. Chicago, that addressed the issue of incorporation. I read the briefs, and the court transcript. The decision should be made in June. I think it is almost a certainty that the court will rule in favor of incorporation but will fall short of restoring the Second Amendment to what it once was.
"I wonder if the suspect is not just an illegal immigrant but a drug smuggler."

In at least one of the articles that I read, that is suspected Coco.
Las Cruces is about 50 miles away from the border, due north from Juarez. How is the situation around your neighborhood, Max? Are there any legal battles going on around NM over illegals or packing heat? Is there a lot of illegals going through your area?
Yes, there are a lot of illegals going through this area. That is not really new though, they have for a long time. What has changed is the kind of illegal. There is more of the criminal element coming through now. This is reflected in the gang activity, with the resulting drive-bys, shootings, stabbings, home invasions, and general theft.

This is not new either, but there are a lot of them coming in that are "back door" legal. They get permission to come to our hospitals because of pregnancy, and after the baby is born of course the baby is a US citizen (Fourteenth Amendment). My wife works at one of the hospitals here.

I'm not aware of any legals battles going on regarding gun carry. If anything, there is a loosening of laws. There were several proposed laws introduced during the last legislative session, but because much of the legislative time was taken up on budget matters they effectively died, at least for now. One did make it through, and the governor just signed it, permitting concealed carry in restaurants that sell beer and wine.

New Mexico is one of those states where it would be political suicide to push for gun control, but with the massive influx of refugees from Kalifornia, that many change in the years to come.


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