19 Iconic Products That America Doesn't Make Anymore

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Yes Guido, it is pretty clear.
Excellent post Max, the proverbial old thermos, indeed. Guido has the inside scoop on this financial fiasco too, maybe, just maybe now enough Americans are on the skids, they will think this out, to a WTF happened to our country and base economy conclusion? Or should we just ignore and check into TV and RX land? Zorry, I'm not that lazy yet! Don't intend to be either yet.?.....? Or should I? P.S., I've got one of those Colt's too, what are they worth now? That little horsey sure makes a piece more valuable, for sure.
Example: Tinemen Square, China, why has our own USA sold itself out to this Communist Country where there is no human rights, no labor rights, no political rights, no freedoms of press nor religion, and a Giant in the Communist Community yet to this day???? What has America to gain? And why do our own retiring CEO's CFO's and others with $Tens of Millions$$$ in retirement and bonuses continually invest and set up mfg. companies there, with our ideas and technology, and then import to the USA? Methinks it's not good, and something has smelled of spoiled fish for many years already. P.S. Guido, there are American made cars that rival and underprice the Japaneese now, and they get better mileage too. It's called Chevy and Ford!
I considered a cobalt when I purchased a few weeks ago but I didn't have enough of a sense of longevity to go by. I ended up with a Toyota corolla simply because those and Honda accords are the only two cars I have driven in the last 20 years that outlasted a 5 year note without needing some kind of major work no longer under warranty. The sticker price on the one I got was 20k by I got it for 18k fully loaded. I will have to purchase another small SUV in the next year I will still tend to buy a Jeep if they still make those non electrified by then.
I really do believe unions are part of the problem not the solution anymore when it comes to American exceptional ism. WE build MB in plants in our southern states for a good wage . At such a good price MB ships the American made MB back for sale in Germany. What does this tell us? I don't think those guys making MBs in the south think they are working for peanuts either. Cost of living is dictated as much buy what people can buy a product for as what the (living wage) is.
I made my move to PA mostly for my wife's benefit ( getting her closer to her kids) But what I have found, Is due to combination's of lower taxes in certain areas and more incentives to keep jobs here . I am financially doing better also. That's scary considering the outlay of money to move her to begin with.
I do miss looking out at Lake Michigan some evenings. But I am more worried one day I will come up to visit only to be surrounded by Windmills either land or water based or both. PA has chosen to build a few farms and from what I am seeing there seems to be buyers remorse here over those choices. It is the high mountain ridges that are rimed with 300-500 foot towers here.
Guido, can you give us a report on some of your established wind farms down there in your neck of the woods, problems and strengths, and make a thread about it with pictures and facts. You have established yourself as being willing to consider the pros and cons of these projects from your past posts, and I would be interested on what your research turns up. I have read some negative reports from Carolina anti-turbine groups on the web, but I trust your objectiveness more.

Max, if you have some wind turbines nearby, I would appreciate the same from you. Our local counties are all having to deal with this new godsend/problem.
I have seen a few wind turbines nearby, but there don't seem to be very many around here in southern New Mexico. I have seen some big wind farms in the northern part of the state, coincidentally where most of the liberals are. I'll check into it more though.

Passing through the panhandle of Texas, where there is normally a lot of wind, I have also seen some big wind farms.

There is talk here about some solar energy plants that may locate here. I'll check into that more as well. Solar energy probably makes some sense here, as we have over 350 days of sunshine a year, but I think they would eat up large areas of land and not something that the average person would want to see in the desert landscape.
Nice to know you have good taste Aqua! Yes, that little pony does make them a lot more valuable. I've seen this model go for over $1,300 lately. Next year, 2011, marks the 100th anniversary of the 1911, having been accepted by the US Army in 1911 after extensive testing. That, by itself, is a very interesting story. The finalists were submitted to an endurance test firing of 6,000 rounds. John Browning's design had zero failures, while the nearest competitor had 35. It is still one of the greatest designs ever. Sorry for the hijack Sheila...
Thanks Max, that's quite the sum for the little pony now. Getting back to Buy American, the Big 3 also have quite a few models that are green now, electric, or partially electric. I do think the Big 3 have long since seen the handwriting on the wall for some years now, in quality and economy, plus pricing. Personally, I'll never buy another foreign car, I only had one in my life, it was a VW Bug, loved it, but, it too died one day, and I resurrected it and sold it right away, for a loss, can't say that about my Chevy's though. I figure everytime I buy anything foreign, my countrymen lose, and I feel more patriotic than that still, that's just me, and the way the parents raised us too for that matter. Exception: Honda motorcycles and lawn products.
aren't some toyota's made in TN or KY? I do believe so.
"Exception: Honda motorcycles and lawn products."

And I just bought this:

Yes Sheila, many mfrs. from Japan are now, and have been, producing products here in our Southern lower income states, where labor is still quite reasonable, including Honda, last I knew. Max, that looks HD to me, is it?, if so, I'm drooling!, and want same, someday it will happen, maybe. My fav. color too. Sharp indeed! When I locate the 1100 Aero pic, I'll try to post it. Oh, for retirement and freedom soon. Like the kids say nowadays, SWEET!
Yes Aqua, it is a 2009 Harley Sportster. I have wanted one all of my life too. It is a lot of fun, and made in Kansas!


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