Watching the video, it appears that this poor young lady was assaulted by the Paul supporters. Of course we then find out that she wasn't there to support Rand Paul, she's actually a MoveOn.Org supporter that is there to protest. Protesting isn't against the law of course and she had the right to be there. She claims that she basically only wanted to get a picture with Rand Paul with her sign in the picture. The sign she was carrying mentioned a company called Republicorp which is not an actual company, simply one made up by Moveon that is suppose to represent how the republicans and big businesses are hand in hand (as if the democrats never take money from big companies/organizations... unions anyone?). It should also be noted that she made her appearance wearing a wig so that she could represent herself as the CEO of Republicorp. She wasn't fooling anyone of course with the fake looking wig and showing up in not very nice looking CEO clothing. Now watch the next video:

Notice now how she wasn't simply just waiting to get a picture with Rand, instead she goes up to the moving vehicle and tries to stuff her sign literally into Paul's face through the open window. Not a simple protester now. While I don't agree with the way she was taken down and stepped on, she did put herself into a position where she could be physically removed and was. The supporters were a little to forceful in their efforts to restrain her and are looking to be in court for the actions they took. Anyhow, the guys that took her down are not the ones that first removed her, looking at the video, it looks like a guy in the suit is the first to get her away from the vehicle and the guys that 'do the damage' take it from there. Will assume that the guy in the suit was part of Paul's security team. Since the release of the initial video, we've also come to find out that the young lady has been a bit of trouble before.. she was in a situation in China as well as a situation involving Greenpeace.
Its people like this young lady that make decent protesters look bad. Its one thing to protest and do so in a nice civil matter. When you have to do lie to make your point, its simply taking away from your message.

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Can you imagine the outrage and generalizations made by the mainstream media if a liberal political superstar had a card carrying NRA member conservative go up to their candidates car poking their false sign (and wearing a disguise) in through the window at their candidate? Would they stick up for a liberal 'stomper' or do what the Paul campaign rightly did by disciplining him for overdoing it?

Her story and her method was totally ridiculous and it is amazing how the one-sided media does not present the full story. I sifted through a bunch of stories concerning this on my search engine, and most would have you believe she was attacked by a right-wing mob for one bogus reason or another, much of what is refuted by the full video.

They should have focused more on that eerie "Rand Paul, Rand Paul, Rand Paul" chant by his supporters. It reminds me of the same scary mind-numbed robotic behavior that gave us BHO in 2008. Scarrry.
Thanks Dave, similar to what we've seen at some TEA Party demonstrations for less taxation. Her actions were definitely wrong, and she'll probably sue and win with a liberal judge later. Not saying her head conking wasn't a little bit extreme, but, she put herself in that situation, and asked for it, and then got it. Lurking, then lunging into a candidate's car for publicity, well, it's foolish and begs for some extreme retaliatory actions. Who was to know she wasn't carrying a weapon or bomb to kill the candidate? This is what would come to mind first for me if I was security. This country has already witnessed enough political assassinations in the past, we don't want any more now.
You even see well-trained LEOs getting caught up in the moment when something like this happens. Adrenaline kicks in, and common sense doesn't always get followed. Don't associate this with the candidate unless the candidate condones it by his statements and actions, which in this case he didn't.
I am surpirised a presidential candidate's security detail even allows for the people to get this close.
With all due respect, ummm, Sheila, this guy isn't a presidential candidate I hope you know? That won't come till 2012. This is Ron Paul's son, ex-libertarian presidential hopeful from 2008. The son's a 47 year old eye surgeon from Bowling Green Ky. that aspires to be the new R. Ky. US Senator. From everything I've read about Paul, he's a fine outstanding man, married 19 years, 3 sons age 10-17, well educated, outstanding professional credentials now owning his own eye clinic, does a lot of free surgery for needy kids and seniors in spare time, member and spokesman for several Ky. and Tea party associations against increased taxation, volunteers coaching for his kids basketball and baseball teams, and the list goes on. Now I see why this cookie protester was trying to upset the rally, she's another liberal nut with negative motives against a fine candidate for public office. Paul has never held an elected position in his life to date, but has won the primary, and has strong grass-roots support with the Kentucky voters thus far. He has been known to not be strictly partisan, he has disagreed with both party's on differing issues, depending on how he views legislation. He has often helped his dad with speeches, rallies, and fund raising events. I wish him well and success.
Big question is, does anyone, anyone at all, think that lady may have also broken the law, by inciting a riot, disturbing the peace, and simple assault on the candidate? Or is this another hey, two wrongs make a right? Especially if the one making the waves is politically correct, at least in her mind? Just wonder!
I think if someone wanted to press it that a case could probably be made to try and charge her for disorderly conduct but the person to press charges would most likely have to be Rand Paul and I would think that would be political suicide.. at least if he was to do it before the election. Most likely though I don't think anyone will press the issue... the sooner the incident disappear from the news the better as far as Paul is concerned I'd imagine.
I think she was mostly after her 15 minutes of fame, and, it appears she has that right now.
Nope, really didn't know that was Paul 's son.
I had a strong suspicion, being that name in politics was of recent. I just googled his name and went to the wikipedia thread, and voila, it's all there in detail way back to his childhood. Plus, I don't keep track of Ky. politics, hardly even Michigan really. Imagine the money she's going to get from all the MSNBC appearances with the talk show hosts, many $100's of thousands I would guess. Maybe it will be enough for her to go into retirement on protesting, at long last!
i have read whats going on over at the other forum with this story dave. the picture of the crazy woman who did this nutty act in the first place you put up and her false names etc. shows she had nutty motives in the first place. lets not get to hard on the shoulder stomper who may have been caught up a little bit in the moment.
Voters exiting the Ky. polls tonight had about a 65% favorable yes vote for Randal Howard Paul, the new Senator elect from Ky.. Other polls are showing similar results for the R party. Sorry Nancy, methinks you too are on the road to the unemployment line, sooner than she realizes.


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