If TR, our local candidate for Councilor at large was to have a Townhall Meeting of sorts, or free rally with free hot dogs and beverages, would anyone attend and make him make a statement of his concerns and ideas for the seat now occupied by Kaye Holman? To find out if we as locals can have a voice in our local government again? And can change the old course of questions and secrecy as it pertains to local contracts and priorities for progress for local taxpayers? I just wonder....can we help? Thanks.

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Thanks easy, I know what you mean. Being stubborn sometimes hurts us all, esp. if the point is a moot one. But, in this particular case, I just don't understand how any legal legitimate candidate that is running for office can be expelled from a candidates' forum meeting. If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on Mr. Shay for the stubborn stupidity, he's the one that won't give a person a fair chance to participate in a friendly and polite manner. Based on his vengeful persona of advice and orders from the top. He could make stipulations as to the attendance, regarding polite conduct, which has never been lacking in X all along. He just wants to flex his authority to the legal limits and beyond, and this is what is totally wrong with the entire scenario to me.

Now that We're hosting an on-line forum with the other City candidates, it will be interesting to see who attends, who declines, and who fails to respond.  It is free advertising on a locally popular medium.  We only restrict them in adhering to the Terms of Service. 

I apologize beforehand from the editorial staff, if we get a whole lot of bloviating going on around here.

Having went to jail for civil contempt on principle, I can claim the realm of stubborn and/or stupid myself.  It is costly and risky, but so is having a corrupt system, and we need people to stand up to it. 


Being able to go to jail to protest injustice, truly makes one free. --XLFD


But this WSP and Letter are so contrary to law, that no fair court will uphold what they did.  I am going the legal route, and I don't care whether I lose my life savings.

If Shay were to have you arrested, you would plea not guilty and request a jury trial. All the sleazy dealings would then be brought to light. To prove that you were really trespassing Shay would have to produce evidence that the "no trespass" order was legitimate. He would need to have the complianent and well as her witness to prove you actually were on her property which is the basis for the notrespass letter. This could prove embarassing for all. They would have to perjure themselves to keep spreading their lies.

Many of the sleazy dealings will come to light anyway in my upcoming civil trial(s), so I need just test the limits of my patience. 

You know something special is going on when your opposition and your allies are wanting you to get arrested, LOL.


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