Tonight I was down checking out the Washington Bridge work while heading back home around 11 PM when I started hearing a bunch of sirens. A police cruiser zoomed down Dowland going exceedingly fast towards my house's direction. Relieved that my interest in the bridge was not the source of the commotion, I wandered up to Dowland Street where I saw another two fire officers heading that way with their own personal vehicles.
It was kind of scary because they were slowing down right before my house, and turned up the street. By the time I got to the street corner myself, I seen the group towards the front of 506 George Street, the house in between Melindy and Danaher Streets on the west side, which normally looks like this when viewed from the northeast:
But of course it was dark, and it was on fire so it more looked like this viewed from the south:
I heard the sound as if someone was calling for help, as did other neighbors, but it seemed like forever before the first fire engine arrived, the flames self-ventilating the window shown. Other neighbors commented that the person who lived there was known to have fireworks and guns there and was allegedly a smoker. It sounded like a tricky combination. There is no word whether there has been any fatalities, but from the quick placement of the yellow tape, and some of the radio traffic, there may have been.
Scarily, this has been the second fire in my area in the last month, both originating at around the same time of day. This one happened on May 17, just up Melendy Street less than a block away. It bothers me a bit that I can't help out my neighbors anymore when something like this happens.
Here's the specs on the house courtesy of the Ludington Assessor, 506 George Street
I don't think Jane was being nice. In fact she insulted you which was far more than what you did in explaining your relationship with the deceased. She throws insults around trying to make a point but she is only showing a lack of respect for someone else's opinion.
I certainly hope you weren't intentionally showing "disrespect" toward Aquaman. The truth, no matter when it is exposed, should be aired. If someone is sensitive to the truth then let them provide an alternate explanation instead of slamming the messenger. Auqaman only described an incident that showed, in his opinion, what his personal experiance was with the deceased.
And you john are demostrationg what a narcissistic personality is. You want to silence others opinions because they hurt your feelings. You think your feelings are "self important" and deserving of a sense of "entitlement" so the rest of the World must bow down to your emotions and say nothing that you object to. Sorry john, life doesn't work that way unless you want to stifle the opinions of others.
I was contacted by Aquaman shortly after he put out his comment when I was out of town, and he expressed some trepidation as to the post in question. I know that you and many others generally have a healthy respect for the dead, and believe such words as were written have no place except for perhaps the most incontrovertibly evil people. Tim Mohr had his faults, perhaps more than that most people would relate so close to his tragic death in this fire.
I can grant quite a bit of sympathy to Aquaman by dint of what many 'trolls' said regarding the death of his mother back in 2010. His mother's memory was trashed in various forums because some folks didn't like him. When you believe your mother was a saint, stuff like that hurts. While this should not excuse what you think is roguish behavior on his part, it does play into his perspective when someone less perfect dies and they are being wrongly idolized, in his opinion.
Aquaman stated his opinion about Tim on this public forum in a way that wasn't pretty; he realized that then, he realizes it now. He has softened and vacillated on that initial diagnosis publicly; even if what he said may look more like the truth than not, it was ill-advised of him to put in speculative material as he did.
And thank you for softening and vacillating your own initial diagnosis over the years, about me and the website. I appreciate it.
Streeter, why have you now extrapolated this simple thread into a big tent show? Now I see why you took the symbol of Teddy K. for your icon, you have become a "Circus act" unto yourself. I never realized until now just how much hatred YOU have in your soul, and mind for that matter. I already made a recent sincere post wishing Mohr's daughter well in her pursuits for donations, and for Mohr to RIP. I also regretted, and have stated so, categorically, in an earlier post about "reflex & ill-timed" comments I may have made hastily. I'm sorry for his family's loss, and that's it! Are you a psychologist or sooth sayer? Because I never ever said, nor believe, 99% of what you are putting here as my beliefs, statements, nor what was truth. Who's really Narcissistic? Methinks your own glass overflows with malice, and due diligence for character assassinations sooooo much more than I ever could have. You have now flung me on a cross of harassment, and stalking, then wish to finish me off, with more misinterpretations, fancy analogies of the psychiatric trade, and begotten fibs. I'm willing to meet face to face, not to argue and fight, but to sort out these differences for once, and for all. We'll appoint any LPD officer there to witness it, and do his job, if it becomes necessary. X can also be there to back-up any problems you might think possible. Have you got the guts I ASK? I just wonder.....snide had a troll like you too long ago, and he no-showed and pushed the "chicken switch" when offered the same deal! That guy disguised himself as Disarm, is that you again now? Hiding behind a keyboard, when the bell tolls for truth, and you can't pony-up? Failing that as I suppose you will, investigate this saint for yourself, and with others in the community, you might just have to recant, if you talk to normal self-respecting working individuals. The ball sir, is in your court, not of spin-opinion. Incredible people! I drink spring water, not COL water.
john. I've seen enough "disablility" cases to know that a lot of abuse of that system goes on. If a person can earnd $1000 a month then they are capable of earning more. Many hold their income just below that $1000 threshold so they don't lose the taxpayers handout. Why is it when someone posts an opinion you disagree with you consider it spewing hate? You seem to have a difficult time distinguishing between reality and the make believe world.
You seem to have no scruples about showing disrespect for another because you disagree with thier opinion. Your statments about Aquaman are just as disrespectful toward him as you have concluded his comments are about the deceased. I don't recall Aquaman commenting on you personal life. You have demsonstrated how rude and crude you can be. As far as a family member or freinds death is concerned, I have seen my share of death. A recent long time family friend pass away and noone pulled any punches about how he had messed up his life. That's called honesty but like you some people have a hard time dealing with the truth.
Excuse me john but you are the one who doesn't know the difference between freedom of speech and respect. Your tyranical outbursts reveal your disdain for anyone you disagree with. This thread is no longer about the deceased but about those that want to mute others who express their opinion. You would fit right in with the current City Council and their henceman.
Everyone knows that Aquaman and I, have on numerous occasions butted heads, and I completely agree that his comments about the deceased were very unkind to the deceased as well as his family. That being said he has apologized for his insensitivity, and personally I think we should let the matter drop, the comments can not be undone. Unless you are a remarkable person we have all at once time or another said something we regretted at a later date.
from an earlier post.
" I also regretted, and have stated so, categorically, in an earlier post about "reflex & ill-timed" comments I may have made hastily. I'm sorry for his family's loss, and that's it!"
It may not be a formal apology - but it does express regret.
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