What a waste of a beautiful weekend by ludington’s business community. All that was needed were some business owners to tell Whitler to go to hell and open up shop. Instead they cowered in the corner hoping that the tyrant in Lansing would let them open up at least for the 12-31-20 ball drop. All I can say is for them to stop being doormats to radical progressives. This town should have been stuffed with tourist but I guess being cowards when radicals in the gov. take away your freedoms and Constitutional rights it helps to have the backbone of a jellyfish.

People are ready to bust out and head north but where can they go? 1 person is controlling the lives of an entire state. Hell even communist countries have committees to make decisions when they enslave their people. Get off your butts and stand up for American freedom. Isn’t that what we are doing today. Honoring those who sacrificed their lives so you could be free to live yours.

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What is as bad as officials tearing up the Constitution is what passes for science nowadays.  When I was growing up science was science, it consisted of: systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.  The scientific method has been corrupted by leftist politics where hypotheses are made conforming to their agenda, with data and experimental results effectively ignored if it contradicts that hypothesis in any way.  A like-minded media aids in this pseudo-science by creating crises to change public policy to their (typically) unworkable and statist agenda. 

This is how a teenage Swedish girl with an ASD becomes the leading expert on global warming-- and later on the coronavirus courtesy of CNN.  The scientists cannot prove their political science theories, so they try to develop a false consensus and a dishonest marketing strategy to sell their damaged goods.  If you haven't seen this video by Dr. Barke out in Orange County CA, you should do so right now, there are plenty of other doctors who still value real science, but the media and social media ignore what they are saying, because it's bad for their business as usual:

Excellent video X. I bet CNN won’t interview him. Your right, everything leftist get involved with turns to crap. The doctor seemed a little gun shy on some of his points. Perhaps the personal attacks against him makes him bob and weave at times. His information needs to be heard by everyone but the left do what ever they can to shut him down. Thanks for the post.

The latest statistics from Sparrow Hospital, the main medical center in the Lansing area, has no Covid19 patients residing in it's halls at this time. Of the 29 people who died, 70% were from nursing homes. The greater Lansing area has around 482,000 people. So we are dealing with a run of the mill flu type virus. These are not statistics that are published but are facts known by those connected to Sparrow. If Sparrow goes bankrupt because of the tremendous losses in revenue we will have the radical Governor and her sidekick the Att. General to thank. Please everyone, take of those damn masks and open up all  businesses. Don't let the radical left Governor bankrupt Ludington. Use your heads. This has been a scam from the beginning.

This is who we are dealing with. Governor Whitmer mocks and shames protesters who want to go back to work but marches with the leftist protesters while not following her own Covid19 guidelines.

Michigan Gov. Whitmer Violates Her Own Social Distancing Order during Civil Rights March

Gov.Gretchen Whitmer, center, prays with clergy including Bishop Charles Ellis of Greater Grace Church, right, on the corner of Woodward and Warren during a rally in honor of George Floyd, Thursday, June 4, 2020. (Photo: Clarence Tabb Jr., The Detroit News)

Thank you Lake Lady, well said and confirming that many other states are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Open up, go back to normal, or keep up the hoax that will ruin everything. Summer in Ludington is everything, else, the town folks and businesses are doomed forever.


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