Please be advised: what follows is a completely satiric look at applying the standards of the currently in vogue leftist practice of tearing down historic sculptures across America, to statues/sculptures that call Ludington their home. In digesting this lampoon, please do not try to follow the logic or the advice given, and take it upon yourself to deface or destroy any of these artist's renderings, all of which make Ludington a better place to live. If you do feel motivated to do so, please use that energy to petition companies to remove logos that otherwise have never offended you ever before-- just because somebody on TV told you to be outraged by it now.
Man wearing Ludington shirt and MAGA cap wielding a club: Clearly this white-featured man is depicted as the dominant force in Ludington, willing to use his club to batter women, children, and other ethnic groups into submission to his authority. His one hand is on his leg, helping his knee to press down on one of his many victims' necks.
Cop aggressively escalating an encounter, making lewd shadow puppets: The patriarchy at the sheriff's office would like the unenlightened to believe this is a friendly officer extending his hand for help or a handshake. What the woke see is the officer telling a person of color to back off or he will draw that firearm attached to his side-- who shakes hands in the middle of a pandemic anyhow? When he finishes terrorizing victims with his draconian authority and high-caliber weapons, he plays a disgusting game where his shadow has a much larger unit than he will either have. For the kids' sake, this one needs to go.
White girl trying to kill birds with a crude trap: This fanciful work shows the destructive mindset against nature being taught by white fathers to their children. The crushing blocks she wields looks like it will catch one of the terrified birds in its folds. What's worse is that her father won't use this captured and critically injured bird for food, but simply as an object lesson for his daughter in order for her to take up his mantel of cruelty for the next generation. Torture statues can't stay.
Imprisonment, isolation and water tortures against children: It's unclear whether these are migrant kids or just the children of sadistic parents, but they are entrapped behind a gate with water constantly falling all around them. Sooner or later the boys arms will weaken from exhaustion, and the two will succumb to whatever the cruel intentions were of whoever put them in this prison. The Geneva Convention demands these kids be freed.
Farmer takes a... young male companion: People are spending many years in prison and more on a registration for the forbidden fruits this farmer seems intent on picking. Our next generation doesn't need to be shown that grooming is okay, they need to learn that when Farmer Smith half disassembles a perfectly good wheelbarrow to make an improvised love seat, they need to run. Any statue glorifying such perversion needs to go.
Male driver stereotyping: With white men already dominating the statues, this sculpture shows another one in control of the ship steering wheel in order to convey to everyone that white males must dominate the boat, car, business, or household. This statue could stay up, but there would have to be modifications adding people of all other races and genders grabbing hold of the wheel and steering the ship towards diversity. Failing this, it needs to be toppled.
Glorifying corporatism: This bas relief statue of a car ferry (echoing the one in the background) is a monument to corporatism, one of the biggest corporations around Ludington historically being the car ferry franchise. Rather than celebrate the diverse population, this sculpture represents an idol to non-diverse local white capitalism. A capitalism that pollutes the air even as a statue, one also has to wonder whether the statue is dumping coal ash in the ground underneath this statue. This needs to be torn down, and the surrounding ground needs an environmental clean up.
Heartlessly celebrating animal and tree cruelty and abuse: The Ludington area historically was known as a lumbering town, where white men conducted arboreal genocide on the forests in order to make coffee tables and more axe handles. On the way they enslaved draft animals like this horse suffering under this heavy load and getting nowhere in the two decades it has been there. We must liberate the horse from its burden, and put metal spikes in the logs so they will pay if they try to cut into them (which is unlikely because the logs are metal already, but it's a symbolic gesture).
Sanctioning a culture of rape and submission: This series of statues shows a culture that allows young men to chase after young women, even utilizing a hound in this case. The observer sees the fear in the woman's expressions and the malicious intent of the two pursuers, who do not seem intent to worry about consent when they catch up to her. Is this the legacy we want to leave with our children? This has to go.
Building the foundations of systemic racism and sexism: Some may see a father teaching his son some fishing tricks, but the lessons being taught here are in elitism, segregation and race-baiting. The white father can take time out to show his son that it's alright to leave all the chores in the household to sister and mother and pass along his workload to a person of color who will be expected to be paid less for doing his job. Junior is wearing his MAGA cap backwards, but he and pops will soon be on the ground along with the rest of these sick statues.
It should be repeated, that this feature is a satire to poke fun at those who get offended by inanimate objects. If reading this awoke your animus against these immobile and unimposing bronze sculptures to the point where you want to go out and do something about it, then proceed immediately to the Community Mental Health Building to discuss it further with them; they may be able to help you.
Hilarious X. Your right there are some real airheads who might actually take this serious. One of the funniest photos is the cop statue and related shadow. Maybe this monument should be rededicated to Ludington bountiful number of sex offenders. One of your best posts.
Ah satire, a fading art that XLFD's post reminds us of how it can be powerful and funny at the same time. Thanks for the sharp and pointed statuary humor! In that spirit, here are a couple of cartoons that brought a smile to this dude's face. Enjoy.
Those first two memes/political cartoons were very good and I haven't seen them before, the last one I had seen before. In fact, I wanted to perhaps do a future feature (if I can find a model that works on the cheap) showing how menacing our local statues were-- in their response to people who took this article seriously. I could introduce a couple of statues I left out this time around.
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