A Torch of Remembrance must be lit for the late Blinkie Weisenheimer. Although he was never a Torch member, he engaged in some fairly spirited debates with many of us at some of the other local forums. We rarely saw eye to eye, but he did have his own individual style which will be sorely missed in the forums.
His avatars were always avant garde, and asked the probing questions of "Are you physically retarded?" and "How would you like a nice hot cup of shut the f up?". "No" and 'No, thank you" were always my replies.
We had a couple of things in common. First, we are both now former local government employees. Second, we both graduated from MCC schools; one of his siblings was in my graduating class.
He was a family man, and dedicated to his job, and the business he ran. He was snatched from us before his time, and I commiserate with all whom grieves for him.