Ed Schultz says he's try to vote 10 times in MA if he could

I'm sure the MSNBC fans... if there are any out there... will say that Fox is the only station that's bias :-P Granted this is just one of the opinion people and he actually said it on his radio program... still, he appears on MSNBC which going by most standards is the only connection that he needs. Chris Matthews 2 cents on the subject is funny too. I can't imagine these guys having much credibility.

The panic on the left concerning Tuesday's special senatorial election is getting palpable, for on Friday, MSNBC's Ed Schultz said on his radio program that he would try to vote ten times if he lived in Massachusetts.

"Yeah, that's right, I'd cheat to keep these bastards out," he told his audience. ''Cause that's exactly what they are"

ED SCHULTZ, HOST: I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts, I'd try to vote ten times. I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I'd try to. Yeah, that's right, I'd cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's exactly what they are.

Interesting that this occurred the same day MSNBC's Chris Matthews said he was concerned there weren't any left-leaning votes for Democrats to buy in Massachusetts Tuesday.

The good folks at General Electric and NBC must be thrilled to know that two of their on-air personalities are so biased in their political views that they publicly advocate cheating for their Party to be victorious.

Who says there's liberal bias in the media?

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I think one of their mottos has to be: do anything it takes to win, irregardless of legality or ethics. That just shows the continuing desperation on that side of the isle. JMO
You don't really believe it's only on one side of the aisle, do you Aqua? It's politics at its "finest." In this case, of course it's the dems. We either live with these people controlling every aspect of our lives, or go find another country to inhabit.
Partisanship by the news media is always appalling, left or right. Ed Schultz, the commentator, is the leftist version of Rush Limbaugh, so unless Ed makes a valid point, take his comments for entertainment value only.

Chris Matthews is different-- MSNBC tries to pass him off as an objective news reporter, and he may try to do so himself, but his reportage speaks for itself.
I don't think we necessarily have to find another country to live in yet Mary, and you're right, it's both sides of the isle too. I've suggested Independents/Libertarians as an alternate choice here and over yonder on other forums. Trouble is, they don't have the strong union, special-interest backings = Big Bucks $$$$ the major 2 parties have, at least not yet. We either need to find a way to do away with the SI's, and lack of term limits, or forget it. If the apathetic 65% of the non-voting population supported a third party, the rest of the Big Bucks would follow. Though, Costa Rica looks better everytime I see the fishing reports and living standards from friends from afar there already. Btw, if you watched CM's Hardball some 6-10 years ago or so, he was hurling pretty good fast balls at the libs when his bread was buttered on the other side. He's a chameleon now.
Chris Matthews isn't the man he use to be. Nowadays he clearly leans to the left. He'd been humping Obama's leg if he could get that close to him.
That imagery leaves me queasy.
You DOGs you two!
As well it should.. lol
Duh mice.............................sleep walkin yet.....................52% - 44%..............................sayeth the last polls tonite...................R.Scott..........upset................go Vikes over Saints!


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