We hear the democrats go on and on about how the republicans are suppose to be the party of the rich and big business yet its actually the democrats that seem to be the ones with the money. Of the top 10 richest members of congress, 7 are democrats and 3 of the top 5 are democrats including the overall richest member, John Kerry who to save a few bucks opted to park his big ole boat out of state to save a few bucks on taxes.... by the way, Kerry has been the richest member of congress 13 out of the last 15 years.

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Here's the link to my source

I mentioned this fiasco of late with Senator Kerry a few months ago. The "all for the downtrodden and poor people Senator" recently had a custom 76' Sloop yacht built for him in New Zealand costing upwards of $7Million. Not exactly chicken feed for your past time hobby. The kicker here is that while Americans throughout the country are facing deep unemployment, especially in trades like boat building and other non-necessity type industry, the Senator farmed this multi-million dollar project to overseas labor. With the Senator's well known wealth, via the Heinz empire of his wife's, he could well afford to have the yacht built anywhere, for any cost. Instead, he turned his back on the American boating industry to save a few paltry bucks. To add insult to injury, Kerry also stated the yacht would be moored in R.I., not Mass., where a $500,000 excise and sales tax would have to be paid. When Kerry's fiasco was in the press with egg on his face, he decided he must offer payment of the tax to save face with his state and constituents before it hit the fan. Kerry is so typical of the limousine liberals. They love to posture and preach how the rich need to pay more taxes and help fund their giveaway programs, but they themselves don't think they need to play by the same rules as the rest of us. Pure hypocrisy at it's finest, if you ask me.
How disgusting!
Let neither of them fool you, both parties dance at the beckon of the rich. Hypocrisy arises when they say only the other party does, as the Democrats seem to do often. Kerry is definitely a Grey Poupon guy.
Anyone on the Forum vote for John Kerry in a past election? Just wondered if you knew or cared about this thread and it's contents. It's pretty revealing on the true Senator, and btw, he was not then, nor now, a JFK, just cause he's got the same initials and postures at times. Thanks.
Aq, are you referring to the Gary Hart Scandal back in'91 (?) where he was caught on a boat named Monkey Business, I believe, with Donna Rice? Gave us the Duke riding a tank later, and brought Willie Horton into the spotlight-- and not the popular Detroit Tiger slugger of the '60s and '70s.
Yeah you're right X, it was, those two are pretty similar type politicians, sorry for the error. One note of importance I saw was that Maine, RI, Mass, and other east coast states near Kerry have expert boat building facilities, ones that could have manufactured just as nice a yacht, or better, and as such, should have been given this lucrative contract to show support for American jobs. Most of those boat companies are almost ready to close up shop, or have laid off many of their employees. However, Sen. Kerry decided otherwise, which is why I state he is a hypocrite to his state and constituents.


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