Antrim County Clerk Tries to Dismiss Case Against Herself; Judge Reinstates It

Voting irregularities in a small northern Michigan county continue to offset Michigan's Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's assertion that the fall election of 2020 was the most secure and accurate election ever. 

We reviewed the original problems that had this dependably 'red' county turn deep blue after the November 3rd votes were counted in Artifice in Antrim.  Hand recounts gave a more believable result, however, there were still precincts in the county where voter turnout was as high as 148%, a ridiculous number since it should not crest over 100%.  

These issues made an Antrim County resident with Ludington connections, William Bailey, take on the election system at court, ostensibly to settle a ballot issue that had an initially deadlocked vote in Central Lake Township at 262-262.  This attracted national attention when Bailey was allowed by Judge Kevin Elsenheimer to conduct a forensic audit on the election machines that played a part and be assisted by experts in the field who issued a compelling report on what they found.  This was explored back in December 2020 Local Citizen Gets Court-ordered Audit.  

Almost three months pass without any more news coming from this lawsuit, but on Wednesday, March 3rd, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy (pictured above) instructed her staff to dismiss the election fraud case without notice to the other parties. She then closed the case entirely, incorrectly citing her authority to manage court cases.  One wonders why Guy would do that since both the secretary of state and the state's corporate media have repetitively exonerated her for four months.  Why would she not want the lawsuit to play out and achieve full exoneration if she has full confidence in the Dominion machines and her own competency?

A county clerk in Michigan does have the responsibility of receiving and maintaining local circuit court records, not for making a judicial decision to close out a case.  This action not only rises beyond her permissible duties, but shows a level of corruption not yet seen, as she happens to be a material witness in the case with potential culpability.  She also has admitted to having her staff delete important system files and adjudication records in the Antrim County election management system (EMS) in violation of Michigan law on November 4, 2020, at 11:03 pm.  This has led to a criminal investigation by the Antrim County prosecutor that is in progress.

Sheryl Guy was scheduled to be deposed later this month for the case she closed out.  The action to dismiss made on March 3rd may give rise to additional claims against the county, including continued violations of the plaintiff’s constitutional rights.

Bailey's attorney Matt DePerno found out about Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy’s unethical action to dismiss through a Detroit News reporter Craig Mauger, who left a message for him on his cell phone asking if he heard about the developments in the Antrim case.  Mauger himself didn’t find the story newsworthy, adding that Sheryl Guy wasn’t the person who informed him about the case being dismissed.  It seems a rather large dereliction of journalistic standards to not recognize her actions as a major ethical and legal lapse and mark it as extremely newsworthy.

On Thursday, March 4, 2021, Judge Elsenheimer, apparently learning about the dismissal from DePerno, issued two separate orders immediately reinstating the case, simply stating, “The Clerk’s Non-Service dismissal was improper.”  The case that Guy attempted to dismiss gives attorneys until April 8 to complete discovery, with a settlement conference scheduled for May 11 and, if necessary, a non-jury trial would be scheduled for June 8, 2021.

One should view Guy's latest action as proof that she not only has a disregard for holding a fair and secure election, but that she also cannot handle her duties as a court clerk in a fair and competent manner.  

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Thanks for the post X. That woman should be prosecuted for voter fraud and misconduct. About 20 years in jail sounds about right. She along with all the other Communist lefties are why we are spiraling down the political toilet.

Interesting factoids about Sheryl Guy is that she was hired on by the county clerk's office on the Monday after she graduated from high school (long ago).  She ran for county clerk shortly thereafter as a Republican, because that's the party you choose if you want to win in Antrim County.  She allegedly voted for Donald Trump, but shortly after coming under fire for her election snafus she had a change of heart; logical, because conservative pundits were accusing her of incompetence and wrongdoing, while progressive pundits were wanting to give her understanding.  

She has chosen to be evasive and committed to doing meaningless gestures to show that her results were accurate and secure when they were neither-- well, maybe after the second recount, and the switchover of over 7000 votes.  Her uncooperativeness throughout and now her silly attempt to dismiss a case illustrate that she needs to take a break from her job in case she decides to do another illegal thing, like tamper with the ballots she has charge of.


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