I've been pondering this question since the prosecutor and defendant have finished with their cases. I did a little research and have determined that the jury pool has been chosen from a voting block made up of almost 87% Democrats. All from Manhattan. From the evidence presented it seems obvious to me that the prosecution has no evidence that would or should cause Trump to be found guilty. Even if 11 jurors voted to convict and all that would be needed is for one juror to hold out against the other 11, then there would be a hung jury and no conviction. However, knowing the minds and reputation of Democrats that the one hold out would forever be a pariah in this Country and maybe the entire World, there would be no place for that person to hide unless they went into the witness protection program. So the question is what would it take for Trump to be off the hook. Since it is likely that at least 87% of the jury are Democrats then being good party members 10 will be voting for conviction and since the 2 remaining, even tho they may be Republican they know that if they voted not to convict they also would  need to be in the witness protection program. So it can be guaranteed that they would switch votes to please the Lefties and Trump would be found guilty by a unanimous vote. Now the only way that I can see where Trump would be found not guilty is if a majority of the jurors have enough integrity to stand up for the Constitution and for what is right. I think that at least 8 jurors would be needed to vote not guilty which would give them strength in numbers and that possibly could convince the rest of the jurors and the Country that this trial was a travesty committed by traitorous entities.

Any thoughts. Has anyone heard what the odds are as to what the Vegas bookies have determined?

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Bookmaker's Review has some of the latest odds, with it recently swinging more to Trump's favor, but they still expect some charges to stick:  If you bet $175 against Trump, you will only receive $100, but if you bet on him ducking all charges, you get $125 in winnings.  Not guilty is an underdog.

'I think Trump's Bronx rally yesterday afternoon may have helped his chances, even though many of the news outlets in the area catering to a liberal audience did their best to not cover it.  The guy has immense courage and constitution, and whatever result comes out of this case, Providence will still fall in his favor in one way or the other.  I can't imagine that a majority of people in this truly great country can look at these sadistic people scourging this man with our once- vaunted justice system and not feel compassion for the valorous victim.

That's a very interesting web sight. I'm not a gambler but I can see the advantage in using such internet sights when considering making a wager on unusual events. I have relatives who bet on almost anything. Only one of them has much success. He wins consistently at poker and plays in competitive events. I don't understand how he does it but sometimes he wins an amazing amount of cash.

Playing competitive poker well is an art and a science, I would not denigrate such a pastime by equating it with placing wagers on sporting events, Trump tribulations, or most casino activities.  At any table with 'n' participants, each person playing a 'drawless' game like Texas Hold Em has a 1/n chance of winning each hand; there is no advantage over time if everybody gets their turn as dealer.  

Yet if you have a master poker player like Doyle Brunson at a table going against rubes, he's going to be the last man standing more often than not, because he knows how to play all aspects of the game, knows the probabilities and stats involved, and quickly grasps the psychology of his foes.  

Fuck Trump ! 

 Lock that TRAITOR, CRIMINAL and all around piece of shit- up !

There's someone I respect quite a lot who has the same view of DJT as you do; however, they have the sensibility to realize that what the current administration is doing through many perversions of the justice systems to him and others that they violently disagree with (like Alex Jones and Steve Bannon) is absolutely wrong and a direction that the country should never be taking.  

Keep hating Trump, if that's your thing, but don't support those who would corrupt the justice system and go after people who are out of power and being persecuted/prosecuted for their political beliefs.  That's how democratic republics fall.  

Maybe you'll grow up one day .... or the next time you are on James Street , stop in to one of the tattoo parlors and get the word GULLIBLE put on your forehead. Maybe you can get it done in that "we the people " font.

There is nothing "perverted" about prosecuting someone--anyone--who broke the law, was charged, prosecuted, and convicted by a jury of his peers. Here's some percentages for you: 100% of Trump's jurors were approved by Trump's lawyers; 50% of them were actually picked by Trump's lawyers. They found him 100% guilty on all 34 charges. Case closed. 

I'm surprised and disappointed at your comments snide. The fact that you believe that all of these charges against Trump which have been made up and the prosecution carried out by Leftists whose goal is to preside over a police state which seems to fit  your way of thinking is OK. It's to bad you cannot recognize how dangerous these court battles are and how we are falling fast into the fascist control of Marxists politicians who have sided with the likes of Islamic terrorists and the Communists. You are the one who needs to visit that tattoo shop. Not X.

As far as you are concerned RK, you fit the mode of a useful idiot who not only admits to being part of our demise for 3 decades but you still continue to support all of the poisoness  ideals that undermine the Constitution and our freedoms. You obviously know little about how a jury is selected and even less about how your freedoms are being systematically eliminated. Of course you don't care about that because your sitting on your a_s collecting a government check for being a traitor to the Republic for all these years.

Willy, it makes me happy to think that your taxes are helping to pay for my retirement. Here's to ya. Thanks, pal. 

you have absolutely NO CLUE about the legal system ... TRUMP WAS GUILTY. THAT is why he was on Trial.    GROW THE HELL UP & pray to God you OR your pal , Tom don't meet me on the street. 

I doubt we will ever meet you on the street, snide, because you're obviously a shut in.  Start listening to more of a variety of news sources, do your own research, and ease up on the "Caps lock" key. 

FYI, I have seen plenty of innocent folks go to trial and I've seen a lot of local officials and former officials that should be on trial for crimes get a free pass from the system.  Trump's inability to get that free pass only helps to show he is not the latter, an unbiased review of the facts affirms that for me.  These aren't clean prosecutions.

Compromised judges and prosecutors can nullify a jury by giving them improper guidance and instructions.  Let's allow the process to take its course and see how Trump's appeals will go.  I doubt it will change minds of those with TDS if he is ultimately found innocent, but if you're honest maybe you'll admit then that the prosecution was politically motivated.  

I have sat through local court proceedings where I am negatively inclined towards the person accused but have held the prosecutor and/or judge to account for their abuse of the process when that happens.  Liberals in the past indicated their support of basic civil liberties, but of late they show that they are coming after all your rights and liberties if you don't share their viewpoint of big/world government (where the rights of individuals are removed, for the 'good of all').  That isn't what America is about.  


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