I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” -- President Joe Biden, Politico, July 8

Up until this last Saturday night, the rhetoric and legal actions against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump by the sitting administration has been unacceptable.  It is now intolerable.  While Trump's criticisms involve the mental acuity, policy differences, and competency of the current chief executive, the other side has been actively demonizing the former chief executive and interacting with local prosecutions against his competitor who leads in the polls, prosecutions that never took place in the years before Trump announced his candidacy.

When you have multiple corporate 'news' networks reinforce the propaganda with Hitler comparisons and policy misrepresentations, internet corporations doing the same with their algorithms, you lay a fertile ground for assassination attempts on the devil you created.  When you add to this that the devil is going up against the military industrial complex and the 'deep state', you may wonder (like me and many of my friends) why such an attempt was not taken sooner and with a more proficient shooter.  Tyrannical forces do not like those who challenge them.

Around a third of you or more will suggest that Trump has done the same with Biden over the years, but when the words of Trump in proper context is looked at, you see constructive or light-hearted criticism rather than threats.  Use your favorite search engine to key in on Trump threatening Biden, and the main one you'll find is the campaign showing a video of a Trump convoy truck which had a picture of Biden hog-tied.  Their campaign is disciplined enough this time around to not use threats and wrongful associations.  Biden's is not above using such associations to portray Trump as doing evil, for example, like in this ad which has a sad predicament with a young couple exploited by the current president:

Trump has reiterated his longstanding stance that he is against abortion, with exceptions for rape and incest, and his picks for Supreme Court, which made the difference in reversing Roe, did the truly Constitutionally-proper thing by giving that issue back to the states, as it should have always been by the language of the Tenth Amendment (or to the people themselves). 

Saying that Trump did this, killing her baby and/or threatening her life, is an outrageous association.  If we follow along with her story, she miscarried; treatments for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are still legal under Texas’s abortion ban.  Blame your medical "specialist" for not knowing that removing dead fetal tissue is different from an abortion according to Texas state law.  

What has led to many more deaths in Texas and all over America is Joe Biden's open border policy which he has maintained over the course of his term, letting in millions of unvetted illegal aliens.  Like any unannounced invader of your inner sanctum, you can presume they aren't the best people.

Thus, it should surprise nobody that this was an inevitable result, trying to take out the Republican front runner when your Justice Department just isn't up to the task of throwing him in jail thanks to the last vestiges of justice this country actually has.  The rhetoric from the White House needs to be less destructive.  

Now some of you may suggest that my comments at public meetings and in my media holdings of the Ludington Torch and Ludington Pitchfork should be toned down as well.  That is a good suggestion, but I maintain that, like Trump, I keep the focus on the official action or policy, not the official.  Surely, I will call an official corrupt if he is doing unethical stuff, crooked if they are doing illegal stuff, and a thief if he takes stuff that doesn't rightfully belong to them in the course of his official conduct.  

What I won't do is look at an official's personal life or accept reports/tips without substantiation or report on same, unless it can be verified and comes into direct interference with their official duties or actions.  I expect the same from people who post in either of my media.  And that's why I was deeply hurt when a young woman, a complete stranger, wrote a letter to the editor of the "Mason County Press" referring to me as "The Artful Dodger" of Ludington.

This depiction suggests that I am not only a pickpocket myself, but that I lead a group of criminals (thereby suggesting those who follow my words are reprobates).  Beyond this she alluded to several actions that I had never participated in but would be hard-pressed to disprove.  As a citizen and not even a candidate for anything, I have no official capacity, so her unjustified accusations printed in a media outlet (albeit a compromised one) which has a standing policy to not print letters to the editor with libelous content, is greatly disturbing when I take great pains to print only truthful content and work to right wrongs, using more financial resources than I get in return over the last ten years she claims I made the city pay nearly $300,000 in legal fees-- when the majority of costs came when they decided to have their lawyers do FOIA requests at lawyer rates, when their use has just been to block as much information from going out as possible.  

And that seems to be what has been getting Donald Trump in trouble from people with the same demographics as my young critic who would serve as a useful idiot for the local officials and MCP's Rob Alway, who regularly robbed from the coffers of Scottville back when he was on their city commission without public disclosure of same. 

Alway truly profited from his public service, and now he's likely profiting from publishing city propaganda in the form of two letters to the editor from Councilor Wally Cain effectively dismissing criticisms of official acts and policy as negativity in two forgettable letters to Alway, and then an attack letter from a young actress insinuating ill intent and profiteering on my part of which nobody who actually knows of me and my fight with Ludington City Hall over the years should consider as anywhere near accurate. 


Hopefully, I will not take a bullet in the ear for my persistence in discorrupting the local scene like Donald Trump (or the next man up should somebody get past Trump's divine shield, J.D. Vance) will hopefully do in reforming the broken national scene on election, but I will keep the good fight going against corrupted officials for as long as I am able to do so and support the national platform that will preserve our country's greatness.

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Excellent post X. I have often thought of you as the Trump of Mason County. The reason that statement is true is that you back up all your grievances against the political elites with the law and facts, while they can only name call and use public funds to defend and promote the corruption you revealed. When people challenge my opinions about Trump and conservatives i request them to get on the internet and find actual video of what they claim are Trump's wrong doings.  Not one person has come forth with such information or proof  because there is none. All of the bad press Trump has gotten is second hand statements passed down as fact or made up charges against him. From the Russian hoax to illegals to abortion he has been absolutely right. There have been no politicians who have ever withstood the persecution that Trump has endured and no local public advocate who has been falsely accused and maligned as you have been. I have to say that much of today's society is made up of easily swayed and ignorant people who are as you say, useful idiots and until they actually do their own research into what is going on we will never be the great Country we should be. There are those in my own family who refuse to believe the truth about the Marxist ideology that is the cancer of our society because they refuse to check the facts in a logical and neutral way. This twisted way of thinking is poisoning the youth in our schools and we will be paying a high price when they become tomorrows leaders. America has never been perfect but it's Constitution is the road map for it to become the place where everyone has the same freedoms and opportunities. For God's sake people if the press or anyone else claims Trump or X is wrong or has done wrong, check out information and see if what they have said or have done is the truth. 

I don't mind the comparison to Trump, and after I posted the article, I failed to point out that the Deep City-State of Ludington had one of their own contractors shooting at me just four months before DJT took it on the ear.  Recall, on March 12th, I had gone to the approximately 80 acres of parkland known as Cartier Park two hours before dusk in an effort to clear the deer out of the area, as the deer cull was expected to take place during the middle of that night, as we were told by the city at numerous meetings.  Deer move mostly just before dusk, so I figured if they were moved out of the cull zone before the arrival of cullers, they would get less deer as they were bedded elsewhere.

Forty minutes before dusk in broad daylight, I saw an ATV cruising through the park before it saw me, as any wildlife would do, I concealed myself, and a couple minutes later shots rang out, when I was in the middle of the park.  The City, like the secret service in Pennsylvania, failed to secure the zone, failed to tell us that these hunters would be shooting during daylight, and my life was put into mortal danger.  We were told they would be doing it in the middle of the night to take advantage of their night vision and other unsportsmanlike methods.

No sympathy since, a couple of nasty-grams from Wally Cain a couple of statements from Foster claiming it was my fault for being in an unsecured park where shooting is explicitly forbidden, but my dangerous foray was not without a gain.  

For in the 80 minutes I had covered every of those 80 acres on foot in the park before I saw the ATV, I had come across zero deer to chase out.  None.  But somehow, and I was in the hunting zone another 30 minutes working my way towards an escape, and saw zero more deer running away from the gunfire, the cull was finished within another hour and they reported that 19 deer were taken out of Cartier Park alone.  I'm sorry, but that is statistically impossible.  I and others combed the 80 acres the next day and found zero gore, I and others heard no more than 12 shots total.  And while they claim that they would have had more deer if they hadn't fled from the limited hunting zone, no deer was seen leaving the zone by several observers from afar.  

This was a total hoax by the USDA's wildlife management division perpetrated on the City of Ludington who failed the people by not having any sort of accountability protocol on the process.  One hopes Trump and his cabinet choice will root out the corruption in the USDA that allows them to dupe dopy councils and commissions into these contracts.


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