The Monday, March 17th meeting at West Shore Community College should go as planned.  All will be in favor of the 3.5-million-dollar pool renovation.  On the docket as well, there is a discussion of a turf and track facility.  I guess dodging pickle balls is getting a bit old.  Unfortunately, I cannot make the meeting, so I’ll post my thoughts here. 

I would tell the Board of Trustees to back up the cement mixer and fill in the pool.  I would turn that room into a “state of the art” weight room.  I know it sounds harsh but hang in there.  The pool is fifty years old.  Throwing 3.5 million at it will not fix all the problems.

The shortage of lifeguards has been an issue for many years.  I was a lifeguard at West Shore Community College for a couple of years.  There were limited swimming times due to the shortage.

Hiring a group of high schoolers will not resolve the shortage issue.  The most popular swimming time at WSCC is the morning lap swims.  As much as they would like to skip out on Algebra class, they would not be able to work mornings.  They could help with evenings and weekends for open swims. 

Scheduling lane for your lap swim/workout.  Getting time at fits your schedule can be difficult at times.  Well, every week. This is not only because morning lap swimming is very popular, but also because of the limited number of swimming lanes.  Although the pool has six swimming lanes, only five can be used safely.  The sixth lane has steps going into the pool.  They take up almost the entire lane at the end of the pool.  If you hit them, it will leave a mark.  Swimmers avoid lane six if possible.

Hire a “Pool Director”.  I’m not sure where this suggestion came from or do I understand the need for a pool director.  When I was there, the lifeguards were employees of a staffing company.  The only WSCC employees that worked at the Rec Center were the directors of the Wellness Center and the Rec Center.   The Rec Center director oversaw the pool.  The idea of needing a pool director never crossed my mind.

I guess you want to hear the fix.  I’m in favor of the turf and track facility.  I think it would be a great benefit to the college and the community.  My suggestion is to build a new pool at this facility.

I would prefer to spend more on something new than throw money into an aged pool.  Within a few short years, you’ll be back with a citizen review committee asking for more money to repair the pool.  Build something new with more swimming lanes. 

Instead of a pool director, hire 2 or 3 full time lifeguards.  I’m not sure what the “magic number” is but this would help.  By full time lifeguards, I mean employed by the college and are eligible for benefits.  The pay can remain the same, but benefits are attached.  These lifeguards would be required to have advanced certifications.  They can instruct basic lifeguard courses and “Learn to Swim” programs. 

There is still one decision to be made.  It’s a decision that needs to be made should they decide to remodel the existing pool.  Should the pool remain a therapeutic pool?  A therapeutic pool temperature is approximately ten degrees warmer than a “normal or competitive pool” Since the existing pool is running approximately $100,000 is the “red” each year, a reduction of the pool temperature could be a good cost cutting measure.

Putting money into something that is costing you money every year is not a sound investment.  It’s a liability.  It’s a liability that the community wants and desires.  I can’t argue with them.  A pool is needed at West Shore Community College, but possibly a new pool is a better solution. A pool with more swimming lanes. Hire full-time lifeguards that are employees of the college.  This will keep turn-over down and student lifeguards could work nights and weekends.  Whatever may come, the label of “therapeutic” needs to go down the drain.


Former WSCC lifeguard

Pulitzer Prize Winner (AI Generated)


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I am also confused why there would be a need to hire another “director”. They currently pay 2 directors to manage a single area and both work the same shift. I have always wondered why they need 3 people (2 supervisors) on the weekdays, but on the weekend only a single staffer? On top of that the directors seem to make their own schedule around what they having going on in their personal lives. So the “need” is confusing. I have seen one of them sleeping in their office. I think a lot of the problems WSCC is having is because of the current management at the REC center. Sure they are nice people, but professionally they have created a lot of problems with their ideas and concepts surrounding the pool and gym usage. Currently the gym is rented out to pickleball more than it is available to students or members that pay. It really feels like a money grab and not a community asset that our tax dollars and memberships pay for. A lot of people are blaming the pool issue on the president. But all the issues started under current management. Is the president completely ignoring his directors? Or do the directors not really support the pool and play both sides when it comes to interaction with the community?

Thanks for your comments.  Agree, "pool director" is not needed.  I have a feeling it would be a marketing/promotion position.  I have no idea.  I enjoyed working at WSCC and with both directors. I never had a problem, not one.  The Rec center and pickle ball.  Nothing is scheduled in the gym at that time, so anyone is free to use or rent it.  Reaching back into my memory, the curtain was pulled down and one half is the gym was open for basketball.  It's only the people that want to walk around the gym may run into an issue.

Pool usage issues are really determined by lifeguard staffing.  I would not blame the Director or innovated concepts.  (I have not been there in a while, I don't know what's been happening)

The best solution is a new pool.  Additional swimming lanes and lifeguards with benefits.

Next Monday night should be interesting.  I hope X has the opportunity to make the meeting.  


I plan to be at the meeting today but just as a reporter on what will happen.  I would say that I am for the pool, but I have to admit a slight bias, as I used the pool facilities (especially the hot tub) for multiple times a week for at least half a year when I was recuperating from a serious leg injury back in 1995.  I would like to see MCC getting a swim team organized and have some sort of agreement with the college to practice and compete in and the college to engage area senior centers and other relevant groups so that we can get better usage of the facilities, so as to allow it to survive more on user fees and give the general taxpayer less of a burden for maintaining the pool.

A pool is nice but I am tired of paying ever increasing property taxes. How many actual tax payers use the pool anyway?


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