Eric Knysz was stopped by a Michigan State Police (MSP) trooper on Custer Road near Freesoil on a mild September evening after having peddled some of his father's weapons in Ludington.  With all those stolen guns, without a driver's license, he panicked and made a dumb decision.  According to his wife, he picked up one of his father's guns and shot the trooper before the trooper knew what was happening.




Eric Knysz is officially dead as of today, few people beyond his family will shed many tears of that fact.  Eric was only 19 years old when he was stopped and made the conscious decision to shoot the trooper.  Nineteen years old.  He could have been a senior in high school just a week into classes getting prepared for homecoming, looking for a date, but he chose another route in his life, he married, ditched school, and was about to become a father. 




Let's say that he never married his wife Sarah, who is currently doing time for his actions; several years, by the way, as the result of his actions.  Let's say that he stayed in school, moved to Ludington, and had a girl other than Sarah show an interest in him.  Let's say she wanted to ask him to go to homecoming with her, but just didn't want to come out and ask him.  Let's say she read the Ludington Torch, and noticed this thread detailing a 'creative' way to ask someone out to homecoming about the same time of year. 


Alternatively, let's say she was 'connected' and had the capability to ask Chief Barnett of the Ludington Police Department to facilitate this 'creative' invitation.


Let's say this girl thought this would be a good way to pop the homecoming question to Eric Knysz, since she knew he had a few run-ins already, and the look on his face would be priceless when he finds out it is a gag.  Let's say she was able to get Officer Jacob Miller, with Chief Barnett's blessing of course, pull Eric Knysz over in town and go through the guise of writing him a traffic citation for the loud noise that Knysz's father's truck made. 


Let's say Officer Miller pulled Eric Knysz over in town at an inopportune time.  Let' say Eric had stolen guns, no driver's license, and let's say he once again panicked and chose the route that he chose back on September 9, 2013.  Or let's say he decided to run, and started a car chase that had more than one fatality or injury.  A creative way to make a dangerous situation.



Lastly, let's say that Chief Barnett is a pinhead for thinking that using official resources for potentially dangerous horseplay is satisfactory. 

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I was unaware that Knysz had died and also I am not sure what the point of this topic is. A little explanation please.

I include a link to Mlive about Eric's official death earlier today.  He allegedly hung himself in his cell with a bedsheet the other day, and was declared brain dead, and now is 'totally' dead.

A 2012 story in the Torch (this thread), told of a strange occurrence I witnessed in front of my property, like a surreal play.  A police car pulled a young lady in a car over, Officer Miller got out and inferred she had been going too fast and asked for ID, went back to his car.  But it was all a prank; when the officer came back and started the conversation as if she was going to get a ticket, a young man sneaks out of the cop car and surprises the heck out of her, and then she is doubly surprised when she finds she has been pranked, the stop was made to propose this question.  When I alerted the Chief to this weird occurrence he sent the letter to me, as if everything was cool.

From that thread, I integrated the girl's part to be played by Eric Knysz, who was high school age when he was stopped, to show that any official police traffic stop, even one made as a prank, can lead to some dire consequences.  You never know how the driver pulled over will react.

Thanks X. I get it now. It does make a lot of sense. I was half asleep when I posted so I missed that link.

I figured that was the case, either that or you were mesmerized by more Saudi mobile mechanics on the web.  Most links I include are just for reference, but some are more important to the article at hand.

Chief Barnett has never made any public statements regarding the two police brutality federal law suit cases that have involved his officers over the last couple of years (McAdam v. Warmuskerken, et. al. and Burns v. Sailor), that isn't leadership or public accountability.  He hasn't commented on the significant part he played in my own federal lawsuit over the Workplace Safety Policy.  He modified a "Letter of Trespass" used for businesses and homeowners into one that could be used for public facilities.  Doesn't sound like somebody who believes in others right to speak, as he made claim in his "Shame, Shame" speech last month.

This guy wants us to trust him with an armed, secret police force consisting of the mayor and who knows who else.  I wouldn't trust him as dogcatcher.

The fact that this was a very high profile case, and the fact that this suicide happened so fast and with many questions unanswered to date, almost makes me wonder if there was some hanky-panky going on when it comes to Eric's safety and security at that detainment center. I think it was either a stupid lack of security, which I don't buy, or else an intentional way of giving Eric a way to commit his own suicide. What do you think?

I honestly believe at this point that the State did not try to assist this suicide.  I say this because the deed happened at roughly the same time the MSP was giving out their special awards as the first part of their victory lap.  Knysz's suicide dampened the muted celebrations and prevented Eric from being their living poster boy of infamy.  He goes from being 'evil incarnate' to a 'tragic figure' for most people, and turns him into a 'coward' for the folks that love police no matter what they do. 

Yup, assisted enabled suicide is what I think. Besides, how can anyone prove it now, and who's going to care, except the family. Family, sue the pants off the State of Michigan, this is the only thing left now.


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