Walhalla is competing against municipalities across the nation for money to put into the local economy. Reader's Digest recently ran a contest that concluded early last month in which individuals cheered for their town. The small town of Grand Marais, MIchigan beat out all other towns in the USA to win the prize then, which amounted to $40,000. This time there is a bigger pot.
The Ludington Daily News ran two news stories concerning the first round of this contest, and encouraged its readers to vote for Ludington. Ludington got some support, and finished in the top 100, but without a clear vision, they failed to get much traction.
You might think that a web blog named the Ludington Torch might advise the readers to vote for the City that it is named for, but we have documented quite a lot of misuse of funds and power by our own City government (who would receive and allot the money), that we cannot endorse this great City for that reason. Instead, the Torch's Board of Directors have decided to throw our support behind the rural community of Walhalla, situated in the eastern half of Mason County.
No one here I know of lives in Walhalla and I personally only have chance acquaintances with Walhallans, but most of us may pass this small town when travelling on U.S. 10 and it sure looks like a little money couldn't hurt. Our stated goal is to help this small community earn some money, and to make Walhalla the top vote-getter in Mason County.
To cheer, visit the website and put in Walhalla's zip code 49458 in the proper place. You can cheer up to ten times a day: We Hear You America- Reader's Digest
Edie, it looks like he is really disparaging the torch over there, seems if anyone knows how to cheat is him. I did want to see what kind of comeback they could come up with for my laser vision replies
He even brought me up directly in the comments.
"Lando Lakes
Lindsey Edie, March 24, 201
Lando, the word is that you live and work in Custer. So who made you the mouthpiece for Ludington citizens? Do you realize that Tom started this Walhalla cheer as a mock toward Ludington, and that none of this tommyrot would be happening if Tom had not previously disrespected the Ludington cheer during the last contest?"
I love it when people say things like "word is", I mean seriously, it just means the person is full of b.s. and doesn't have a clue so they have to say "word is". It reminds me of a kid wanting to go to some activity and saying "but mom everybody is going".
Ya know this whole thing is so much fun. This person wants to be the center of my attention, maybe they did find a pic of me and now have a bit of puppy love going on. lol
Also, seems X really hit a sore spot with someone in the CoL. by requesting those FOIA documents. All the stalking of us this person is doing makes me think somebody is really going to get there teet in the wringer soon in the CoL gov't and is trying put the focus off themself by redirecting the issues back here and attempting to make it look like the watchdog site is in the wrong for performing a function that wouldn't even be needed if they were doing things properly.
I think they view your being the head administrator for March (and soon to be April) of the Ludington Torch as a focal point of their interest in you. Also, it may just be that this is someone affiliated with the prior local websites,LT or Lakeshore Soup, who is venting. other than just a Lud official. Those guys are close-mouthed in the CofL. Guido and Edie received some grief during their tenure as head ad from similar sources. It comes with the territory.
I went to the site to vote again and this was posted.
"The old double standard. Do as I say and not as I do. None of you said a word when tom did it. Now lisa and lardo are having hissy fits."
To set the record straight - I have no double standard nor do I throw hissy fits. When I read Lando Carlrissian post about reading 23 pages I was a little confused because I only seen 3 for Walhalla, but then a brain cell fired (someday's they are a little slower than others) and I went to Ludington's page. Lo and Behold there is a lot of derogatory stuff on there also. There is a time and a place for everything and the Reader's Digest contest is not the place to slam your town or your fellow citizens.With that said I am taking a break - you all can have your hate-fest, spring is here I'm going to socialize with people who find beauty in things.
I just went back over there. I really hope nobody here is voting more than the proper 10 times your allowed for a town each day. That would be wrong and totally against the spirit of the RD contest. I had to vote for my own town anyway. It would save us alot on a new sewer.
But if people are "playing" the system then doing that is no different than people giving out bids for sign project to your fiance or water tower repainting without following ethical sealed bid procedures.
I am all for calling out our elected/appointed officials when they are doing wrong. But I have no desire to be a cheater.
I really hope whoever stated over there how to 'play' the RD system is not anyone from this site. It appears as though it is someone who is trying to make this site look bad. As I do not believe anyone here would do such a thing.
The contest is nationwide and it makes me wonder how many other people have cheated the system to get there town votes if a person really can do that re-login thing(as I never tried and would not even consider it).And if it is possible then why is a huge corp like RD not capable of doing a better job to create a site without such elementary 'hacks'. I would guess most sites like contests and such go by IP not an email address.
RJE, once again you have reached the point at an early stage of all this. The LDN advertised for this contest twice wherein city officials pleaded for people to vote and get some money for the City to spend-- never offered any idea on what or where it would be spent-- in the first go round, and managed around 40,000 votes, well over a million votes less than the top vote getter, the very small community of Grand Marais, MI.
Using the RD psycho's logic, there must have been a lot of people cheating to get all those votes for Grand Marais, and I might just concur; but look at the rules of the contest at that site. One could argue that his methods of 'cheating' (he/she/it has apparently found on his own) were within the rules of the contest, if you read them as an attorney might.
In general elections, most all believe, I sure do, in the concept of one person, one vote. Among other things, the contest allows ten votes per day for each person. It does not expressly prohibit proxy voting for another person. What you, him, or I might declare "cheating" could indeed be argued to be allowed by this contest's rules.
In the end, this contest is just a bunch of stuffed ballot boxes won by the best organized group of rule-benders.
I was formerly Lando Clarissian, which some person changes to lardo, I change my username with the seasons, why, IDK, get bored with seeing the same thing after while. I can't think of anyother names I used except my given name which if you really want to know that you can read enough and figure it out, It is here in more ways than one. Just need to find a pattern of making usernames harder and harder to decode ie. make into a shorter version for typing, (especially for AQ as he is the name username mangler)lol
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