An interesting and somewhat public turf war is being waged in Mason County between County Commissioner Chuck Lange and council-appointed Ludington City Councilor Michael Krauch in otherwise discrete and civil disagreements over political issues. 

This battle may be hard to recognize without knowing a bit of the background of their other jobs and pursuits.  When these are considered, the dispute is seen in detail.

Before Krauch assumed his Fourth Ward Councilor job a little over a year ago without benefit of one vote from anybody in the Fourth Ward, he was the District 5 Coordinator for MSU Extension.  Krauch began as an educator in the Homeownership Division of MSUE, and served less than a year before his promotion.  His professional demeanor, qualifications and legal scholarship in Illinois appealed to MSUE and, less than one year later, to the Ludington City Council.  Here's his MSUE page:

Like Michael Krauch, Lange achieved a promotion in 2013, becoming the chairman of the Mason County Board of Commissioners, a position he has held since.  Lange is owner of CL Enterprises a machinery shop east of the city limits which reportedly brings in between $1 and $2.5 million each year and employs 5-9 folks.  He also owns four rental properties inside the city limits, two of those within the fourth ward.  Chuck is the leftmost commissioner getting sworn in on this photo.

There are some similarities between the two men, such as they are both short in stature and serve on governing bodies.  But there are clear differences that define this struggle.

As you may note, Lange is a small businessman in both his shop and landlord capacity who has got his position by appealing to voters during the several elections he has won.  Krauch answers to federal, state, and county governments in his regular job he was appointed to, and has only answered to the Ludington City Council in getting his position while arguably holding it illegally after the city failed to put his position on the ballot in 2014. 

The MSUE and its programs, like 4-H, are partially funded by the county, meaning that Lange has some measure of control over this aspect as a vote on the county board.  The City of Ludington, in considering a rental inspection program, will allow Krauch to have some measure of control over whether this passes and affects Lange's landlord business. 

In fact, Krauch not only has one vote, but has been instrumental in reviving the viability of the program over loud objections from the public, hammering out details of what should be involved while on the Building & Licensing Committee.  City officials praise him for his work, while many in the public dwell on his choice of words after meeting with some landlords-- intimating that inspections were coming whether the landlords like it or not.  His rhetoric at committee and council meetings have also reflected that he thinks its passage in inevitable, and is only common sense.

Meanwhile Lange has been attending many of these meetings, speaking at the initial committee meetings and at the August special meeting dedicated to the ordinance:

"Chuck Lange, chairman of the Mason County Commissioners and Ludington landlord broadcasted a study that indicated Ludington was in great need already of low rent housing and that this would aggravate the current situation, intimating that such a program would never fly in the county."

Rental Inspection Meeting August 13, 2015

Lange was at the last meeting where the first reading of this ordinance came up Krauch wasn't.  A couple of speakers held issue with Krauch and his words; one mentioned Lange as a landlord that brought a rental and spent a lot to fix the furnace.  Lange didn't speak other than to acknowledge the fact.

One day afterwards on October 13, the Mason County Board met, with Chuck Lange as chairman.  Commissioners were considering whether to spend money on making another full time assistant prosecutor or on making the 4-H director a full time position.  They decided on the former, however, Commissioner Vanderwall wished to also make the 4-H director a 30 hour/week position rather than 20 hours.  This would cost $15,000 extra taken from the contingency fund. 

After discussion the vote was on, three of the regular commissioners were for it, three were against it, but Chairman Lange, with the deciding vote coming from his throat, voted no.  This is significant because the 4-H Program throughout Michigan is ran by MSUE, and the person pushing the county for more funding was, you guessed it, Michael Krauch:

Fortunately, Krauch isn't angry at commissioners, including its chairman, so his vote on rental inspections won't be to avenge Mr. Lange's vote on the 4-H program.  But the MSUE also is engaged in more than 4-H, as noted by Mr. Krauch's first appearance before Chairman Lange in August 2014:

The purpose behind the MSUE's homeownership program is to allow as many people to own homes, even if it is effectively bailing them out.  Step Forward Michigan was a half of a billion dollars of stimulus money to keep people from getting foreclosed from their homes, Krauch was in charge of this for the Region Five area before becoming the director.  It's not too surprising that the MSUE who focuses on homeownership over rental agreements only extended this money to owner occupied homes.  The MSUE has no programs or assistance for rentals and looks on such usage of property in a mostly negative light.  Councilor Michael Krauch follows the MSUE's lead.

Some may even view Krauch's deep involvement in the rental inspection program as a conflict of interest, since more homeownership in Ludington/Mason County, which this ordinance would promote would result through the conversion of rentals to owner-occupied homes or the loss of the rentals entirely. 

Congratulations Councilor Krauch, your MSUE leadership in homeownership has been assisted through your city council leadership in rental-busting.  Maybe you should seek the sound advice of someone who not only provides real jobs for the area, but also supplies real housing:  County Chairman and Ludington business owner and landlord, Chuck Lange.

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Well done X. Only you could find the threads that link all of this rental / housing nonsense together. This situation is a perfect example of the "big government is good" mentality vs. free enterprise, common sense and freedom. Krauch has not exhibited the common sense needed to represent the 6th Ward but instead has demonstrated the continuance of the mindset of heavy handed government dominance over the people. How is Ludington so lucky to have so many anti Constitutional representatives in control of the Government. Where do these people come from.

In Krauch's case, he was hand picked by the rest.  According to some of my reliable sources, Councilors Rathsack, Winczewski, Johnson, Tykoski, and Marrison (retired), were all groomed to run by people from the city suggesting they would make an excellent fit.  The two not mentioned (Holman and Castonia) were part of the misfit organization they joined. 

We need some organically grown councilors, ones that are urged by other people or their conscience to run and represent the folks, Constitutional values and the ideals of good governance.  This is a hint to all the people from Ludington who read the Ludington Torch and agree with much of the analysis we present here and allow for an open forum for public debate.  You need to be the change, or only change will  be in your pockets.  Run for office in 2016, or encourage someone you know who would roll back the tyranny and corruption.

It appears from his recent absences from CC mtgs., unanswered conduct, questionable voting, rubbing people the wrong way with remarks that are arrogant and threatening, Mr. Krauch is just revealing his crooked iron-fist Illinois politics background that is now being unveiled. Avoiding and dodging the US Constitution is now in favor these days, and growing bigger everyday. WHY? I think too many people just want feely-good promises and handouts, and are missing the bigger picture. Besides, how many people under 40 actually know or studied anything about it to begin with, let alone their own hometown politics? George Carlin, one of my all-time favorite comedians, and his personal life statements are also worthy of praise. Yes, MOM radio station had an interview with Mr. Krauch Friday, and he was not exactly happy with losing that $15K for the 4-H local program. 

March 22, 2015 Ludington City Council from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

Mr. Krauch has missed four regularly scheduled council meetings this year, it's too bad his immense responsibilities of MSUE Regional Director should be in conflict of these evening meetings which are set at the beginning of the year.  The rest of the male councilors and mayor have been absent twice each, Holman, once, Winczewski like myself, has missed none. 

I can relate with the landlord's reaction to Krauch's statement of inevitability of the RIP, because his awkward statements have inspired me to greater things.

Krauch's arrogant, pedantic swipe at the denial of the Gene Foster arrest FOIA request at the March 22nd meeting (1:07:40 in) was a big incentive for me to further appeal the ruling, beyond the utter ignorance of the law that the whole council/attorneys mouthed/wrote. 

"I think the basis of this, the action to be taken on it, is based on the law... my inclination is to uphold the FOIA Coordinator's decision, but it's on the basis of law...".  It was totally against the law to withhold a complete police arrest report from the public that had nothing to do with SSCENT operations!  It was totally unconscionable of the authorities not to provide Mr. Foster with the full reports to provide for his defense.

How is it the prosecutor can withhold from the defendant and his defense team the legal documents a person(such) as Mr. Foster prior to any court hearings?  Is this even legal?  How can a defendant properly prepare for the alleged allegations by the cops in a court of law?  

In order:  He shouldn't be able to unless the defense lawyer is totally incompetent and not working professionally for his client's interest (the attorney by default is David Glancy, "assistant prosecutor"). 

It's not ethical, legally it flies because the public defender allows it, but should be grounds for prosecutorial misconduct.

Recall Paul Spaniola and reassign David Glancy to something he is more qualified for.

How would one go about prosecutorial misconduct? How would one go about failure of a defense attorney to secure and produce to his client the documents that are needed for a fair trial?

Are there not laws in place for this?

At best, you could present the facts to the MI Attorney General's Office and have them conduct an investigation (usually through the MSP).  I have little confidence in the MSP investigating Spaniola, since they lauded him after his finding that MSP Trooper James Luttrull did no wrong the night he shot retired teacher Bill Marble in his home, claiming their praise was for his handling of the prosecution of Trooper-shooter Eric Knysz.

Nor do I think the current Attorney General is dedicated one bit to the rights of the accused and the responsibilities of public officers.  Let's not forget Schuette appeared with Spaniola at their highly-political press conferences notifying us they would go for murder charges against Baby Kate's father.  Spaniola could potentially be recalled, but it would be a tough sell with the area's other media in love with his 'toughness' on crime.

while I don't know Mr. Krauch, I do know of Mr. Lange...(more on this later in my post.) While Mr. Krauch states that people were helped by the Step Forward Michigan plan, I know personally(because I applied before it came to mason co.-you had to apply through Oceana at the time) it is a huge intrusive boondoggle that would not help me in any way even though I jumped through numerous hoops and hours of ridiculous intrusive questions... That being said, I have spoke to a good friend and co-worker that has some rental properties and all he objects to is that he doesn't trust the City Of Ludington to not implement more rental codes and laws once this current proposal is implemented..... Now back to Mr. Lange...he is truly a slumlord... I have been in both his houses in the 4th ward and witnessed his actions as a landlord and found him to be very repulsive..... example--- he was renting one of the houses to Ben Bentz and his family (if that name rings a bell,he was the one convicted of sexual conduct with a child not quite a year ago). When , in the first week of December2014, Mr. Bentz went to jail (the rent was overdue).Mr Lange went into the home and removed all the family's possessions and put them out on the front lawn....true story. So I'm just glad I don't rent in this town.

Thanks for the insight snide. Was Lange's actions before or after any court trial on this matter? Or just after the arrest? If before any trial, he, Lange, committed a criminal act himself, for not allowing a fair unbiased outcome of the charges. But, I must admit, I personally hate any child molesters, just because it is such a monstrous act! SO, was he proven innocent? But back to Krauch, he seems untrustworthy, and now, even more suspicious in his actions, and lack of attendances to the CC mtgs.. He certainly is a bigger player in politics around Ludville than I could ever imagine now. He's one to keep a "watch on" imho. 

totally agree with you on the monstrous act point was that I didn't think that the family,who were the victims deserved to come home to their belongings on the yard in December......who does that kind of thing......?


While I agree that it sounds as if throwing out a young victim of  vile crime just before Christmas is heinous, I think some of your information is off.  This Nov. 14, 2014 COLDNews article states Bentz as being arraigned for the crime and being housed in the jail on a $75,000 bond, which I'm fairly sure he wasn't able to afford, so that was his home.  If you recall in that case, the mother of the girl was repeatedly being housed by the county for other crimes during the times which Bentz was alleged to have done his molestations. 

If Lange was moving things out in December, he had probably went through the process of eviction and had gotten a writ of restitution for what was probably a vacated structure.  If you are fairly sure that Lange had done a self-eviction, that would be quite a story and ultimately verifiable by checking out District Court records.


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