Hoping that some of this money the COL is trying to collect is going to clean the Creamy corners/PM bayou mess as described by the DEQ it its latest 480 page report that the COL requested. Have waited patiently for 2.5 months and have seen/heard no clean up plan. The COL has a marina and need it full so I guess that is why they have no regard for us, a mom and pop operation just trying to make its way. DNR, DEQ, city/state government, why are you not trying to help tax paying businesses out? Why does it seem so blatant that the COL and Mason county are corrupt? And the bigger question is why can no one expose and correct the issues there? Why do they have all of the power? Who out there can help us?
The Creamery Corners drain was in the news this week as the COLDNews reported that Ludington's DPW cleared some trees from the drain. As you have probably noticed, the County, PM Township, City of Ludington, and the Drain Commission are ineffective and unaccountable in addressing the issues involving this area. The $30+ million raised in bonds are only for the water/sewer system, WTP and WWTP upgrades.
The City of Ludington self-admittedly runs its city marina like a business, and it's not good business to try and help your competitors, of which the marinas around the PM Bayou are. They will consider the neglect of the bayou a problem only when they use your taxpayer money to establish their own significant foothold there.
The DEQ report is a public record. You can go to the DEQ's Cadillac office to review their files regarding the land around that area. Bring a scanner and spend a day looking at the material. I was surprised at all that they had on just the old Padnos Scrap yard at 628 E Dowland the day I went there. Likewise, if the COL has the DEQ report, you should be able to get a .pdf from them.
The COL has been trying one way or another for many decades to buy local waterfront landowners out around the PM Lake, and have failed. Why? Because their own tax valuations aren't in line with their buy proposals, they are dirt cheap, and insulting. So what's the other strategy? It's force them out with unfair playing fields of competition, and overtaxing them into the ground. Now it's even the contamination factors at the far east end of the PM Lake and bayous. Dirty filthy water filled with garbage and human waste. And no cleanup in sight for almost a decade now. If this was a private land owner fiasco, you can bet the DEQ would have jumped all over the citizen. As it is, they are just looking the other way now, covering their own fellow public servants as usual. This issue alone is criminal, and should have brought the locals out with a serious lawsuit against the COL long ago. But it's hard to afford excellent environmental attorneys when the taxation is already putting you out of business!
Just two images of a 480 page DEQ report that the COL paid for and it is clear that the bayou residents had nothing to do with what has ruined their business/property values. This was almost 8 years ago and we all have been patient but now we have the smoking gun that points out who all is at fault! There are 478 more pages and they are printed and in binders, need to get to the next level sooner than later. Can not believe that the DEQ does not get the attention of our governor or EPA to get this mess cleaned up?
I know for a fact if it went into the city marina it would have been gone a lot sooner than this specially if we did it!
Maybe the EPA hasn't been informed all this time? Maybe someone should check on that, as well as get a letter out to the Governor's office to see if they care or don't.
Good point Aquaman, letters emailed next week! Thanks, for the life of me I can not see why some reporter for the news would not want to take on this corruption story, im sure there are many holes in the COL government! This DEQ report really fingers out the villains!
We have proven here over a seven year period unequivocally that the local media of the LDN and MCP are in undeniable cahoots with the COL over and over again. Appears they have strong and viable advertising accounts with them. The so called "editors and reporters" don't know journalism in the real world, and are mostly from out-of-state, not knowing or caring about the history of, nor any loyalty to, the residents and community that they are supposed to be serving. The scenario of not printing truths, covering up lies and malfeasance, and looking the other way on unethical and illegal acts, is the norm here, not the exception to the rule.
A shame! I have contacted a few in the Detroit market but unfortunately there is more than enough material there to keep them more than busy. Has to be someone that wants to make a name for themselves and possibly move in to the national news. This DEQ report and a lot of stuff compiled on this site and other areas would be more than enough to make a go of it. What gets me most is that there is no one of wealth/power that has integrity that wants to see things done the right way, guess that is why so many are in favor of Trump style politics? I know my great uncle and grandmother are turning in their graves!
40 years ago there was not much in this quaint small town, except its beauty. The fishing industry was brought in and built up by the marinas that are in the bayou and just outside of and the other side of the bridge near the creamy corners drain. There was no city marina, (now marinas) just honest private business owners working to build the greater good for all around them. Now as luck has had it there was a terrible storm that dumped so much contanimation and sewage into the bayou, then due to decades of lack of maintenance by the city, county, dnr, epa and state government, all of these same business owners are suffering still because of all who I have mentioned that have not tried to help because it would hurt their own interests. They have done nothing but fight all of us! Not even to mention the charter boat issue. We need to come together with a class action lawsuit and fight back. This latest brownfields redevelopment report is a strong case, points out all who have contributed to this mess. This Hitler style of governance needs to be brought to an end. What good reason could they have for not cleaning up their mess? They need to explain it to a judge, enough is enough!
The reason always comes back money, money, and lack of more money. Meanwhile, the COL's own Trial Balance Sheet showed some $7Million in reserve funds in the bank accounts back some 4 years ago, and now it's grown bigger yet. They HAVE the MONEY! They DON'T want to clean up their mess/negligence/illegal acts, it may prove they are wrong on this issue. Must NOT EVER say you're wrong, esp. to the public. Plus it makes the other private marinas suffer, and that's really the key to their own success. Gestapo tactics covered up, and working just fine around Ludington these days, thanks to Shay and Henderson mostly. (See Investment Pool Fund at top of link page). They overtaxed citizens to get that investment fund, wth are they doing with it if not for infrastructure and emergencies like this?
It is not just COL it is mason county, epa, dnr, shay, watershed authority and every single business that pays tax east of the drain. They are all pointed out in this DEQ report, very clearly in the 480 pages of it! Just need a Jeffery Fieger type of lawyer to go after them, and I pledge all of our resources will go after getting this corrected!
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