Hoping that some of this money the COL is trying to collect is going to clean the Creamy corners/PM bayou mess as described by the DEQ it its latest 480 page report that the COL requested. Have waited patiently for 2.5 months and have seen/heard no clean up plan. The COL has a marina and need it full so I guess that is why they have no regard for us, a mom and pop operation just trying to make its way. DNR, DEQ, city/state government, why are you not trying to help tax paying businesses out? Why does it seem so blatant that the COL and Mason county are corrupt? And the bigger question is why can no one expose and correct the issues there? Why do they have all of the power? Who out there can help us?
Someone should go to the next City Council Mtg. and ask them why they are always applying for State and Federal Grants, crying poorhouse, increasing fees and taxes to us all, when they are hoarding all that Investment Fund into the $10Million mark by now. That alone could run the entire city budget for a few years without taking in another tax dollar. I'm wondering when and how that fund is ever going to be used. 99% of the taxpayers don't know it exists. I fear that someday we'll wake up to the fact that it's gone. Disappeared to Switzerland, Argentina, or some other far away place with no extradition for the swindler that makes off with it. Someone that controls the purse strings in the COL. I'll bet Feiger knows of an excellent attorney that specializes in this type of pollution problem, can't hurt to ask his staff.
Does anyone know the history of Creamery Corners and why it's called that? What exactly are it's boundaries?
It's location starts at the corner of 6th St.and US-31 south. There happened to be a creamery there at the turn of the last century I heard. Old timers named it this long ago. Long forgotten today pretty much. Amber Twnshp's. Nels Jensen's farm is also mentioned. The drain empties out by Whitehall Ind. into the PM Bayou, sewage and runoff from upland, and also the specially permitted COL water treatment plant as I understand it.
I tried to find some information about Creamery Corners on the internet but came up short. Besides someone else who is looking for Creamery Corners I found a reference to it, but it was supposed to be located in Eden Twp. and referred to as "Creamery Corners � Amber Township Nels Jensen farm ?" in the Mason County History Companion
here is a brief mention of Creamery Corners in this quick overview of the history and life in the 4th Ward by Bob Sculley.
Thank you for sharing that shinblind, a great find/share. This is the Ludington that I remember as a child. 40 years ago it was still like this. My great uncle had a TV repair shop a block or so away and we would go there and watch him fix TV's by changing vacuum tubes to make the fix. Good times! Now due to the current governance there it has turned into an all about me and nothing for the tax paying citizen. We have a lot of family history in Ludington and are asking for help in getting things back to the way they used to be. Why would a few small marina's be a threat to 2, I repeat 2 city owned marina's that are maintained by taxpayer dollars and in turn your taxes are raised? But the taxpayers who are ruined are not helped? Btw, is the discharge permit expired and the city still discharging? Guess taxes will go back up again once the city is forced to fix their mess.
Your right jfc123 and the citizens who paid the dollars to subsidize those marinas are not even allowed on the property if you don't have a boat slip there. Last summer I was taking pictures of the Badger from the marina near Badgers dock. An employee of the marina asked if I had a slip at the marina to which I said "no", then I was told to get off the property. What arrogance these people display.
Thanks for posting that article shinblind. Aquaman was right. Very interesting.
It's a total shame that local history is rarely taught in the schools. What I have learned about Scottville and Ludington's history has mostly come from what I have looked up on my own. We have a rich history, and it is frequently overlooked even though we have White Pine Village, a historical society, and other reminders.
Instead what we get is our city hall inventing a name for the Fourth Ward area (Fish Town), as usual, borrowing the term from another Michigan city, and trying to reinvent Ludington by making the locals forget their unique and proud past.
Willy this is a picture of a page taken directly out of the 480 page report that I referenced in the beginning of this thread. This report was ordered by the COL and paid for by them and this paragraph basically sums up why we are for the most out of business. I did not write this the DEQ and their investigators did. Where is our governor that wants to clean up the great lakes eco system, or epa, dnr, mason county, watershed, etc? The flow from this drain if you look at aerial maps shows that it goes out to lake Michigan and trends north which is odd but probably due to warmer currents attracting. You know what is north of the pier is the intake for the drinking water that supplies much of the west coast there. A big reason that just simple maintenance should have been done but then after the devastation in 2008 with all of the raw sewage that went in, the the money that the Epa sent, one million dollars, went to where because this is stii 100 percent untouched. Think of this next time you get a drink of water or shower or boil water for food.What would you do if this was your family business? Why would Ludington let this go? Look at what is happening in Flint due to negligence. Also thank you Aquaman for all of your valuable insight.
Willy, your experience with being kicked out of Harbor View shouldn't be. It is leased and privately run for the first 20 years, till 2018 I believe. But, it was still paid for by taxpayers from the State of Michigan Waterways Commission. Next time that happens tell them your tax dollars also helped pay for the facility, and that you are looking for one of the charter boats named Blue Fairways to fish on. Tell them Greg sent you, they should leave you alone then. Otherwise tell them Bob Manglitz said it's okay, you're not there to be a nuisance nor thief.
If employees are telling people what I was told then those instruction had to come from above them. There is an elitists atmosphere surrounding these marinas which is fostered by those who operate them. They want to keep the "little" people out of them. Just like the bathrooms at the City Marina are locked and only accessible to slip renters. They want to keep local taxpayers from hobnobbing with the boaters so we don't embarrass the snobs.
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