At the February 22, 2016 Councilor Krauch made a motion that was discussed both favorably and unfavorably but eventually passed unanimously by a city council who never touched upon the ramifications of the restrictions it would have on the public's interaction with the council or how the Michigan Open Meeting's Act seemed to prohibit it.

Council-appointed Fourth Ward Councilor Krauch (1:09:40 in) made "a motion to modify our public comment period so that we have a three minute public comment period near the beginning of our agenda where the comments will be limited to items on the agenda, and then one public comment period near the end of the agenda with public comments at that time open to any topic whatsoever.  I so move."

February 22, 2016 Ludington City Council from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

The motion only covered changing the public comment period that everyone has at every meeting of the Ludington City Council and not explicitly, or even implicitly, the length of time that people would be able to speak at public hearings within those meetings, which has been codified and implemented since 2002 to be five minutes.

But at 15:15 into the March 7, 2016 meeting, the mayor says that people at the public hearing could only speak for three minutes.  He does not say why.  I asked just afterwards as I took the podium.  "Only three minutes your honor?"  He clarified:  "yes."  I bristled but went for three minutes with my five minute prepared speech.

March 7, 2016 Ludington City Council from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

A three limit restriction at public hearings has never been stated or enforced ever before at Ludington City Council meetings.  On March 9, 2015, one year ago, Mayor Cox lays down the law for two public hearings, which includes a reminder to keep all comments within five minutes just after the 16:00 mark:

March 9, 2015 Ludington City Council from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

If we go back one year earlier on March 24, 2014, at a public hearing for some tax breaks for Brill Manufacturing, Mayor Cox specifically states we have five minutes and I take that much time to make my opinions known about corporate welfare, beginning at 9:50 in. 

March 24, 2014 Ludington City Council from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

Nor does this rule only begin with our current mayor, Mayor Henderson in his twelve years always had his public hearings allow five minutes.  Here's one from his last March in office, a March 4, 2013 where he makes it known that the speaker can only go five minutes (at 11:30 in).  I actually got some extra seconds in this West End Project hearing, going from 14:15 to 19:40. 

March 4, 2013 Ludington City Council from Mason County District Library on Vimeo.

So how can our mayor decide to curb the voice of the public at these public hearings by making a new rule on the spot without getting council approval?  A simple mistake of what Krauch's new motion entailed?  Or worse, a violation of the public's free speech once again?  Now that the council has decided to follow an agenda all of its own making, isn't the public worth listening to, even when the city officials (in their infinite wisdom) don't heed it?

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Jasper, I use my local buddies CM Shay, Mayor Cox, LPD Chief Barnett, Richard Wilson, et. al. as examples on a regular basis; it certainly does not mean I endorse their actions.  Yet, if any of these people stated, did, or believed in something worthy of merit, I may just quote or praise them on that point. 

The problem you mention about being hated in the Senate isn't a 'problem' but a clear indicator that he's taking the tough road in doing what he said what he's going to do in government.  He gets a solid 'A' in conservative credentials at 97%.  His harshest critics:  Lindsey Grahamnesty is at 37%, John McCain 38%, Lil' Marco is at a lackluster 'C'.  These are the weak little farts that get elected and reelected and totally turn their backs on their conservative ideals.  This is why he is not liked by his fellow Senators, because he hasn't sold out on his stated ideals, at least yet. 

This is why Trump and Lil' Marco demagogues Cruz as a liar, because the record shows he's far from it and much more akin to the disenchanted Republican base than they are. 

I thought this thread was about the loss of freedom of speech, or breaking it up into sections. I can see where the city council wanted this, and voted it in so quickly. By requiring the first comments be 3 minutes, and stay on an agenda based subject, they limit you to only talking 60% on THEIR chosen subject. Now you only have 40% of your permitted time to talk on the subject of your choice, and have to wait up to 2 hours at the end of the mtg. to do that. This is where the FIX comes in. How many people want to wait 1-2 hours to say what's on their mind? Probably hardly any, so, that eliminates those comments altogether, and keeps the council members happy about no complaints. And if you are patient enough to wait that 1-2 hours, now you can't express your ideas or complaints without rushing to beat the "buzzer". Real twisted Gestapo type tactic, NOT the American way, nor our City Charter way. Public in Ludington continues to be Scammed again!!!

XLFD thanks for your response. Appreciate it.


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