Can anyone tell me who owns the lot delineated by Loomis, William and Robert? It is the vacant half block south of Wesco and the Garden Center?
Also who owns the lot south east of the Loomis Street Fish Cleaning Facility? The one that runs south of Loomis and west of Lakeshore Drive?
When a trained, athletic, kayak-savvy firefighter can almost drown in relatively placid waters near the Hamlin Dam, you have to wonder why we would want to offer this amenity within a few stone throws of where three people drowned in three separate incidents back in 2010 due to rough waters.
What makes it even worse is that the sheltered waters at the proposed launch point could give the impression that the lake is not as turbulent as it may actually be. Ludington Harbor is protected by two solid breakwalls on either side that can calm the water within it very significantly. Once they get out of it into the unprotected fury of the open lake, dredged deep for the carferry in that area, we may see what jfc portends.
Any boater can tell you how fast the lake can get rough when weather moves in, and most are in 25' plus boats. Then the thought of power boats sharing a channel with kayakers and the car ferry? Its a pretty small opening but even smaller it seems when bad weather approaches during peak tourist time. I don't believe any kayak should be allowed west of the coast guard station, it is way too dangerous. IMHO
Wasn't the recommendation from the representative for the kayak trail that the kayak launch site be between the City Marina and Harbor Marina. From X's aerial photo the location was to be at the nadir of the Vee between the two marina's.
The logic for this was that;
there was already a parking lot there,
that the parking lot was close to the water,
that it is easy to expand to make it handicap accessible,
that there was space for kayak lockers,
that there were restrooms and showers in place,
that it was close to town, (2 blocks vs 5)
that there is less boat traffic in the area,
that it is more sheltered,
that it would be cost effective to build.
Isn't this just another ploy by city manager and the city sheep council to ram something down the throats of the citizens that is neither needed nor cost effective. There are no plans in place for adding kayak facilities to the West End Scheme and putting it there will only add to the cost of Shay's boondoggle and further obstruct the view of the Lake.
The West End Scheme is a bad plan. Adding kayak's to the mix will only put more lipstick on John Shay's pet pig.
In Machiavellian tradition, John Shay has included the purchase of a canoe rack and other 'water trail' items to make extra points on the application. Earlier reports from the COLDNews said that our City elites were figuring out whether to put the trailhead at the West End or in the armpit between the city marina and the Waterfront Park. For purposes of this application, it will go at the West End.
What I just cant wrap my head around is why this city would not want to expand its reach and promote the area that helped build it, which is the PM Bayou and all of the marina's heading west? This is the historic area, where people go to see things to show their kids how it was when they were kids? This leadership is clueless of what it takes to build a thriving city!
The purpose of a city council is to speak to the business owners in their city and find out what they need to grow and expand, not try to oppress and close! Until this changes Ludington will always be a small city that makes its residents walk over hot coals at the expense of tourists!
The city needs to be for its own to grow and flourish for all!
Unbelievable, this is not the way any other city is run anymore, well since KWAMEE was jailed at least!
I also think shinblind makes a great point about the West end project, and the last block they plan to close. Why not use that vacant area by the USCG station for their beer tents and other ideas? Plus, a kayak launch by the pierhead isn't a good idea either, perhaps by the bayou as jfc stated. This would be an ideal place, and give the COL an excuse to clean it up and make something of it for everyone.
I agree, Ludington residents should be on a board helping decide major issues like this, just like they are everywhere else in America! Ludington residents thoughts and lives matter and the COL best wake up and include! You all know about the states constituent services link I posted I hope? Please over use it! Also sign the petition, the only voice heard is the voice spoken, which can never ask a stupid question!
jfc123 or anyone else,
When I was walking the other day, I noticed that some agency had done a lot of tree and brush clearing on both sides of the 'stream' leading to the drainpipes underneath Madison Avenue that lead into the bayou. The cuttings looked fresh and the trees cut were of significant size. Anybody know who did it and why?
Yes the article is here:
Imagine the excitement we felt when this was occurring. We thought finally the demon that was dropped into the bayou courtesy of a storm and WWTP that failed and the ensuing 15 million plus gallons of raw sewage, Madison street, and several docks all washed in and still there to this day. We thought finally justice would be served and good would prevail! This excitement was short lived though, unfortunately.
8 years now and the most of the bayou is still rendered unusable due to this debris and contamination. Sad story but true, like living a nightmare for us, COL council ignores and laughs us off.
All of these politicians throwing agencies they oversee under the bus, MDEQ, EPA, bottom line they, the politicians hear what they want to hear and until it blows up in their face! No one is held accountable until it is a major tragedy!
The MDEQ has stated that the PM Bayou undisturbed is ok, undisturbed? No rain, wind, boats, kids throwing rocks, tourists, etc? How the hell do we keep it undisturbed considering the creamy corners drain is there? Why does the city/county not maintain this damn drain? We want to have a business and not be put out by a city we love and pay taxes to. Anyone feel like we are wrong here?
The MDEQ also stated in this report that the reason that a business was not able to function was because of what happened when the WWTP failed and took road, docks, and 15 million plus gallons of sewage into the bayou that is still there! Granholm gave the COL the money, come on!! Why is this city able to be this corrupt? People need to speak up!
jfc123, the sad thing is that if they MDEQ admits there is a problem in the bayou then every drain and river outlet on the Great Lakes would require a clean up, so it's better and cheaper for them to use the old "leave it alone and it will be OK" line to hide behind. The fact is anytime a significant amount of water runoff reaches an outlet the bottom of that outlet gets stirred up and pollutants are then carried out into the Lakes. I would like to see a study of shore waters just after a major rain or snow melt. I bet the pollutant amounts would choke any tester used to measure them. Along with pollutants the bacteria levels would most likely choke a healthy horse. Since Ludington's water intake is directly north of the Harbor outlet I bet Ludington's water supply gets a good dose of crap every time we get a significant amount of rain.
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