So watching the latest replay of the COL council meeting I was really touched by one citizens comment. A long time resident that had the same feeling I, and many of you have driving down Ludington Ave west, WOW, what a beautiful view!
The courage it takes to speak in public in front of the big bad council in Ludington that think they are above all, constantly rolling their eyes. I respect her courage, myself I would have a hard time not getting mad and not spewing expletives! So Dianne Neil Engblade, thank you for your strong steady voice, I may need to hire you to speak for me in the near future?
Now Shay gets up to speak and in his melodramatic tone says all kinds of stuff. Finally in seeming response to her comment that nothing would be taller than him, what a liar! I see he wants a kayak rental, and many other things like that there and as XLFD has pointed out there would be tents/canopies, etc that would block her view. DAMMIT John Shay, this lifetime taxpayer matters and you need to recognize her and the many others that may be intimidated by you and the other council and don't speak out! For me to say this is a DAMN shame, government is "of the people for the people!" When will they realize this? I wish everyone had this womans courage! It is a city of 8000, everyone needs to work together.
Ok back to the kayak thing. Seriously? Where are these people supposed to kayak? I have a brilliant suggestion, one we were going to do before the WWTP blew out along with 15 plus million gallons of raw sewage in 2008 that is still there! Put it by the DNR/city ramp in the PM Bayou corner, of course after you clean it up. It is a start toward your master plan to develop this whole area as historic. If they kayak at the west end area and one goes out past the breakwall, waves kick up and they capsize then what? It is an insurable night mare! No way should this happen or the city approve kayak rentals there. On accident and millions will be lost. Kayaking in Lake Michigan or that close is a ridiculous idea period! Kayaking needs to start at the corner near the creamy corners drain!
The PM Bayou is where this should happen and what I spoke to Shay about in 2013 when dredging was being considered. I told him of our willingness to sell property to help things move along but do not agree with anyone there needing "skin in the game" since we did not ruin our properties, the WWTP, sewage line break, COL, Mason Cty, etc, did.
Seems to make more sense, spread the greater good, a project like this would add jobs, tax base and maybe even open a few more businesses and expand the population.
I remember as a kid working at the marina making some money from boaters helping them with my cousins then walking up to the party store on 1st street getting slurpees, pop, candy, etc, this is what Ludingtion is about, but only if as a whole city not just Shay and the COL's picks!
Back then times were so much better, there were people working to bring everyone up, not just their wealthy friends. Need to get back to our roots!
Did Mr Mace from Lansing get you an email to send letters to?
When do we send them?
Do you know if there still is a paper version of a petition to have West End visitors sign when they're there?
Thx Brad
As far as I know Brad there is no paper petition in circulation in opposition to the West End Project, nor is there any businesses collecting signatures against this even though it would be in their economic interest to do so.
I believe the City has until the end of this month to submit their application to the DNR Trust Fund so it will soon be time to contact the DNR Trust Fund Board.
I think there's more to this Ludington Ave reincarnation than what the City is saying. After all it is a road that they are trying to remove. Isn't Ludington ave required to be legally vacated and abandoned in order to fulfill the wet dreams of City officials so it can be remade into a liberals idea of a glorified patio. Removing a road at taxpayers expense needs public approval at the ballot in my humble opinion. Also since this is a major change to an existing park doesn't that require a vote of approval by Ludingtons citizens? It seems to me that somewhere in this process of ruining the west end that the citizens of Ludington should be able to vote on it. Would this be grounds for a petition? I think State law will not allow public access roads to water to be abandoned without public approval. I'm only guessing.
I have made the point all along that the people do need to vote on any change of public use of the park. Our power hungry councilors and accommodating city attorney don't bother addressing this aspect of the charter, which is why they need to be removed, either at the ballot box or through overwhelming support of the rule of law by the citizens of Ludington. The latter seems almost unattainable, as dozens or even hundreds of petitioners will get ignored, as they did in Captain Thomson's petition.
Watch the latest video, the petition was included in the council packet containing the 117 signatures that were made to that point, but do they mention it. Nah, Councilor Castonia moved to apply, Krauch seconded, Johnson said he was 'excited' about it, Moonbeam (Winczewski) touted its virtues, Krauch offered his own anecdotal support. Castonia bashed the complainers, as usual. Voted unanimously for.
I hope we can all collectively look at methods of thwarting this misuse of money, Willy offers several germs of ideas that could and should be promoted.
Is there still a offline paper petition that can be used for the daily visitors to the West End..? People there almost every time and anytime I drive down there.
When should the emails be sent of our opposition to this nonessential expensive mutilation? Do we wait for Mr Mace to get us contact info?
Also anyone that knows local business people or business owners that support this issue should be rallied to participate in writing emails/letters also.
...And of course... vote da bums out!
Ok so we all probably know that I am a Ludington business owner (marina on the PM bayou) offspring. They are up in age and dealing with health issues and I am committed to take on this fight for cleanup. This link here just pisses me off to no extent!
30 thousand gallons and they get this response? The local paper here covered it in full with no double speak or fear of the township? Mark Hackel is the county leader just like Brooks Patterson of Oakland county. Big shots and this will be fixed and cleaned up.
What the hell is wrong in Ludington? Does this not prove that the money people are after cheap distressed property? Mark lives on the street behind me, maybe I need to speak to him about this, he is such a nice approachable person, nothing like the elite in Ludington! Sure hope he decides to run for Gov, or even Brooks, they are both nice people!
There is a facebook page called
A lot of good info there in your fight against Ludington and their forced change, like it and hope you get an idea to help just like this one I found. Crazy that this is in the same state because it seems to be a US vs Russia reference.
Here's a new twist: can you imagine a councilor NOT knowing what's in the West End Project for dimensions and specifications and voting for it? YES, it's true, to the tribute of 3 councilors so far. YES, they have NO IDEA of what the westerly portion of Lud. Ave's. new structures are for size, and why this must be "pushed and passed on a vote right now". ONLY SHAY KNOWS, or does he? I don't think, based on the blockage of info. that he, nor the site planner, knows, or really cares, cause their plan is to, and is now, to vote it in! Does that bespeak of any irregularities? Or just corruption? This IS and will be a "bone of contention" for me, as it should be for every Lud. citizen that cares!!!
It's troubling that over 10 years after they spent our money commissioning the diagrams of this project, without anybody claiming any fatherhood of the project, that so many things are still so unclear. How many phases are in the project? How much will it cost in total? How exactly has it been amended since its original inception? Is this going to be a water trail nexus or not? Why are we landscaping this scenic area, and new this year, why are we doing it with tall, non-native, horticultural plants, some of which are invasive?
With less than 10% of the funds being asked for, this area could be repaved, improved upon, and left in its current natural setting without changing the current use. Why waste $400,000 when the city, state, and county governments are supposedly strapped for cash for necessary infrastructure projects?
Has that $400,000 cost been upgraded over the last 10 years? Or is the estimate based on what the scheme used to cost 10 years ago.
Was looking for the above data and ran across this.
Interesting figure from Perky Patsy Klevorn in the Feb.13 2007 COLDS regarding the cost of the West End Scheme ,"The city hired Progressive to create the plans in the hopes that grant money for the estimated $1 million multi-year project will be available in the future."
Anyone have a link to the City Council Meeting where the original cost of the WES was discussed in February 2007? According to my trusty inflation calculator $1,000,000 from when the WES was first proposed would now cost an additional $300,000. Has the City ever adjusted the cost of the West End Scheme upward to reflect inflation?
I have a feeling that it will be like the Water/WasteWater treatment plant upgrades. They were first listed around this time last year to cost $20,000,000, then in the fall the project ballooned to $28,000,000. Currently it is listed to be $33,000,000
Lets see $33,000,000 for the water upgrades most of which are unneeded to supply water to Michigan Power. $1,300,000 for the WES. At least $1,200,000 for the new Fire Barn Palace. God only know how much for the Bowling/Subway block Scheme. That sounds like a lot of debt for a city of about 8000.
It looks like the City City Council and City Manager John Shay are running amuck and are about sell most of the residents into Slavery.
That's a shame about Lake St. Claire, and something you may more expect in that area of Michigan. Don't neglect the recent well-publicized news out of Manistee also, detailed here recently MCDC: Unsafe Levels of Pollutants.
This is what years of devoting millions of dollars to public-private partnerships each year, more and more money taken away from the core function of our governments. They have the gall to want to raise your sales tax to fix the roads when they could have easily repaired our roads had they not devoted our money to filmmakers, advertising companies, and dozens of forms of corporate welfare.
jfc123, I didn't know that was you at the meeting speaking on the PM bayou. I also was at the meeting but chickened out and did not stand up to add my voice because I have an anxiety about public speaking. That's probably why I'm such a smart_ss on the forum. I think you did very well at getting your point across and I saw people in the audience nodding their heads in approval. X was, as usual, his confident self. Good job for the both of you.
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