So watching the latest replay of the COL council meeting I was really touched by one citizens comment. A long time resident that had the same feeling I, and many of you have driving down Ludington Ave west, WOW, what a beautiful view!
The courage it takes to speak in public in front of the big bad council in Ludington that think they are above all, constantly rolling their eyes. I respect her courage, myself I would have a hard time not getting mad and not spewing expletives! So Dianne Neil Engblade, thank you for your strong steady voice, I may need to hire you to speak for me in the near future?
Now Shay gets up to speak and in his melodramatic tone says all kinds of stuff. Finally in seeming response to her comment that nothing would be taller than him, what a liar! I see he wants a kayak rental, and many other things like that there and as XLFD has pointed out there would be tents/canopies, etc that would block her view. DAMMIT John Shay, this lifetime taxpayer matters and you need to recognize her and the many others that may be intimidated by you and the other council and don't speak out! For me to say this is a DAMN shame, government is "of the people for the people!" When will they realize this? I wish everyone had this womans courage! It is a city of 8000, everyone needs to work together.
Ok back to the kayak thing. Seriously? Where are these people supposed to kayak? I have a brilliant suggestion, one we were going to do before the WWTP blew out along with 15 plus million gallons of raw sewage in 2008 that is still there! Put it by the DNR/city ramp in the PM Bayou corner, of course after you clean it up. It is a start toward your master plan to develop this whole area as historic. If they kayak at the west end area and one goes out past the breakwall, waves kick up and they capsize then what? It is an insurable night mare! No way should this happen or the city approve kayak rentals there. On accident and millions will be lost. Kayaking in Lake Michigan or that close is a ridiculous idea period! Kayaking needs to start at the corner near the creamy corners drain!
The PM Bayou is where this should happen and what I spoke to Shay about in 2013 when dredging was being considered. I told him of our willingness to sell property to help things move along but do not agree with anyone there needing "skin in the game" since we did not ruin our properties, the WWTP, sewage line break, COL, Mason Cty, etc, did.
Seems to make more sense, spread the greater good, a project like this would add jobs, tax base and maybe even open a few more businesses and expand the population.
I remember as a kid working at the marina making some money from boaters helping them with my cousins then walking up to the party store on 1st street getting slurpees, pop, candy, etc, this is what Ludingtion is about, but only if as a whole city not just Shay and the COL's picks!
Back then times were so much better, there were people working to bring everyone up, not just their wealthy friends. Need to get back to our roots!
Willy, I kinda feel the same. I did speak up at several cc mtgs., and pretty much also got some cold feet. Doesn't help when you are mad, and then have to calm yourself to speak, esp. with many eyes staring at you, some smirking and giggling like little girls too. I think part of the trick is to start with short comments, then build up later after you get more comfortable and confident in yourself. Btw, I would hardly ever refer to your input on this forum the way you have, quite the contrary, you've been very cogent and affirmative almost always. Then the photography, fantastic.
Absolutely Aquaman, could not say it better. When I am in the audience you also will have an advocate in your corner!
Thank you Willy! I appreciate you feedback. But I don't agree that you are a smart ass, I think you are a passionate resident that cares about the city you live in. Everything that you have posted I have learned from and look forward to more coming. Awesome pictures also.
To be honest that night I did not sleep well wondering and replaying in my mind. I have concluded that it is sad that I felt that way because I spoke the truth, and from the heart. This is not what was spoke by the council though I am sure! Government is supposed to work for the people!
We have no choice, we need to speak out, and speak out often and I believe it will be easier over time. I hope to encourage you to also speak your mind for what you feel is right, this is what our country was built on. If I am in the audience, which is very likely, know I and all I am with will support your comments as well.
Still can not figure out why the chief of police looked at me as he did, but best believe I will have a camera rolling next time. And wont be alone, they can not intimidate me!
Here's some info. of recent regarding the grants people in Lansing at the MDNR: Tamara Jorkasky, Grant Coordinator (Region 2&4) Grants Mgmt. Section MDNR Constitution Hall, 525 W. Allegan St., P.O.Box 30425, Lansing, Mi. 48909 (phone 517-284-5948) Email: Jorkasky, Tamara (DNR), <> Time to start calling them to get info. on time and date of hearings on the grant, and to email, write, and call them everyday all the time until they deny the grant application. NOW IS THE TIME!!! It's NOT OVER YET!!!
jfc, I saw your comment, and just realized a week or so ago, that I thought you were Sr., not Jr., sorry, never met you yet, but you are a great American. We ALL need to start going to these mtgs. and start advocating and supporting ourselves. Get used to dirty looks, rolling eyes, snickers, giggles, and the routine smirks. Most of them catapulted by Shyster Shay III, Mayor Cox, CA Wilson, and Chief Barney, not to mention Holman and Castonia. Empty minds with nothing better to do, but intimidate, and retaliate, whenever possible. Routine procedure for them now, too complacent and lazy in their fluffy cuddly situations.
Aquaman, did you ask about how much administration fees the city would get for a $300,000 grant? I can't find this info on the internet, but most of these grants give out an extra 25% ( or in this case $75,000) for administration, which should find its way into the city's general fund.
Very interesting observation X, had no idea until you mentioned that recently. That money may just fall into the hands of Shay and Trot out the DDA Director, Heather. No wonder they are so Enthusiastic about the grant, they are going to sift it off, for their own ill-gotten gains no doubt. Another valid reason to oppose the grant, more dirty politics muddying up the entire system.
Hey X
Any idea where I can locate the written copy of the February 20 2007 city council meeting?
I want to see the initial discussion for the West End Scheme, when it was scheduled to be developed over several years and cost well over over $1million.
Referenced from;
I thought I had made that request in the past and had it stonewalled-- and I was right. I bring up in front of the council each year since a FOIA Request I made back in 2012 or 2013 where John Shay charged me over $60 just to inspect review the city's copy of the West End Project application they had just sent in. This was totally non-exempt and should have been all in one place ready to be reviewed.
Shay wanted over $60 just to let me see them, and the reason was that he had lied on this application several places, a fact I found out after getting the application via a .pdf file from the MI DNR for free. The city had no accessible bathrooms at the time or any contracts or plans to do so, but he said both beach bathrooms were handicap accessible. He said there was a dedicated bike path between the project and the State Park, but once you get to the city limits, that 'dedicated bike path' does not continue, nor is there even a shoulder in the Stearn's Beach area. It may not sound like much, but these contributed points in Ludington's favor.
But back to the point; I did ask for the information you speak of, and hadn't previously aired what happened here on the LT. Because you are curious, I will create a short article thereon, because it's worth showing how secretive and dishonorable Shay-dy is.
Spring has sprung and so has the annual drain clean up happening here now. People complaining about lane closures due to high traffic issues but it could be could be out of business and of no value because your city wont own up to its failures or maintain their own drain (speaking of my home town not Ludington). Do I need a passport to visit Ludington, Russia?
I know I complain a lot but geeze, we just want to be like we were before the City of Ludingtons waste water plant that failed and dumped so much on us and made us unusable cleaned up. We can not operate as a business anymore! We did not ruin our business they did and they wont clean cuz they are full of boats! God help us!
There has to be a lawyer that wants to make some money on this, seems as a easy settlement!
Response from DNR Grant Coordinator Tamara Jorkasky...
"The City of Ludington did submit a grant application for the Stearns Beach Recreation Area at the dead end of Ludington Ave. Recommendations will be made by the Trust Fund Board December 7. There are other Trust Fund Board meetings prior to that meeting. All meetings are open to the public. Here is a link to the meeting schedule,,4570,7-153-65134_65142-318972--,00.html. Let me know if you have any other questions.
The application number is TF16-0035. The Board does not make recommendations on projects until December 7 and it is open to the public. If you have items that you want to bring to our attention you can e-mail or send letters and I will include them with the grant application as part of our review. If you would like to bring things to the attention of the Board you may attend any of the meetings. I would recommend attending a meeting prior to December 7. I would recommend the October 19 meeting."
This needs to be promoted and participated in. I would think emailing letters before the June 15th meeting at Portage Point Inn in Onekama would also be helpful.
I am worried that the City will makes some kind of move on the West End before this and possibly soon....?
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