Still fighting at 74 for the city of Ludington to remove its road out of the Pere Marquette bayou that has been there since june 2008 after a terrible storm that the WWTP failed during. A strong woman like her mother inlaw they bought the business from in 1983. Basically a female run business. Maybe the city has an issue with that? Cant address our needs? The city had the money but spent it elsewhere. Shay is very good at misappropriation of funds it seems.
Great job speaking up ! Her comments start at 51 minutes in so fast forward to watch.
The councils ignorance and thinking we are stupid fuels my fire. Krauch said all the right things to support my case and omitted the most important one, Madison is still in there along with everything brought by the failure of their WWTP! Yes I believe the MDEQ after reading this report, just like I would drink tap water in Flint, they are irrelevant and get by saying what is the situation at the moment. If we disrupt that bayou with boats, then what? This is why they don't want to do anything, they will poison the drinking water just as they did when they rebuilt Washington Bridge, but worse since it is further up closer to the mess.
No one will speak of the road that is still there, the same road that has put us out of business! Bottom line the road they left there is what has put us out of business. The DEQ report states that and that it is still there and is why the other litigation pending has stopped. Clearly we are the ones suffering! The same family that brought the salmon, same family that introduced charter fishing. Does anyone care about history/heritage?
Good job by Diane, and keep up harping about the issue via in person or email or any way possible at meetings into the future. Someday, they have to listen to the truth, and do something. But, methinks an environmental attorney can grab their attention much better and get some long past due actions faster. They have already buried this for 8 years come June this 2016.
The Mayors response to her after she asks a question sums up the arrogance and aloofness the City demonstrates, on a continuing bases, toward the citizens that elected them. She asks " will you do anything for us" and after a long pause the Mayor's response was " it's a public comment we can't respond or won't respond during that time". Public comment time doesn't mean the Council has to remain silent if a question is asked of them. I'm sure there is some rule governing this but for God's sake's she asked an important question regarding the health and safety of the community and her personal involvement with that health issue. What a bunch of as_holes these people are.
Hit that on the mark again Willy. These time limits with an alarm bell in the background, rules of disengagement, silence when asked questions, snickering and rolling of eyes, all show the arrogance and condescension that rat pack truly illustrates for the local citizenry. If it's not on their precious agenda, then ignore it, tell the commenting person to sit down, shut up, and put up with it. City Clerk says wards don't have petitions for election, some people need to ante up and get their petition in like 1st ward, 4th ward, at large seats that need to be filled with caring locals. If those plus the 3rd ward got new faces this fall, that would be a majority of 4 people outvoting the other 3, no more BS repeating the next 6 years.
Also, this fight has just started, we are not giving up! We did not pick it the COL council and the failure of their WWTP did. Until we are a viable business as we were on June 7, 2008 the fight will go on! An environmental lawyer is definitely needed now. Even the state is backlogged.
Is it any wonder that the State of Michigan is rated dead last in good governing and ethical practices out of the entire union of 50 states? Our leaders, plain and simple, nowadays, are CROOKS and totally unfit for office!
An environmental attorney in Michigan without a full workload is probably a rarity these days because of the Flint Crisis and other southeastern Michigan environmental problems. I would advise you to make some specific FOIA requests to the Cadillac DEQ offices to get more background of the bayou area. You may find quite a bit there about the industrial history of that general area and pinpoint how the contamination came to be and how it was left unmitigated before your family and other marina-owning families started their businesses. You have ample ammo for some of the pollution that has happened recently, but knowledge of the prior state would be very helpful to you. You may find some long-forgotten information from previous surveys and insurance maps.
I agree about the attorney but not sure of the requests needed? Maybe there is someone else we could hire to help us?
Personally I think the 4th ward is a beautiful area. I have so many happy memories of the area. The store on 1st street that had the best slushies. Copeyon park and riding our bikes down so fast. The amazing fishing, on a boat and from the dock, nothing better than fresh fried fish. BBQ's, fireworks, family, fish boils, many happy times that we had prior to June 7th 2008 but now do not. The failure of the WWTP, the road and all of the debris still in there that even the 4th ward councilor sweeps under the rug. Does this jerk even live in the 4th ward? If so he needs to bring his grandkids down for fun in the bayou. Damn!
If he is not from the area and is on the council why cant I run?
Your right jfc123, the 4th ward Councilor should be leading the charge regarding this matter, instead they have and obstructionist who thinks like Shay and that's a bad combination.
Yes, the jerk lives in the 4th ward, I think 4th St.. Was an Illinois attorney, maybe near Chi.. Was appointed, or perhaps anointed, by Shay and Mayor Munchkin when Wanda resigned. Only been in Lud. 2 years now, does NOT know anything about our locals, history, nor heritage, and seems to care less. Yes, he fits in perfectly with the rest of the know-nothing, do-nothings on the clownsel. Welcome to our home town and it's improved ways of governing. He "claims" to have town meetings at Pomorski's Bar on occasion and when he pays his cell phone bill, you can even reach him there, when and if he answers.
I am not knowledgeable about your family's catastrophe enough, but what about going to a environment or pollution organization for legal help and/or lab work to get more done?
Like Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Environmental Defense Fund, etc. There must be some legal help out there that deals with this type of issue.
Obviously no government entity will help, local, state, or federal....
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