Guy builds a bubble to run on the Ocean and the Coast Guard hauls him back to shore.
The Coast Guard told him not to embark, he left anyway, they hauled him back to shore.
Maybe he should practice this stunt in Michigan first. Get his sea legs so to speak. The cooler temps and traveling on fresh water would overcome two of biggest obstacles. Overheating and keeping hydrated.
Maybe the Maritime Museum could sponsor his run across the Lake. Wouldn't cost much. Plenty of publicity. They could display the craft along with their other exhibits.
I remember a ways back when 2 guys from Ludington tried to cross Lake Michigan in a bathtub, they were never heard from again. Lots of local rumors about their demise. A few years later another attempt to cross the Lake was made in a bathtub. Ludington to Manitowoc This time successful. Maybe that bathtub is still floating around. Would also make a good exhibit.
Here we go again. Just like the Ross case, this is another example of an oppressive authority protecting people from themselves.
News flash: The Coast Guard has issued an arrest warrant for Jesus of Nazareth for walking on water. Disciple Peter is also wanted for being an accessory after the fact.
Noah has also been issued a citation for operating an unregistered vessel.
It won't be Jesus' lack of proper safety equipment that gets him arrested, it will be his ignoring the "lawful" commands of some Michigan DNR Officer telling him he can't walk on water, that will get him charged with disorderly conduct and arrested by Sheriff Cole's apostles.
I liken today's stunts like this to wire walkers like Houdini, the barrelers over the Niagra Falls, and wing walkers of the early flying days. This bubble stunt is no different, except for the day and age, and the type of transportation. It cost almost $150K for this guy to get hauled back the first time, and this is his second attempt at the same silly stunt. We have a whole different society today, esp. when someone attempts a death defying act. The USCG is well withing their rights and duty to stop this guy. Maybe he needs to cool his heels in a jail to get the message. This sort of thing cannot, and will not be tolerated as "good fun" anymore. Other peoples' lives are also put in danger trying to rescue these idiots later, and at great financial costs. Sorry, but I don't see it the way you guys do, I'm for safety, and good sense fun. Besides all that, it's simply against the maritime laws to do it.
I don't buy the argument that the Coast Guard has to stop people for their own good so they don't have to jeopardize their own safety if the need arises. What's the Guard for? Baby sitting people from doing silly things is not their job. If they don't want to rescue people no matter what the reason then get out of the rescue profession. I guess the new Coast Guard motto should be "We did it for your own good because we know what's best for you and did it so we didn't have to do the job we are paid and trained to do".
Suicide or attempted suicide is against the law, same thing applies here.
Do you drive without wearing a seatbelt Willy?
It's for your own good
We want to protect you
We want you to be safe
This is in your best interest
We know what's good for you
We'll take care of you
Trust us we only want to help you
All these Government excuses will eventually turn a free society into an oppressor of people.
The Patriot act is a prime example of this way of thinking. Eliminating or lessening our rights to keep us safe.
Governments have been saying these things since they have existed. Another prime example is the effort to remove guns from the citizenry.
Remember the Boston bomber pursuit where people were forced to stay in their homes and then their homes were searched without warrants. Are we really going to accept this type of Governance?
How about the seat belt law and any of the myriad of laws that were created protect us from ourselves. After all It's for our own good.
Just like the PFD laws that Ross was alleged to have violated. If it was a voluntary requirement the CO would not have bothered him and that mountain would have remained a mole hill.
I will take freedom and my rights over oppressive nanny statism any day. If I risk drowning while attempting to walk in a bubble then that is my choice.
No I don't wear a seat belt
And Wily from your statement would you no longer mandate car seats for kids?
Of course, because they would be using regular seat belts when they start issuing them drivers licenses along with their birth certificates. We're also going to have to raise the bar stools and lower the voting booths because the drinking age and voting rights will also be permitted when kids start their terrible 2's. The military will also get a younger look when the new batch of 5 year olds start combat training.
Trying to compare apples to oranges again my friend, and that's silly. Why do you all think we have so many nanny laws to begin with? Because too many people don't use any common sense, and want to endanger other innocents for their cheap jollies. It's a given that most people use common sense, that's why we had common law adopted from England to begin with. Then, as society became more populated and reckless with our big egos on technology advances, here comes the joy seekers that believe they can do anything, because they seek attention and publicity. The "water world" is totally different than the "land world" when it comes to safety and freedoms, always has. You have to be there and live it to appreciate the all the reasons for these rules. Flying also has rules that have to be followed, it too is a totally different world.
I had no idea that liberty and freedom were reserved for only those with common sense. Common sense for one may be ridiculous sense for another. We should have nipped NASA in the bud when it was first conceived. After all what person with any common sense would strap themselves inside a rocket. How stupid can that be. There should be a law against that. We need to protect them because it's for their own good. As long as people let the government control every aspect of their lives we will never be free.
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