Despite the conservative nature of Mason County, which predominantly elects Republicans to office and led to a 22% point victory by Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential elections, we still have a lot of liberal/progressive agencies that are trying to change our basic character. While there is nothing wrong with the honest debate of disparate ideas between individuals, it becomes disquieting when otherwise non-partisan public bodies are influenced to endorse policies that not only are against the majority of their constituents' beliefs, but also potentially costly and divisive to the community.
A recent case in point was this year's forced last-minute vote by the Ludington City Council to endorse the shut-down of Enbridge's Line Five Pipeline, a conduit of oil and natural gas whose rupture would admittedly have no negative environmental effects on Ludington. If the casual Mason County citizen was provided all the facts from both sides, they may have found the potential dangers outweighed by the benefits. Here, a City of Ludington (COL) councilor (Kathy Winczewski) who is part of a local so-called 'friends of the environment' group pushed the envelope and snuck the resolution in, the local paper (the City of Ludington Daily News or COLDNews), strongly represented also in that group, deflected the appearance of controversy.
The COLDNews will undoubtedly team with her in the future to pass partisan resolutions, but their current ally in pushing forth unpopular topics are a bunch of schoolkids in the county's newest school. The Gateway to Success (G2S) in the renovated Del's Foods market just north of Scottville had their students conduct a poll made up of seven questions they drafted concerning the Paris Climate Accord (PCA) and its inherent policies. If it were only a school project it would not be of concern, but the COLDNews 'helped' them get wider opinion on their polls by putting it up on their website an action that may signify future local policy with the COL. We will review that poll shortly.
President Donald Trump has indicated the US will opt out of the PCA, saying it's a bad deal for the US to get into. He supports that by saying how it negatively affects jobs, costs Americans money, and doesn't accomplish its stated goals, among other reasons. Such observations and Republican-controlled federal legislatures have triggered the other side into seeking other ways to get the PCA ideals and objectives into American thought by encouraging local government units to sign on. The Ludington City Council has shown it would likely sign on to such a resolution to accept the PCA, being that it supported several progressive causes such as the Enbridge resolution and the banal 'All Hands on Deck' protest earlier this year.
Here is what the COLDNews poll indicates as of 7:00 PM on December 3, 2017, with the questions lightly paraphrased, and the responses condensed ('strongly support' and 'support', for example, would be 'yes', 'neutral' or 'don't know' are dropped). Analysis follows:
Should the COL vote to sign onto the Paris Climate Accord? Yes 62, No 48
Should the COL send letters to remind people to save electricity? Yes 35, No 25
Should the COL encourage people to use non-motorized transportation? Yes 44, No 16
Should the COL test home upgrades for energy-efficiency? Yes 41, No 22
Should the COL make changes to streets to boost walkability? Yes 43, No 14
Should the COL implement new energy-efficiency construction standards, sanction multifamily homes, and retro-fitting to save energy? Yes 42, No 23
Should the COL adopt a 100% renewable energy policy? Yes 34, No 12
As you can see, everybody voted for each of these PCA-friendly topics in the affirmative, suggesting to the observer that these ideas are popular with the people of the area. Yet, assuredly, most of our county's population would be a bit foggy on what exactly is the PCA and the ramifications of signing onto it is. Most haven't contemplated what the cost of moving to 100% renewables would be. Others might change their mind about letters if they saw how much electricity/gas it would take to make and distribute the letters, which few would read anyhow.
Many more would resent the intrusions into their homes, and any sort of home they may construct later. But this is by no means a scientific poll, in fact, the title of the article likely attracts those who are for the PCA more than those opposed to it. The questions avoid the collateral issues most infer, encouraging 'yes' answers and/or discouraging 'no' responses. They are geared so that it would make city leaders think these ideas are their constituents' wishes and that they should draft their own resolution to please them, as this Oberlin, OH resolution in support of PCA did.
But as President Trump has noted, the PCA has drawbacks, and those who support it rely on a lot of fallacies to rob the citizens of their money and their rights. In this article, it reveals seven fallacies of the PCA, and does a fair job of explaining why the opposite is more true.
It’s all about science -- it's about politics and power
We should stay in because the accords are mostly symbolic anyway-- not to its true believers
Pulling out would violate international norms-- it would restore US rule of law
Pulling out of the accords is a sin against Gaia-- more of a sin against socialism
We must stay in the accords to demonstrate American “leadership"-- leaders withdraw when wise
We have to stay in Paris so the kids do not turn against environmentalism-- or leftist dogma
We should stay in because China loves it-- China loves the economic advantages it gives them
But even if a scientific poll was conducted on citizens who had access to all of the facts from both sides at their disposal, and it was determined that the vast majority of them did not support the PCA deal or most of the other questions in this poll, it would only take four councilors to come to the opposite conclusion for them to vote to make Ludington resolve to become a signer of the Paris Climate Accords. Like all socialist-friendly politicians, they love the power such a vote gives them.
And you know that at least four would if given the chance, given the current make-up of the council, and their willingness to latch on to these partisan exercises. Don't be surprised when you read about this resolution coming before the council one of these days in the near future in the weekend's COLDNews, to be voted on that Monday.
Indoctrinating the youth into the belief system of a liberal cult is more like it.
Socialism looks very good on paper, but doesn't seem to perform as good as capitalism in practice.
The gigantic irony with this assignment is that Western Land Services is ran by the same CEO as Gateway to Success, John Wilson. Wilson has made his fortune through speculating on oil and gas ventures, he's about as fossil-fuel-dirty as you can get in the eyes of environmentalists and climate-change-affirmers.
That the student body is affirming the need for being in the Paris Climate Accord when their school's founder's livelihood could be sacked by that accord's tough restrictions on gas and oil exploration and development is the very definition of ironic. Gotta rethink this unit.
George Heartwell is seen as some kind of God by many of our Ludington officials, especially those who believe that they themselves are God's gift to the environment, like Councilor Moonbeam. Since his bid to become GR's mayor for life failed, he has hit the speaker's circuit, spreading his Gore-wellian (my term, a dystopian future totalitarian state based on doom projections of a flawed pseudoscience) beliefs to vulnerable city leaders around Michigan.
I have since learned after publication of and honest look at Heartwell's June 2016 local speech that his 100% renewable goal for GR made in 2005 was only for the "City of Grand Rapids", the corporate body of the city. One would have thought reading the COLDNews and listening to the enlightened that the 100% was for the whole city not just COGR holdings like city hall, their WTPs and WWTPs, GRPD, etc. Such a commitment is purely a symbolic measure, as the rest of GR would still be ran by fossils, perhaps even more so since the COGR would necessarily be consuming all the renewable bandwidth.
Be that as it may, the COGR is currently only at around the 30% renewable mark and has had a series of setbacks you rarely hear about. In 2015, Heartwell's last year, the City of Grand Rapids announced plans for a $18 million solar panel array to be installed at the Butterworth Landfill site, across the river from the Water Resource Recovery Center. The array would have provided 40 percent of the electricity needed at the plant. The city awarded the project to American Capital Energy out of Massachusetts, and the project was thought to be on track for completion by the fall of 2016. The ACE Company disappeared-- went off the grid entirely, so to say.
Whether its his views and endorsed policies on open immigration or climate change, Heartwell is flawed by his naïve idealism that fails when exposed to reality.
More stupid leftist propaganda and lies. Don't forget the intrusive behavior of the left when Ludington and her sister townships rehashed their new Master Plans with the help of the Agenda 21 crowd and it's invasive species of propagandists.
What could be more silly and stupid than promoting 100% renewable energy. Maybe actually believing it would be possible. We could all live on Mackinac Island and turn off the electricity. Burning dried horsesh_t could be the next big thing when we are forced to buy horses to pull those stupid electric cars when the left closes down the coal mines and stops the flow of oil and gas. As it stands now their pride and joy, the electric car is presently being powered with electricity produced with coal. stupid leftists.
The 'Green Movement' is not a bad idea, but all too often, the people who get at the head of the movement wish to subject green energy on us in a very 'inorganic' way. There will be a 'natural' transition of energy resources over time, why artificially force it by 100% renewable mandates when it is 'not sustainable' in our economy to do so.
Concerns about pollution are part of the organic transitioning process. Los Angeles' smog problem was abated by the invention of catalytic converters and the imposition of stricter standards on emissions primarily. They still rely on gasoline driven vehicles often with only one person onboard to this day. If not, as Willy says, they drive electric or hybrid cars that typically have deeper carbon footprints than normal cars.
In a perfect world, unlimited, renewable energy would be fantastic. The reality is that unless we collapse the economy by eliminating carbon fuels we will not have 100% renewable energy. A perfect example are the towering behemoths located south of town. The only way they could be built is by way of our tax dollars and if the greenies have their way our tax dollars will pay for the dream world they live in. And when the wind stops blowing the wind turbines are as useful as a nutless bull. Eventually, in the far future I'm sure there will be some kind of energy innovations that will allow for a World of 100% renewable energy. Until then if we allow the Globalists to control our destiny, America and freedom as we know it will cease to exist.
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