Tomorrow the young ladies and gentlemen of Ludington High School (LHS) will join many other schools across the nation participating in an organized student walkout protesting gun violence.  The local newspaper reported last Wednesday, that 15 year old LHS student Graham Rivet admitted he organized the event.  

Rivet noted the national walkouts are being planned by Women's March Youth Empower (WMYE), which has called for all students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other allies to participate in the Enough! National School Walkout at 10:00 AM on March 14, a month after the Parkdale, Florida school shooting, and sustain it for 17 minutes, a minute for each student that died.  

Rivet added that "It's meant to draw attention to gun control, particularly after the shooting in Florida.  It's more about advocating for more gun regulation to stop school shootings in the future."

And, differently stated, this is what the WMYE, a subchapter of the Women's March on Washington (WMOW) notes in its FAQs concerning this protest.  They answer the question "Why are we doing this?" thusly:

"We are living in an age where young people like us do not feel safe in our schools. This issue is personal for all of us, especially for those of us who are survivors of gun violence. We are walking out for ALL people who have experienced gun violence, including systemic forms of gun violence that disproportionately impact teens in Black and Brown communities. It is important that when we refer to gun violence, we do not overlook the impact of police brutality and militarized policing, or see police in schools as a solution. We also recognize the United States has exported gun violence through imperialist foreign policy to destabilize other nations. We raise our voices for action against all these forms of gun violence."

I italicized the six times they used the phrase 'gun violence' in their rationale for the march.  All of the other safeguards us adults created that failed the students in the Parkland shooting are not being addressed overtly in the protest, but gun violence is.  It's an agenda-driven movement, which hides their ultimate goal by using the unpopular phrase 'gun violence' rather than what they believe the solution to be, the similarly unpopular 'gun control'.  

Graham Rivet condensed that focus on gun violence, when he admitted the protest was for gun control and gun regulation to make school shootings less prevalent.  That is totally consistent with the WMOW extreme liberal values which is expanded in their rationale to be inclusive of the Black Lives Matter and open borders crowds when they talk also of police brutality and exporting violence to justify their event.  

When a student protest is effectively being led by an extreme group on any side of the spectrum it is a cause to be concerned, and yet this protest is just the first of three planned with these organizers associated with fringe figures of the far left.  In the near future is  “March for Our Lives", a national march on Washington, D.C. for all interested groups, set for March 24 and another National School Walkout Day is scheduled for April 20, the 19th anniversary of the shooting at Columbine High School.  Would our media, local and national, be so supportive of student walkouts orchestrated by the extreme right as they seem to be here?

The big event doesn't seem to merit a spot on the LHS website, nor a warning sent home to the parents of high school age children.  Considering the controversial sponsors and the controversial, locally-unpopular position on the issue, one might expect some form of notification (other than a mostly unread newspaper story) to the parents of those to be involved.

It is a misuse of your First Amendment rights to rally against everybody else's inalienable Second Amendment rights; students should be taught this lesson.  Instead they are being led by their peers who have been indoctrinated by this radical group to carry out a protest against more gun violence and for more gun control.  The end result is not pretty; when citizens forfeit their rights to protect themselves and their families, the State and other lawless bullies find it much easier to take control of their lives.  This is what has happened throughout history, is what's happening in Chicago.  Gun control is loss of control for good individuals.

Encourage your student at LHS who may feel the peer pressure to conform to the gun control mob to resist.  Guns are not the enemy, those who would take away our inalienable rights are.  Fortunately, there are some counter-protests taking shape at the last minute with nobler goals of celebrating the lives that were lost:

You could make a statement by taking your LHS student to the gun range tomorrow morning, and practice their shooting, since there won't likely be anything worthwhile happening at school until the circus atmosphere clears. 

Have them tell their friends afterwards how empowering it is to know that-- outside of the dangerous school environment-- they will be able to defend themselves and others from the bad people who would cause them harm because of the right to bear arms guaranteed by the Constitution.  While they in their enlightened wisdom, wait all those long minutes for the police to arrive in order to use gun violence to save them.  It's not that complicated of an issue when you think about it, students.

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Here are videos of Rivet and another LHS guy.  I can't fault anybody for protesting and speaking their mind, I do it all the time, but I hope when these guys actually grow up and figure out that they were used as pawns for a specious cause, they will figure out how silly they appear.  Except to our media and other progressive elitists, this appeared in the article "Public Shows Support for Student Walkout in Mason County".  The public I talk with thinks it's rather silly:

The student in orange just made my point. He said the Admin. is working with them. What? Who's in charge, the students or leftist adults who run the school system? This makes the Admin. look weak and exposes how wishy washy they are. This is why today's students get the attitude that they can do as they please and are entitled to do so. And that their views are those of the general public. We have students who think they are grown up while we have school officials who never grew up. As far as I'm concerned the last thing I need from a 16 year old is a lecture on politics. I think X is right these students will probably look back and think how naive they were. If they stay true to the left ideaology they will not progress much beyond this stage in maturity and will be living with mom and dad until they are kicked out.

Did they really need to show the jumbo sized box of Tide Pods on the table?  This is still Lent ya know.

The first question that needs to be asked of young Sunny Jim is if he would be willing to see the voting age raised to 21 to match the firearm ban he seeks? If people that age are not responsible enough to own a firearm they should also not be burdened with the responsibility to vote.

With that said I would have no problem if the legal age to buy an assault weapon was raised to 25. Again with the voting age similarly raised. I would make an exception for members of the military, leaving their voting age pegged to their enlistment age.

And since some educators express a desire to get paid more for carrying firearms in school I would make that possible also. The first thing I would require is that they get the necessary training at their own expense. Next that they would have to purchase their own firearm and ammo. That they need to annually be certified as proficient both at the range and with a mental examination, again at their own expense. That they would be required to carry a blanket liability insurance policy. And that they would be subject to random inspections to see that they are carrying their loaded firearm subject to a severe financial  penalty if they were not.  If they wish to meet these requirement then there should be no problem with them getting additional compensation. 


The teachers that would be allowed to CC this would be volunteers only, not a requirement by all teachers at all. The media has eluded to such and Trump and others never said that. And yes, they would have to have some requirements to qualify, and also be compensated with agreed bonuses. This kid leader said what has already been said by Trump and many others, regarding 21 age, stricter applications, and automatics, which have already been outlawed for years. As for semi-autos., that will never be passed, at least not right now. And to identify all semi's. as assault weapons is not a correct definition. Even many semi's. look like assault weapons, when they are not defined properly either. But some do look like it too, that's the main confusion on this subject. Per stats., the AR-15 caused less that 300 deaths in comparison to 14,000 in the USA in 2016. It's not a choice of guns for school shootings, nor of mass terror attacks, only 2%. Thanks for posting the videos X.

Listen to it again Aquaman.

The orange shirt kid was parroting that whom ever was behind this at a national level wants to limit the age to purchase any and all firearms to 21. 

Wants to ban all the assault type firearms with no definition of what they are. 

And the joker in the grey and black hoodie.

He wants to allow the police to come into your home without a  warrant to be able to search to see that your firearms are secured in a safe place and separate from your ammo.

And then he talks about Japan firearm laws without any analysis of the why there is such a disparities between the number of firearm deaths, without acknowledging  among other things when Japan instituted their firearm policy.( Hint; they were defeated nation)  

And then he goes on to make light of the fact that teachers shouldn't be armed because they wouldn't be able to shoot their pupils. Hell the teachers I know would have no problem firing one across a students bow especially after count day.

I have no idea what you are talking about Shinblind, so please be more specific, thanks.

Maybe it is a matter of a bad translation. 

Since I used closed caption and read the hand talkers response he did say to restrict firearm sales to anyone under 21. He did not say to restrict assault weapon sales to anyone under 21. And then he later said to ban all assault weapons. Which makes sense if you are going to ban assault weapons you don't need any age restrictions. 

And Japan boy needs to bone up on firearm restrictions if he wants to talk about them. His cause and effect correlation makes no sense. Japan for the most part restricts you to owning either a shotgun or an air rifle and very few of them are allowed. Japan's restrictions on firearms goes back a long way.

And he does make lite of arming teachers yet can't show where a gun free zone is more effective than armed instructors. Again the kid failed on cause and effect.

And let me add that these youts show the failure of the education system. High self esteem with very low performance.

Okay shinblind, gotcha now, and true. Japan had to ban guns after WWII, Australia did it too, old news. And high self esteem with low IQ's doesn't get it either, dumbed-down kids. And their big deal protest did nothing to get addt'l. safety at LHS. Bottom line in the end will be to repeal our 2nd amendment, then only gov't. will have any guns.

Kid speaking of Japan- Yes they have very strict gun laws and it is from being a defeated nation.  But also in Japan, they follow very strict family and society values not seen here since the 40s and 50s.  So being respectful of your elders and society (many US kids, etc, would have to change their thoughts and words and treatment of others)

Japan may not have a 2nd-Am, but you kind of would lose the 3rd-Am(quartering), along with most likely the 4th-Am(illegal searches) as they can interrogate you for up to 23 days without a lawyer, you do get the 5th-Am(fair trial), IF you consider fair as receiving the 6th-Am(speedy trial), as trials are excessively speedy, mainly because of no 7th-Am(jury trial), as there's no jury, and the judge considers the prosecutors opinion in high regard, then you'll be in jail until your found guilty, (which they do 99% percent of the time), so there goes the 8th-Am(unreasonable bail, cruel punishment).  You most likely will avoid a trial anyway, because after many hours of interrogations 90% of suspects confess as they don't want to humiliate their family (even if not guilty).  Low crime rate?  Yes.

So if you like Japan's plan, be prepared to lose 5 more rights from your Bill of Rights. 

...Lastly, in my opinion, if you lose the 2nd-Am, in time you will lose the 1st-Am.

Good points all. The Second amendment exists to protect our Constitutional rights and freedoms. The Democrats have evolved to the point of being a threat to the Constitution, freedom and civil liberties. The main stream media is doing their best to eliminate and silence those who would defend them.  I hope parents wake up before their children join the left in stamping out our civil liberties. It's amazing how easily people are swayed by leftist indoctrination.

Rather than a one-sided protest preaching gun-fear prompted by a partisan movement which did little more than entrench both extremes in their core positions, I would've liked to see instead a frank discussion hosted by these institutions-of-learning guested with smart people holding diverse opinions on finding a solution.  

As a believer in the Socratic method being one of the best methods of teaching, a good moderator (who hopefully would be moderate in his position) could direct the experts with different views and encourage a lot of participation by the students.  At the end of it all, all may understand the weaknesses and strengths of the various arguments and make an informed opinion.  

Unfortunately, the students and their teacher and media enablers just took this exercise to preach to the choir and attempt to convert others through the absence of reason.  When the second walkout due on April 20 happens, I hope diversity of thought will be allowed in a conversation /debate of how to fix a complex problem.


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