I'm hoping to reinvigorate Dave's Movie Group here with a new discussion of romantic movies. Boy, we sure got a lot of choices on this subject. All kinds of great actors and actresses that come to mind. Maybe the fairer sex will participate here moreso than not, I hope. I am also a sucker for a good romantic plot and chase. Well, we're open to any movies that are rated G, M, or R. Let's see how Torchers feel about these movies. Thanks.  

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Finding a movie that appeals both to me and the little woman is hard enough to find, but two come to mind. We both enjoy the romantic comedy, The Wedding Singer, with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. But we can't sit through The Notebook, with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, without being sentimentally touched by the love story therein that survives over time and great hardships.
Personally, I don't always find the newer actors/actresses as believable and dedicated as those of the past. Plus, the plots aren't nearly as heart-felt on many romances. Try looking at an older movie again, or for the first time. While The Quiet Man is real old, 1953 I do believe, it still stands tall for me with John Wayne in Ireland as a retired boxer. Bogart and Hepburn also were great in their day. Splash with Tom Hanks was also a great fantasy in the 80's. Michael Douglas in Jewel of the Nile was action-packed too. Let's hear what the ladies can bring to this table of romance, after all.
OK, Aquaman, I'll go back to the oldies and the B&Ws. Even though he doesn't look like a romantic lead, the best Humphrey Bogart movies always had some form of chemistry between him and the leading lady. Breakfast at Tiffany's was such a classic romance flick, "Deep Blue Something" later came out with a song that claimed it was the only thing "we had in common".

YouTube - Breakfast At Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something (With Lyrics...
I'm still a sucker for Titanic.... it was on late last night and ended up staying up til it was over. Never would of thought that a movie you already knew what was going to happen in the end would hold my interest, specially clocking in at over 3 hours but yet it does.

A recent movie that i've seen a few weeks ago called "She's Out Of My League" is pretty good too. Its the story of a nerdy guy that somehow ends up with a very attractive young lady. Some of the humor is a little crude at times and there is a bit of language in the movie but overall I enjoyed it. I need to review some movies, i've been slacking... maybe i'll do that later.
I'm a sucker for the Titanic movie too. We watched it last night again. I thought certainly this time it would end differently...
Here is one that I liked. It is called "Somewhere In Time" and starred Christopher Reeve. I can't remember the ladies name.
Jane Seymour was the female star of the movie. Somewhere In Time was filmed at least in part on Mackinaw Island from what I understand. I've never seen the movie myself but have always heard good things about it. One of these days with the right lady I might actually get around to watching it.
Excellent movie. I always liked the premise in the movie where he was able to transfer himself physically through time by "auto-hypnosis", and the unforunate event that broke his "trance" and messed him up. Good add to my list. Thanks Max.
The original Titanic, filmed in 1953, was also a great movie, only 2 hours long. I did like Somewhere in Time too, nice backdrop on Mackinac Island too. Here's another Redford classic: The Great Gatsby, the sheik era of the 1920's, before income taxation and Black Friday. I loved the old cars and the oppulence of the period. Nothing since has graced this land so extravagantly. The era of Fred and Ginger, Marx Brothers, and so many more in top hats and tails.
Aqua, is that the one they called "A Night To Remember"?
No Max, it was just called Titanic, but I know the one you mean, that was a great one too. I think yours was in the mid-70's perhaps.
The Abyss was a good show... the relationship between Bud & Lindsey was well done. Made ya care what happened to the both of them.


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