Here is the link. Read it before they take it down.

Wow. I know I can not post it in LT, but thought you'd be interested. Names are included in this brief. I can not comment any further, just shake my head and ask "can it be real?"

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Thanks Angela for your post.

I wondered if I was wrong in calling the correction officer. or if they are guards. I never heard of correctional guards so thought I had missed something.

After they closed Ionia (I think they did anyway) I thought all Max prisons were in the UP and the only other one in Jackson then when I went to look on the Michigan state site, I could not find anything after I typed in minimum security prisons.
*Gerald R. Mumaugh, 34,
Flint, stood mute to charges
of operating a motor vehicle
while under the influence of
liquor - causing serious injury,
resisting and obstructing
a police officer, 4 counts
of operating a motor vehicle
while under the influence of
liquor while accompanied by
a youth under the age of 16
years, domestic violence and
fourth degrec criminal sexual
conduct Dec. 9 in Fremont
and Watertown townships,
He also faces a charge of heing
a habitual offender (one
or more prior felony convictions).
A pre-trial hearing was ordercd
scheduled in the case,
bond was continued at
$20,000 and the defcndant
was remanded to the custody
of the sheriff's department
Mr. Mumaugh sounds like a scumbag. Glad he's doing some time for the crimes he was convicted of.
Thanks Stan, you clarified alot with this last post as to Mumaugh's true character. What is a jail house lawyer? Is he an attorney too? Either way, he's bad news in the long run sounds like to me. That's a hell of alot of criminal activity to be sure, no wonder he's not been released yet, not to mention what we don't know from the inside too. I just hope Fink doesn't think all this entitles him to terrify innocent third party family members though. Two wrongs don't make a right, even if a guard has that mentality. Keep us informed please. Thanks.

If this was all true or even a little do you think Mumaugh would not sue the hell out of the state? Instead of getting a letter posted in a paper out west? Inmates in that prison system sue at the drop of a hat.
Stanstayshi, this was an article from the Cass City Chronicle, 1-24-01, p. 4.

Nobody is defending Mr. Mumaugh's past record or his probable lack of good character, but again, what have his daughters done to deserve an invasion of their privacy?

If you don't believe his story, then what harm is there in an investigation, and more openness? I still haven't got any reply from the OCF, just bad anecdotes about the Oaks facility from several people.
Well I think it was funny that Mumaugh is accussing Officer Fink of a supposed sexual crime that never happened when he himself was charged with having sex with a girl under 16 years old. Makes me just want to run over to the prison just to protest that good old Mumbaugh is being mistreated by the good old boy network!

If you look at his jail record I would like to know how old these girls are? If he even has girls maybe that minor he was has having sex with had a baby with him.
Guess what. I figured out who you are. You have not changed. Your posts are like someone who was banned elsewhere for trying to degrade me. BUT GUESS WHAT....YOU only MAKE YOURSELF LOOK FOOLish WITH THIS TYPE OF POSTS!

How desperate you must be to have to find fault with others to make yourself feel good. I know of some great therapists in the area you might wish to see.

stanstayhi...You poor thing. Forgiveness of others is a great place to start. Only then will you see that no one on this world is perfect. All do make mistakes. Maybe then you will realize that true happiness comes from within and self worth comes from accepting those who might have different insight.

Go try volunteering with the homeless shelters in the area. You might learn that even the society outcast are humans who made bad mistakes in judgment. See if you can volunteer at the parole office. You will discover the majority who come through are people who learned bad coping skills and would be decent people if they had different mentors when they were young.

Maybe go to journey school and volunteer there so the kids can see what happens to people who refuse to grow up, forgive and move on with inner peace.

Try volunteering at the nursing home and working with the very angry older ones since you are attempting to be one of those lonely angry elderly people.

Meanwhile, every time I see your posts, I pity you but will not waste my time reading your condemning rants.

Take a lesson from the old song "My name is Sue" There is a line in there that says..."You have to know when to walk away" Try it, you might like it if you can walk away from your intense condemnation of an entire group of people. By condemning an entire "race" you miss a lot.
I totally agree with Masonco, and find your reasoning highly suspect and devoid of critical thought. Perhaps you can explain your background and your obsession with right-deprivation of your fellow man.

Masonco has, at least temporarily, closed this discussion, but feel free to open a discussion yourself to explain your points in a more reasoned manner. It sounds like you are pretty much willing to execute anyone who has been convicted by our court system, but I would hate to mischaracterize your opinions.
Most of his problem appears to be addictions. I no longer take stock in the CSC charges especially the 4th degree ones because there are many serving time simply because they know jury will believe the girl even if she lies to keep mom's new b/f out of trouble. That happens a lot more than most realize.


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